Has Trump Bought-Off Breitbart? – IOTW Report

Has Trump Bought-Off Breitbart?

Dave Blount keenly observes that the line on Trump is he can’t be bought, but that doesn’t mean he can’t do the buying.

Story HERE

Blount’s exit thoughts are-

Drudge is also regarded by some as in the tank for Trump. Conversely, Mark Levin’s Conservative Review stands accused of bias in favor of Ted Cruz.

Now that it looks like we are down to a two-man race, it is getting hard not to take sides as to which is more a conservative and which more an opportunist who might turn around and stab us in the back. Hopefully things won’t get so bitter that countermoonbats forget who the real enemy is when the smoke clears and we have a single candidate to run against the liberals.


28 Comments on Has Trump Bought-Off Breitbart?

  1. Honestly, ot so sure about Drudge but Breitbart is bought and paid for. You can’t go into any article commentary without the first 20 replys Trump 2016!! and f*ck Cruz. It gets a little old.

  2. I think Trump will try the hardest to undo what Obama has done.
    Cruz I think will be afraid to touch the first black presidents work.
    Cruz can be shamed into submission
    Trump, not so much.

  3. “Cruz can be shamed into submission”
    Ya know, you Trumpets are starting to become very annoying and a big turnoff. Please stick this comment back in your ass.

  4. at this point i doubt either one can turn this government around back to it’s constitutional roots no matter how hard they try if in fact they do try.

    it’s the voting public that is “broken”.

    go ahead and get all worked up over which one survives the msm assassination.

    it’s the voters who hold clinton out as a viable public servant who should scare us. the obama voters. your neighbors.

    the ones who didn’t vote for obama and don’t support clinton are also to be feared. they sit back knowing what they know and don’t take any action. if we were still a country that could be saved we would have stormed washington dc a long time ago and done what is right.

    sorry, I have no hope this can be turned around.
    our complacency is our death.

  5. If so, THEN who should REALLY scare you are those on the Right who “sit at home” and do NOT vote in November, because they’ve been SO alienated by the winning candidate’s folks.

    Leave Divide and Conquer for the Stupid ones.

  6. Not so sure about this one. I don’t check Breitbart as often as I should, and Drudge even less nowadays. Yeah, there’s articles there about Trump. There’s also articles about Rubio, Cruz, Christie, Clinton, Sanders and that other democrat guy. If there happens to be a pro-Trump atmosphere at Breitbart I would guess it would come from the writers actually pulling for the guy, not because the guy is lining the writers pockets.

    Oh, and the assertion that “Breitbart is bought and paid for” because the first 20 comments on any given article is Trump 2016 or f*ck Cruz is laughable. Unless one is trying to imply that Breitbart writers are filling their own comment sections with pro-Trump rhetoric. That’s just stupid.

  7. Let’s assume Trump DID “buy” Breitbart, as described.

    Well, based on the anti-Trump hyperbole of the last 2-3 weeks alone, coming from countless other quasi-conservative sites – almost all of which sounds as carefully coordinated and orchestrated as the Dems’ squawk boxes** – I’d say that was a pretty shrewd move.

    ** Utterly naive to think otherwise.

  8. With Trump doubling down on ethanol production and getting the coveted Bob Dole endorsement (and all RINOs for that matter), Levin made a good case last night on radio that he can be bought off by the voters of Iowa, forcing the rest of us to buy a product we neither need nor want.

  9. Disagree. I *know* Trump wants to win
    (unlike Romney *cough cough*).

    I *suspect* Trump says this to win Iowa, making a steamroller/landslide victory in the Primaries to ensure the GOPe cannot “broker” a !Jeb! nomination (which would subsequently produce a Dem victory).

    All a PRESIDENT Trump would have to do is have an Energy Secretary and sufficient Congressional support to end the subsidy (among so many others), thereby taking the weight of the decision off his back (legitimately said, Separation of Powers).

    Given that the liklihood of a financial collapse/crisis within the next 2 years is in my opinion increasing if not high, that may well be the only “excuse” needed to ditch them anyway.

  10. Actually, Breitbart was in the tank for Cruz. If you voted in one of their surveys you immediately got fund raising emails for Cruz. One of the Breitbart big wigs is a major Cruz donor.

    Ben Shapiro has been firmly anti-Trump from the get go and is only slightly more veiled now that Trump is all but inevitable.

    Salem Communications, Lucianne.com. Hot Air, Red State are all giddily anti Trump and pro Rubio/Jeb?/whoever the establishment wants them to be.

    Conservative Treehouse is the only consistently pro-Trump blog and they make it abundantly clear with support for their rationale.

  11. About drudge “in the tank for trump”

    Drudge likes Trump because Trump is an outsider and Drudge has always been the quintessential outsider.

    Drudge is the outsiders outsider.

    And he may have other reasons too.

  12. I’ve tried to run down all the info I can on Robert Mercer, Cambridge Analytica, Breitbart, KtP super-PACs, etc.

    I read an article last summer about how the Cruz campaign is upping their ground game through super-wonkish psychological data mining. First there was a story about how they are using FB profiles without FB users’ knowledge to mine data in order to “microtarget” potential Cruz voters. This link is to the Guardian, and it’s only one month old. I thought I’d bookmarked the article I read earlier, but I can’t find it. I don’t know anything about the writer, Harry Davies, but the info in the article is essentially the same. If I can find the original article I read, I’ll link it later.

    Pretty fascinating stuff: http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/dec/11/senator-ted-cruz-president-campaign-facebook-user-data

    Last year I became very interested in how the GOP and the Dems were using internet traffic (websites, social media, etc) to mount a sort of psy-ops on voters. When you do any kind of searching for anything about this stuff it’s all buried on page four or five of the search results.

    I have nothing against sophisticated tools to help campaigns target potential voters. Back in the old days we had “Rock the Vote.” But doing it in a black ops fashion is a kind of creepy and smacks of underhandedness. I didn’t like it when obama did it and I still don’t like it.

    As far as Brietbart being “bought” by Trump, that seems highly unlikely because it’s been widely reported (please, look this stuff up for yourselves — because I’m just up to let the cats out) that Mercer is a angel funder to Breitbart. I don’t get the Glenn Beck connection to Mercer (Barton took over the KtP superPac that Mercer started for Cruz), because as I understand it Andrew Breitbart didn’t care for Beck. Politics makes strange bed fellows.

    All this stuff sort of makes me more compassionate for talking heads, because the minute they mention any source, they’re attacked for their complicity with this or that writer and everyone seems to have some sort of stealth political motives! No wonder no one believes in facts anymore.

  13. I totally noticed in the last couple of days how many conservative blogs (Moonbattery for one), are trashing Trump as hard as they can. IT DOES look like a coordinated effort, and the lib trolls have jumped in with both feet.

    TRUMP 2016!

  14. I just read on Breitbart Pamela Geller’s article on Sarah Palin endorsing Trump. Confidant Breitbart hasn’t been bought off. At least Pam hasn’t. And never will be.

  15. I don’t know how Breitbart can be accused of being in the tank for Mr. Trump when not to long ago the accusations where that it was in the tank for Sen. Cruz. I think the reality is that the perception is tainted by whoever your candidate is.

  16. A few weeks back I saw mostly negative articles on Trump on Breitbart. And tons of anti-Trump comments. Then I noticed it seems to balance out to a more 50/50. Drudge has never been pro-anyone. For more than a day or two anyhow, and it’s been both Trump and Cruz on top, a few days here and there.

    I stay off of the ultra Cruz-is-god! blogs, because to be frank, those people come across as a bit un-hinged. I have noticed that the Daily Mail gets (going out on a limb here) a bunch of pro-Cruz folks who red-arrow pro-Trump comments (for example a “Trump 2016!” comment might get hammered). And the vile comments about Trumps wife are stunning.

    See, I don’t feel comfortable in a camp with people who do things like that. Trump people are, in general, cheerfully cheer-leading. Cruz people are, more often than not, very insulting and reactive. They don’t discuss, they denigrate. I get that they want a “Conservative”, and Cruz tells them exactly what they hope to hear. He’s been in politics for years, and he does know how to do that. Do I know if he means it? Hard for me to tell – because to my ears he sounds just like all the other politicians but with a different spiel. Trump is just Trump. Untrained. Unafraid. And more genuine than anyone who has run in, well, forever. I have just read his book (Christmas present), and now I understand why the media, and everyone else, has quit hammering him for his “specifics”.

    LOL, at this point it feels like Tea Party up against the Acorn folks.
    Sadly, I don’t think those who are so over the moon with Cruz will ever consider voting for Trump. But I don’t think it will make a big difference in the end. I do see where most Trump supporters say they would vote for Cruz if he were the nominee.

  17. people need to step back & take a deep breath
    I mean, golly gee wilikers Batman!, the bloggers are choosing candidates! Oh my!
    read the articles, wade through the morass, choose what you like, throw away what you don’t like …..
    I think both Trump & Cruz are on ‘our’ side & both are better than anyone else in the race …. It’s a win-win… you choose Cruz, good for you. you choose Trump, good for you.
    We need to quit acting like a bunch of monks arguing about how many angels can fit on the head of a pin

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