Somebody Failed Civics Class – IOTW Report

Somebody Failed Civics Class

Bernie Sanders, the man who doesn’t know why home loans carry less interest than student loans, doesn’t know how The Supreme Court works either.

Look at this tweet –

Any Supreme Court nominee of mine will make overturning Citizens United one of their first decisions.

7 Comments on Somebody Failed Civics Class

  1. Nine activists in robes were never intended to be superior to the other two branches of government.

    The house and senate make the law of the land. Or, at least, they used to. Why didn’t his party just change the law when they controlled the house and senate?

    F’in more on.

  2. his ignorance of the Supreme Court is matched by his ignorance of cervical cancer & orgasms

    what’s even more scary are all the “likes” he got …. the truly stupid leading the braindead

  3. That’s what makes Bernie so “special” he’s the DNC machine running with all the covers off.

    It lets you see all the nasty inner workings no-one is ever supposed to see.

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