Trump On Supporter Loyalty – IOTW Report

Trump On Supporter Loyalty

This statement is being treated as something very, very controversial. You decide.



98 Comments on Trump On Supporter Loyalty

  1. It would take a completely humorless boob to not understand the hyperbole used here to describe the loyalty of his supporters. Rough? That’s Trump. No apologies. So looking forward to this unvarnished, un-PC (remember it’s code for Cultural Marxism) response to ISIS threats.

  2. Ann Coulter (proud to have her as a friend) was on Hannity and said that Trump is what she and many have been waiting for. Someone to take on the establishment and the PC culture of division and hate. Hail the Trumpster!

  3. Speaking about shooting people. Trump’s position on 2nd Amendment requires states to enter “mental health” information to the data base for background checks.

    So, who decides who and what is mentally ill and will be stopped from legally buying a gun? There is no flesh on his policy. Will the background check be retroactive so that guns can be taken away from people who become “mentally ill”?

    Will each administration decide the meaning of mentally ill?
    Will it take an act of congress or a phone and a pen? what about political mental cases, like progressives, should they be stopped from legally buying a gun? Everybody knows liberals/communists/socialists/progressives are mentally ill. What about the people who think they’re the opposite sex – that must be a mental illness.

    Who decides? A mental health means test going to end badly.

  4. NO FILTER / NO BS and ENDS POLITICAL CORRECTNESS – and that’s the attraction to Trump. It’s like we’re living the movie LIAR LIAR. Better than listening to a politician bullshit us.

    NO ONE can take a joke any longer?!?

    These Rightist whiners are mimicing the Left’s OUTRAGE!!1!
    at “microagressions.”

    Even if they’re Cruz supporters NOT from NYC.

  6. Damn it. I swore I wasn’t going to do this anymore.

    The reason the above ass hole types so poorly and is using words out of context is his native tongue is Spanish. I’m not joking. Seen it on to many Instagram posts.

  7. It sounded like Trump was quoting from an article written about him and his supporters, not making the statement himself.

    Also, depending on *who* he shot, he might even gain a bunch of voters.

    Say, doesn’t Bloomberg live in New York?

  8. The Hillary equavelent, “I get people killed in Benghazi, I get people killed by being reckless with handling information and I never lose a supporter.”

    Which is worse, the hypothetical or the actual murder?

  9. some smell roses, others the foul stench of BS.

    With Trump, at times, I’m failing to distinguish one from the other.

    It’s my problem and I’m dealing with it by listening to what he says.

    What did he say?
    Quoting from a poll of anticipated Trump Voters?

  10. The National Instant Criminal Background Check System already covers this:
    A deny message from the NICS indicates
    the subject of the background check has been
    matched with a similar name and/or similar
    descriptive information of a record containing a
    state law prohibition or the following federally
    prohibitive criteria:
    18 U.S.C. §922 (g)(4)
    Has been adjudicated as a mental defective
    or committed to a mental institution.

    It’s on page 2:

  11. 14 inches in Mount Vernon as of 4:00 p.m. Blizzard just made #5 on NYC’s “worst ever” list with just over 20.” Wind-chill at 10 degrees F. tomorrow. I agree; phuckit.

    Especially this globull warming crap.

  12. It’s not that people can’t recognize humor or hyperbole. It’s that people that are really watching what Trump said he supports (deport all illegals, no muslim refugees, now pro-life, etc.) are very suspicious that he won’t do it because he has said the exact opposite himself at times. A lot of us are just having trouble trusting that he will actually attempt to do what he says he wants to do. His own words and actions are proving him untrustworthy.

  13. Only a complete fool would believe what you just wrote. Nice try, though. No, not really.

    They never open their mouths without subtracting from the sum of human knowledge. —Thomas Brackett Reed

  14. Yes, he was quoting. Why in heck are people getting their panties in a bunch over this? It’s like Palin being accused of being responsible for someone being shot because there were comic-book type bulls-eyes on her website.

  15. Context means a lot, in this instance I easily get it. You’d have to be a prude beta male to bitch about what is said.

    Unfortunately these comments also play perfectly into a typical leftist tactic where they can paint Trump supporters into a corner, calling them zombies or similar.

    But I’m betting Trump will have common sense responses to this bullshit and people will like him even more.

  16. I do hope Trump’s supporters mean it when they say they love his schtick and how he will he will handle the establishment. I say this because they fail to see that the same attitude and raw talk can also be used against them and will.

    Wait until he gets what he wants and where he wants to be and then decides; “yeah I’ll get Mexico to build that wall, but I am going to provide aid to help those who will suffer from the wall in exchange for Mexico building the wall. Oh and we really need to fix immigration and the best thing we could do provide unlimited visas to the Mexicans in order to ease the financial problems.”

    Say one word against this and Trump will then use the same “straight talk” to lay you low because he is doing what he promised; building the wall and getting Mexico to pay for it. He never said he wasn’t going to provide aid or that he would open the visa limits, that was in the fine print.

  17. Zonga, there isn’t a lot out there via interview questions, etc.

    Like a lot of subjects that have either been ignored, considered too hot to handle by office-seeking/keeping pols, or others who are fearful of any kind of activist backlash, Trump wants to expose all the things that are keeping us from being a great country. One of those things is the central role mental illness has played in every mass shooting not perpetrated by islamist jihadis. It’s sad and shocking that shooters were known in advance to have been mentally ill at the time of their murdering spree — by their families, by girlfriends, co-workers; by everybody it seems except LEOs.

    My personality is very much like Trumps. I don’t like dancing around difficult subjects, prefering, as he does to identify the problem, thrash out the arguments, come up with a solution. We will continue to have fully preventable mass shootings until we figure out how to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill. And Trump is not talking about people with ADHD and neurosis.

  18. “… they say, I have the most loyal people. Did you ever see that? Where I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue & shoot somebody & I wouldn’t lose any voters, ok? Like incredible. No they say (we love you too, man) Trump’s voters by far, I’m at 68, 69%. I’m at 90% …total. Like, ‘will you say Absolutely?’, I think it’s 68, 69%. Will you most likely say, that gets into the 90’s; other guys are like at 10.”

    Trump is obviously talking about another subject & segues into his supporter loyalty, using the quote (pay attention here kids) “they say”. He’s using an example of ‘critics’ whining that the Trumpsters are so loyal they wouldn’t care if he shot someone, his poll numbers would stay the same, when they would think Trump’s numbers would go down. Notice that the clip is less than a minute long …. just long enough to take a subject out of context. A subject that no one can be sure of by just watching this short clip.
    you either get it or don’t get it…or get it & try to use it against Trump to anyone not grasping the thought.
    Choose wisely young Grasshopper

  19. Garym, Welcome to this site, troll.
    Yes, we have ALL seen this vid, which was posted earlier.
    If that’s all that it takes for you to change your mind on a candidate, YOU HAVE NO PRINCIPLED BASIS for your vote.
    But, thanks for visiting.

  20. Woody, the things you allude to have all been explicitly explained by Trump at one time or another in his many, many, many stump speeches. He doesn’t spend any time at fundraising events, so all he does is lay bare his thoughts in front of tens of thousands of people, week in and week out. As much as you may not like to listen to him, you might want to hear what he says before you write things like that because unless you just think he is so completely untrustworthy that you can’t believe a single thing he says, you don’t have any evidence from him to state that he would allow visa extensions or provide aid in exchange for a wall. His stance is just opposite. He wants America to take care of Americans and he wants other countries to take care of their own.

  21. Zonga, The problem is people want to fill in the blanks on their own without actually listening to any of his stump speeches. He’s unlike any pol I’ve heard — ever. And he does it at a pace and before numbers I’ve never seen.

  22. Woody, it sounds like you fall into the camp which is crying:

    “Waaaahhhhh!!!! A politician MIGHT NOT KEEP HIS PROMISE! That’s a good enough reason not to vote for him!!!”

    To me, that’s not sound reasoning.
    I hope you reconsider.

  23. Didn’t Cheney actually shoot a guy in a hunting accident? I don’t recall anything much happening about that other than some ribbing because it was an accident. I listened to the clip of Trump reading something and heard peals of laughter in the audience. People can gasp and whine, but I think he was expressing humor. We need more of that, not pearl clutching and people acting incensed. Things are going to get serious enough.

    As for you trolls, I suggest you consider long and hard what you say. Troll hunting season is nigh. If you think coming along and kicking a hornet’s nest is funny, you will unleash a fury the likes of which have not been seen in a long time.

  24. Czar. I’m not a troll. I just don’t comment much. I’m glad that you have a candidate that you support. I don’t trust Donald Trump. I think he will say and do anything to get elected. Up till Obama got elected, Trump was a die hard Democrat. Did he make a conversion? If he’s elected, I certainly hope so. If he gets elected and gets conservative legislation passed and implemented, i’ll eat crow and come here to praise him. If he doesn’t, I’ll gladly come here and remind you about my misgivings.

  25. I’ve noticed a lot of comments on various threads of people expressing outright speculation about what Trump does or doesn’t say, mean, plan, etc., etc., etc.

    Trump does not do fundraisers. If you go to his website you will find detailed info on his positions and a schedule of stump speeches in various states. Videos of his speeches are usually on YT every day either as live feeds or soon after the speech. He gives anywhere from three to six stump speeches a week. He’s been doing this week in and week out since announcing.

    I have some particular favorites. I’ll be glad to let you know which ones if you want to know.

    All to say, if you really want to know what he says or doesn’t say, the context of what he’s saying, what he means or doesn’t mean, suggest you give him a hearing. His message is simple and straight-forward. If you haven’t the time or inclination, I understand, but it sure would be easier to discuss all the candidates at more depth and with accuracy if everyone was on the same page.

  26. Abigail Adams,

    Contrary to what you believe of me, I have listened very intently to Trump and frankly he is exceedingly light on details. He makes a lot of short, very curt assertions about what he will do. He very rarely, if ever, gives details about his approach or what will be involved to get done what he says he wants to do as President.

    As for my assertions of the “fine print” that Trump might use to close a deal, I get my information straight from Trump’s own mouth and as recent as just last year. The specific deal I alluded to in my post was concerning Mexico building the “wall”. Multiple times last year Trump was quite clear that he believes the vast majority of those crossing over are “good people” and that we need to do something for them, we can’t just get rid of them. Now I may be wrong, but in reading Trump’s history and doing my research I have found many means by which Trump likes to do deals and one of his frequently used strategies is to provide the means to the other party by which they can then in turn complete some condition he is required to place in what he needs for the deal. This is where I came up with one possible means by which Trump will close the deal with Mexico and give you what you heard him promise while still giving Mexico and the establishment what they want.

    This is why I post, because it seems most Trump supporters are doing nothing more than listening to his most recent “promises” and then running to tell us all how he will be great. Do some research, look at his past positions, look at how he has handled himself in the business world, and then tell me how you can support him other than for his current soundbites.

  27. Czar of Defenestration,

    Seriously, you believe I expect a politician to keep his promises after all the years we have been through as Conservatives?

    Get real !!! I don’t expect any such thing, but I do expect that the same scrutiny I give all the rest of the politicians I should give to Trump if he is now going to enter the political world. I would be seriously remiss if I just took him at “soundbite value” as you apparently are doing.

    I expect every one of them to break a promise or two. The trick is to find the guy who will break the fewest and who do his best to follow through on what he said during the campaigning.

    Trump is far from being anything like that for the very reason so many are supporting him; because he is not from the political world. The same deal making you hope he does to the establishment by making them pay is the same deal making that he will use to make you pay and regret later your support. And the sad part is he will be correct when he tells you that you should have known what you were getting by backing him.

  28. It’s funny. I’m a conservative, just like many of you. I have certain beliefs that I live by as do all you conservatives here. But for some reason, the Trump supporters here and on other web sites go ballistic if I don’t support their candidate. Why?

  29. Again, that speaks to the laughably naive fear of “oh my god! might there be a politician who will not do as he promises during a campaign?!?”

    You are NOT that foolish.
    Name ONE politician ho fulfilled EVERY promise and did not leave one UNfulfilled.

  30. Abagail Adams,

    Let’s just take Trump at his word. Here is the sum total of details that Trump provides for how he would get Mexico to pay for the wall.

    “Mexico must pay for the wall and, until they do, the United States will, among other things: impound all remittance payments derived from illegal wages; increase fees on all temporary visas issued to Mexican CEOs and diplomats (and if necessary cancel them); increase fees on all border crossing cards – of which we issue about 1 million to Mexican nationals each year (a major source of visa overstays); increase fees on all NAFTA worker visas from Mexico (another major source of overstays); and increase fees at ports of entry to the United States from Mexico [Tariffs and foreign aid cuts are also options]. We will not be taken advantage of anymore.”

    Just a few holes here in Trump’s details. First the NAFTA worker visa restriction will involve a treaty that was signed and is in effect. To alter those terms even temporarily will take time. Second, how exactly will he find all those remittance payments since they are made by individuals and directly to banks in Mexico in most cases. Is he just going to arbitrarily stop all deposits from folks in America to banks in Mexico. And third, he can increase the fees fairly easily, but that won’t be much of a hardship on those breaking the law.

    I think his details might get Mexico to a table to make a deal, but will hardly get them to build the wall right away. And that is where the deal making I describe kicks in and where the “fine print” to these details is missed by those who choose not to look into Mr. Trump’s past.

    I had read these position pages, listened to many of his speeches, and then looked into his past. It was the difference between how he “presents” himself now and how he presented himself in the past that bothered me. And the more research I did the more it became obvious that he is just another Slick Willie or “no new taxes” Bush. The packaging has changed, but it’s still the same product.

  31. career politician (status quo) or successful businessman (unprecedented)?

    I think the results we get from either are more important than how we label them now. But I would ask if the idea of “unprecedented” is so alluring to so many, isn’t that what gave us Obama in 2008?

    Wasn’t it the same that electing an African American President would be “unprecedented” and even “historic” when we knew so little about him or what he would really do? And where did that get us. I am not suggesting that the same people who fell for Obama are the same ones now with Trump or that Trump supporters are the same group. I am suggesting that the same allure seems to be taking place that a man with few details of his positions and very little if any history representing people in elected office, is somehow so very alluring and will result in great outcomes.

    I prefer a candidate with some track record, who has shown they live up to the details of what they promise, and that has held the same positions for some time and didn’t just shift them recently. He may break a promise or two, but at least I know I have a reasonable chance of getting exactly what I voted for from the start.

  32. @ Woody – I think you’re missing the ‘forest for the trees’ or something like that.
    First a comment: I find it interesting that some denigrate Trump on his ‘vagueness’ (unlike everyone else running) & then castigate him when he spells out a plan. I have also read his book.
    What I gleaned from Trump is that he’s not going to line-item in an Account Ledger when he builds the wall. His plan, from my humble perspective, is to make it a zero-sum game. We spend the money, Mexico pays more within the programs he stated. If a president Trump wants to increase fees for Mexican workers (a veiled threat) than he can easily do it. If a president Trump wants to seize remittance payments to Mexico by immigrant workers, it wouldn’t take much to clamp down on WalMart & Wells Fargo & make them refuse transactions without proper identification.
    ….those that bemoan details, then criticize them when they get them show more about the attacker than the attacked….jus’ sayin’

  33. How does Trump speak in his business meetings? I’d imagine he’s more detail oriented and uses words with more than one syllable. I’d like to see that guy pop up in a debate or rally sometime.

    Regarding his comment-it made me and Mr Illustr8r laugh. Trump knows most of his voters are on board with him because he is their big ‘FU’ to the dolts who devoted a whole magazine to him not winning the GOP nomination.

    Fat Lion don’t care.

  34. I have not come out for a candidate, other than (obtw, I used ‘than’ when I should have used ‘then’ on an above post on this page… my apologies) to say I will happily vote for either Trump or Cruz if they are the nominee…also, holding my nose, Rubio … the rest …..we’ll see….
    I do not understand the vitriol from the ‘rank & file’ on this site, in particular, against Trump. He has been attacked almost as bad as any demonrat. And, I have not seen the same against Cruz.
    People, let the process work out. Let the candidates persuade you with their voices. Support your candidate with his/her ideas, positions, stances. If you can’t persuade someone to vote for your candidate without downing another candidate, then you really don’t have much of an argument for your candidate. Do you?
    Stop being negative against other Republican candidates!
    I am sick of this shit. For God’s sake, don’t work with the demonrats!!!

  35. Czar – way to keep the conversation cordial. You do realize that resorting to calling someone an idiot simply because they don’t agree with you means you’ve lost the argument don’t you. I haven’t called you names and I don’t think it too much to expect the same in return. I don’t think you’re an idiot – just a little too swept up in Trumpmania to step back and logically sort through what Trump really believes or doesn’t based on his own words..

  36. And yet, so many people don’t understand how a big business person, (any size business, as it is), creates the conditions of a deal. Trump is a master of this. Mexico will have to co-operate on a wall if Trump starts the deal. Otherwise, Mexico loses more than what is proposed.
    Bammy never had a clue about anything, he just thought his MSM created popularity would win the deal, but ever one he’s tried is ending in disaster for the US. That sets a low bar for the next President. Trump would reset the bar to where it belongs. Can the other R candidates do that? I think Cruz would be OK at it, but not match the Donald’s expertise at deal making.
    For all that Obama has mucked up in the last seven years, it’ll take two terms of the hard opposite to get the US back to square one in the world. With the muzzie hoard growing, this is the most important thing to do. The rest of the world will be depending on the US once again, and we’ll do our duty to preserve humanity as the only (supposedly) free nation on the planet.

    “Son, we’re on our own.”

  37. AA – “He’s unlike any pol I’ve heard — ever. And he does it at a pace and before numbers I’ve never seen.”

    I remember one like this to a large extent – his name is Obama (I do admire Trump’s ability to speak well without teleprompters though – which might be why he contradicts himself so often).

  38. Bubba, and Woodie. I’ve been watching the back and forth here for a while. You two will never support Trump. And that’s all good. I hope you can nut up and support a Trump in the general.

  39. Brad – I’ve said plenty of times that Cruz and Trump are the only 2 republican candidates that I wouldn’t have to hold my nose to vote for in the general. I sincerely hope Trump would do what he says he would. At least he is saying he will deport invaders, build a wall, etc. – the rest of the field is all for amnesty / open borders, keeping Obamacare, have a proven track record of lying and pretending to be conservative to get elected, etc.

  40. Too Wonky. Yea I think that’s it. Too educated to be smart. He was an Fing nerd as a kid. Not much has changed. Well rounded people, athletes, scholars, business people make our best leaders. Teddy’s a fing Nerd that makes too many mistakes.

  41. Trump’s critics are willing to accuse him of absurd behavior. He’s just letting them know he’s aware of their tactics. Trump’s poll numbers are strong. The opposition is losing their minds and making up all kinds of crazy accusations and scenarios.

  42. politics – IS – business

    trade, tariffs, embargo’s, import tax, export restriction, federal tax, state tax, gas tax, 0bamacare tax, etc…it’s all business.

    oil, gasoline, corn, soy beans, pork bellies, copper, gold, coffee etc…it’s all business.

    It’s all about commerce. Who better than a businessman?
    A bunch of idiots once thought a community activist knew everything about recovery, business, progress, hope & change because he could read well from a script and he was a “special” exception.

    They were dead wrong.

  43. Several polls after the Palin endorsement show Trump up 3 and Cruz down 3 in Iowa. I don’t think Glen the little bitch will help Cruz’s cause. Honestly I feel like crying like a little Bitch every time I say the word Beck.

  44. You couldn’t be listening intently to Trump or you wouldn’t have gotten his central theme and plan so backwards.

    How can you say he will turn around and give aid to Mexico after building the wall when he said he was going to finance the wall by cutting off aid to Mexico?

    Have you been here —>

    I don’t think so.

    As I curtly said to another reader. “when I went there I expected to see a picture of his hat, ‘Make America Great Again.’ Boy, was I surprised to see it is chock full of details.”

  45. I think trump is telling the truth about his followers,they would really cheer if it were megan kelly he shot,he wants to be tough with putin,china,but is afraid of questions from a newsperson,and he is gonna make U.S. great again,like a new cultural revolution,just like china used to have.

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