While we hunker down indoors during the winter storm, guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier goes on – IOTW Report

While we hunker down indoors during the winter storm, guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier goes on

Soldier_Arlington-1 tomb-4

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ht/ tsunami

17 Comments on While we hunker down indoors during the winter storm, guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier goes on

  1. i have a beautiful painting of stonewall jackson on my bedroom wall, leading his troops on horseback through the bitter early morning snow, on his way to victory in the shenandoah valley

    and yes, they are flying the confederate flag

    it serves as a poignant daily reminder that our wonderful troops are forever awake and protecting us across the globe, serving under the harshest conditions, keeping us safe

  2. These guys could teach the US Post Office a few things.
    Whenever I’m in DC, two places I always visit, The Wall and The Tomb.
    Need to add the WWII Memorial now.
    Maybe #BLM will leave those historical monuments in place.
    Anybody else notice the similarity between #BLM and ISIS?
    I see a Mr. Hat parody poster on the wall.

  3. Last snowstorm to hit DC i googled some coffee places and tried to get coffee and food delivered to them, but they acted like I was a crank caller. Or maybe they just can’t deliver because of the roads

  4. Meanwhile back in Detroit teachers are staging a “sick out” to protest their pay and working conditions. I am only guessing here but I assume that the gentleman standing guard at the tomb doesn’t make as much as them.

  5. I appreciate your thoughtful comments. These days, much is done to marginalize the honorable service of the Confederate soldiers, who had little concern for maintaining the institute of slavery. My ancestors served under General Jackson until his unfortunate death. Following reorganization, they served under General Longstreet until the last of four brothers to survive, surrendered at Appomattox.

    Anytime a story about the soldiers who guard the Tomb of the Unkowns comes to my attention, I am reminded of how selfless these men are. It takes an exceptional candidate to become a Tomb Guard. These are men to emulate.

    Not some booty shaking, dope smoking, hoodrat.

  6. thank you bayouwulf, good comment

    If those who disrepect our confederate leaders get to heaven, they will have some explaining to do, as so many of those brave heros were devout men of god

  7. I’m very glad we haven’t made a joke out of our Unknown guardians the way the British have of their palace guard — trying to get them to laugh or break their vigilance. Then, of course the palace guard’s duty is different. Still.

  8. If it takes ten thousand years to see each of our faithful and honorable departed present and accounted for, this tradition must remain. However, I long for the day it may, finally, be retired.

    This is a measure of America’s character, that we honor and protect those who served a cause greater than themselves and who gave not just their lives, but their very name. For when a man’s name is taken from him, who then can remember him?

    Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. – John 15:13

  9. Many forget that before THAT war, many of these men were hero of the Mexican war.

    When I told a NE co-worker I celebrated Robert E. Lee’s birthday instead of MLK’s he smirked, but had no response when I explained Lee’s role in the capture of Mexico City resulting in adding many states to the US.

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