Betrayed – IOTW Report


A self-proclaimed “Conservative” at “The Week” thinks Hillary deserves some sympathy for the difficult hand life has dealt her.



20 Comments on Betrayed

  1. I have long believed she was dealt a difficult hand. She is fat, ugly, evil, mean and married to old Horn Dog Willie. She has an extremely homely daughter and was shot at in Bosnia by a sniper. She got whipped by a half black filthy lowlife African Mau Mau for the presidency and has the FBI nipping at her dishonest heels. Now the old Mad Hatter Bern the ancient and decrepit Marxist is starting to dismantle her last quest to get her lady parts into the White House.

  2. Pascal, metrosexuals writing puff pieces (that don’t sound right) for that power hungry, lying waste of human whore shows just how out of touch you are with America, men and especially American men. Good Lord son, grow a set, learn how to fish or build a fire or something manly. And please, please DO NOT REPRODUCE.
    Another snowflake that has mommy issues.

  3. I hesitate to mention all the names on the “Guest Arrival Bulletin Board” down here. Suffice it to say, I wonder if a widow has a greater chance for the sympathy vote.

    The Devil’s On-Deck Circle is loaded. 👿

  4. Oh fuck no. The love of my life left me, twice, for other women. I had cancer three times. I live in Andrew Cuomo’s New York and Barack Obama’s America.

    Sorry, babe, i’m all tapped out on sympathy this week.

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