Remember When National Review Did An Entire Issue Devoted to Having Conservatives Pig-Pile Newt Gingrich – IOTW Report

Remember When National Review Did An Entire Issue Devoted to Having Conservatives Pig-Pile Newt Gingrich

The “Get Trump” issue of National Review doesn’t come without precedence. They once led the charge to sack Newt – whose conservative record was far superior to what we’ve been seeing out of the hill today.


The issue includes Mark Steyn writing a scathing throat punch to Gingrich. You see, no matter who you admire and respect, somewhere, sometime, they wrote a piece that you won’t agree with. I expect pundits, and even candidates, not to be a mirror image of myself. We can’t go ballistic when they “stray from our own personal plantation.”


13 Comments on Remember When National Review Did An Entire Issue Devoted to Having Conservatives Pig-Pile Newt Gingrich

  1. A current poll by the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC), 4580 responses thus far:

    3724 (81%) dislike the National Review attack (I’m one)

    699 (16%) don’t like Trump, so they like the attack.

    157 (3%) Could care less. (Probably AARP members):

  2. I like Newt. Beck called him a progressive (shocked, I know) so that made everyone run to that crazy 2012 winner -Romney. I’m still miffed we didn’t get that presidential debate Newt vs Obama.

    NR won’t be around in five years. Kids of the younger generations will not read the dinosaur publications, irrelevant to today.

  3. Yup, Beck (who I was a big fan of) did this same number on Newt which was very irritating. Yes, Newt made some mistakes, like doing that commercial with Crazy Pelosi. But, he gave us the Contract With America at a time when Beck was in a drunken stupor.

  4. I’d like to point out, in fairness, that the Newt cover appears to be authored by Mark Steyn, who was dumped by NR some time ago.

    I didn’t even bother to even skim through this hatchet job on Trump. NR is a shell of what it used to be, back in the ate 80’s, when I subscribed to the magazine and read every issue from cover to cover.

  5. I cancelled my subscription to NR some years ago. When Buckley entered his dotage the magazine began its descent and continues to spiral into irrelevance. It now reads like an incestuous, self-congratulatory, smugfest.

  6. “You see, no matter who you admire and respect, somewhere, sometime, they wrote a piece that you won’t agree with.”

    Or, occasionally they show their true colors. One thing these people all have in common is they are gainfully employed and make pretty good money. Political controversy benefits them. And as you work your way up the food chain they’re all pretty damn comfortable too.
    The more I read, the more information I acquire the more I’m convinced we are the biggest bunch of suckers ever created. Both political parties have worked in unison to make this economy benefit them. And in doing so have destroyed opportunity and the ability of the rest of us to prosper.
    I’m convinced the 2008 and 2012 elections were handed to the Democratic Socialist Party. And why not? The elites are doing just fine.
    Have you listened to Michael Steele’s redirect lately? When did he have his epiphany and turn into a stone cold lib? He didn’t, those have been his beliefs from day one.
    We have been played and are getting played. Think carefully whom you cast your vote for.

  7. Good find, RosalindJ.

    Gingrich was my choice in ’12. I listened to everything I could find online. I think at least some of those NR people were in the audience clapping loudly at several of his conservative forum speeches.

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