Hilarious: Christian Group Attacks Cruz For Not Tithing – They Spend $125,000 For Radio Ads That Could Have Gone To Charity – IOTW Report

Hilarious: Christian Group Attacks Cruz For Not Tithing – They Spend $125,000 For Radio Ads That Could Have Gone To Charity

I think the money would have been better spent buying clothes for the needy, no? Especially when the ad doesn’t endorse a candidate, it simply rips one for not tithing.

These two henhouse clucks in the ad sound like gossipy prigs who stand in judgement of people in hushed whispers behind their backs. They keep saying “I heard this about Cruz, and that about Cruz,” as if hearing stuff through the grapevine is good enough to pillory them in the public square.
This spot is off putting.

22 Comments on Hilarious: Christian Group Attacks Cruz For Not Tithing – They Spend $125,000 For Radio Ads That Could Have Gone To Charity

  1. It’s an incomplete list. It doesn’t show that Trump supports selling baby parts or eating babies whole, for that matter. /sarc

    Actually, it’s a pretty funny list because it is so hyperbolic. I understand why people don’t take the time to rebut some of this stuff. Can we stick to current issues statements? That should keep us busy enough through to the primaries. I hope Doug Ross doesn’t do much more of this — I used to really trust his website.

  2. Unless it’s about someone saying they’re a Christian and then saying something like “The future will not belong to those who slander the prophet mohammed”, I say “pffft” and “double pfffft!”

    Real Ponies Don’t Go ‘Oink’ and real Christians don’t cast stones at other Christians over doctrine that has been argued by the best theological scholars forever. This ran in Iowa? It’s going to backfire, anyway.

  3. So who is BRIAN KINNETT and where did he find those two old ladies to put on the radio? Seems Americans United for Values is out of DC, so not sure who might be backing this attack.

  4. Tithing, per the New Testament, is not a fixed amount as it was under the Old Testament law. Tithing, for a Christian, is something you do cheerfully from a thankful heart. The amount is between you and God.

    I don’t care if any of the candidates tithe. Are they going to uphold the constitution and leave me and my God given rights alone, as the constitution mandates!?!?

  5. A Bible believing Christian in the Oval Office would be great, but I’ll settle for a fence rider who protects our rights and understands the Founder’s intent and the underlying Judeo Christian morals and ethics that form the foundation of this great country…..

    I’d also settle for a Bible believing President who does the same……

  6. Well my friend, that’s why Jesus said at the last judgement many would say they served Him and He would say: “Away from me, you never knew me.”

    Narrow is the road…so much of “Churchianity” is entirely in opposition to the Gospel. Don’t confuse one for the other.

  7. I’d settle for – no, actually PREFER – a President who does not inject religion into national politics IN ANY WAY, because that’s what the Founding Fathers intended. Religion, or the lack of it, has NO PLACE in government because it is a private matter, and it should stay that way. Hopefully, we learned our lesson from the English, with their endless Protestant vs. Catholic wars. That’s why many of us wound up here in the first place.

  8. @Vietvet: that is not what the founders intended. They intended that the government would not establish an official state religion/sect, be it Christian, Catholic, Hindu, Baptist…et al. Ones political views are formed through the lens of ones religion (or lack thereof); so it was for each of the founders.

  9. The Bible says to tithe in private. It’s not something to be bragged about. These “Christians” should maybe give that book a better go-over.

    Matthew 23:23 (NIV)

    23 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.

  10. @ Vietvet

    I respectfully disagree. Your faith, or lack thereof, forms the basis for every decision that you make. You cannot separate the created from the Creator. The Founders understood this. That’s why, if you read their letters and journals, they write often about God.

    @ Chieftain

    Is it judgemental to have moral standards? Is it judgemental to have ethics and values? Yes. Are people being judgemental when they say they want their own set of rules, morals, ethics and values? And they want them based on anything but the Bible, Ten Commandments, etc.? Yes. Everyone is judgemental. Christians base their decisions on rules set forth by God, in Scripture. Others base it on………….?

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