Obama Decision Tantamount To Aiding and Abetting Jihadis – IOTW Report

Obama Decision Tantamount To Aiding and Abetting Jihadis

Obama Administration EASES RESTRICTIONS for travelers to and from TERROR HOTSPOTS

Pamela Geller -The man is waging his own jihad. What is his objective? What does he hope to happen?

Not only did the Democrats, the party of treason, block a bill that would tighten the vetting process for Syrian “refugees” seeking asylum in the U.S. but now they are aiding and abetting jihadis.

“President Obama and his administration’s decision to abuse their limited waiver authority and allow scores of people who have traveled to or are dual nationals of countries like Iraq and Syria flies in the face of reason and congressional intent,” House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., said in a statement.

“The Obama Administration is essentially rewriting the law by blowing wide open a small window of discretion that Congress gave it for law enforcement and national security reasons,” Goodlatte said.

Under the visa program itself, citizens of 38 countries, mostly in Europe, are generally allowed to travel to the United States without applying for a visa. But they still have to submit biographical information to the Electronic System for Travel Authorization, or ESTA.

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10 Comments on Obama Decision Tantamount To Aiding and Abetting Jihadis

  1. DUH! Obola has been aiding and abetting the enemies of America and Western Civilization since Uncle Frank introduced him to the mysterious rites of sodomy! While ISIS was formed under Bush, it metastasized under Obola, with his tacit consent. Every action and inaction he has taken and not taken, was designed to help raise the Caliphate and enfeeble America.

    He regulated the economy to death so that we would withdraw from international commitments.
    The “deal” with Iran was to facilitate their building nuclear weapons and furthering the reach of jihad.
    Weapons from Iraq, stored in Libya, were secreted away to Syria and Mali to arm ISIS – particularly the chemical weapons used on Syria and blamed on Assad.

    ahh … why do I give a fu …

  2. That filthy dirtbag has been a traitor for the past seven years and all the other elected dirtbags of both parties have aided and abetted him. For some reason, known only to them, they want to take this country down and make it into a giant gulag with a large part of the world’s population incarcerated therein!

  3. Sad but no surprise. Exactly who is speaking out about this treachery? Trump? Cruz? Bernie??

    Chances of getting out of this mess via the ballot box are looking mighty slim to me.

  4. Don’t wait until his last day of office occupation to impeach that America-hating homosexual communist. Do it now, make an example out of him. Do your fucking jobs for a change. This traitor is putting Americans at risk and aiding the enemy.

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