Girls Realize, Stupidly, That Their Shirts Can Spell Something Else – IOTW Report

Girls Realize, Stupidly, That Their Shirts Can Spell Something Else

‘BEST*YOU’VE*EVER*SEEN*CLASS*OF*2016’Seniors at Desert Vista High School wore shirts to spell out 'BEST*YOU'VE*EVER*SEEN*CLASS*OF*2016' for a senior class yearbook photo

This was a class photo at a high school in Phoenix.

But, some time later, some of the girls realized they could spell something else with their shirts.

See after the jump

The shocking photo – of six grinning girls standing together to form the word ‘ni**er’ with their shirts -immediately sparked controversy when it was posted on social media

They were suspended

38 Comments on Girls Realize, Stupidly, That Their Shirts Can Spell Something Else

  1. Good thing they were suspended!
    When you put two anus symbols side by side, that is some disgusting perversion and the reprobates involved need severe punishment!
    On top of that, what if some guilty party were to think it spoke badly of them?
    Who cares if they were merely poking fun at a horses sound. In someone else’s mind it was just two anus’s.
    Off with their heads!

  2. Young and stupid. How many young lives are going to be ruined by these very sensitive SJWs? Suspend, suspend, suspend for pranks. FFS! A kid farts in the elevator. Suspend him, fire the Principal, close the school, call the police. A kid takes a bite out of a tart, it now looks like a gun, fucking bedlam! I’m one lucky SOB for not being jailed for pulling girl’s pig tails and throwing sticky backs(thistle burrs) at their cardigans. Gimmeafukenbreak!

  3. This sounds like a clear abridgement of the students constitutional right of free expression, no matter how puerile you might think that it is.
    Popular ideas, words, and thoughts need no protection.

  4. Hey Bad brad Check out “The Wild Rover” You’ll love it.

    “I’ve been a wild rover for many a year.
    I’ve spent all me money on whiskey and beer.”
    And so on. Poor kids today, I feel sorry for them, never had
    the opportunity of falling out of a tree and breaking
    an ankle.

  5. Yea Tommy, don’t tell anybody but my parent use to let me ride a bicycle without the Obammy fag brain bucket. All my life. And then once, my father let me ride in the back of a pick up on the free way. But the absolute worst child abuse I endured, was when I was a mere lad my dad and one of his buddies were enibriated and planted my ass on a calf. I got bucked off after a while. And the Bastids did it again. Damn that was fun.

  6. Moe, Brad, I am sure we all have stories we could share we are not proud of – I know I have volumes. The point is I believe that is how I came to acquire my integrity and character. So, if we condemn people for making a mistake and then not allowing forgiveness, how or why would anyone aspire for anything? I see young adults in interviews afraid to fail – because they have not learned the lesson from it to prevent it in the future. Very few of these same young people “get it” when I say there is no box – unless you build it, put yourself in it and limit yourself.

  7. Dave, “Afraid to fail”. Way way back I read a paper on why so many businesses were successful in the early 60’s. Conclusion, all WW11 vets that had been under fire. Didn’t mean shit if they failed. They weren’t getting shot at. I wish I could find that article today.

  8. I do too. Most will never understand the intonation behind the phrase “I wouldn’t do that if I were you”. Granted, my scars are testament I was not above learning the hard way.

  9. Brad, if you find it please post it. Fear can be debilitating. I learned a while back when dealing with a muffed up situation since I was already in the muffed up situation I could not make it worse. After I reached that point it was easy to focus on what needed doing.
    I don’t mean to diminish what you are saying – if it isn’t life and death it is not worth getting worked up over. I hope we can get that “can do” attitude back

  10. Dave, Brad I’ve made so many mistakes in my life that I’ve learned from, I feel I know everything, but it’s too late. I have no use for all I know other that bullshit with guys over a few beers.

  11. Tom, share a few of those tales with some younger people and you would be a mentor.
    Me personally, I still surprise myself about learning a new way to fuck something up. Being an engineer provides cover because then I can improve it

  12. Yes sir. How a person recovers from the furnace of adversity will forge their character and integrity. An exec I worked under used the story of a server – you never knew how good they were until they were facing things not going the way it should.

  13. A current pri8me example; Dinseh D’Souza’s tangle with the Dept of inJustice, and his subsequent new book, “Stealing America”. (which I highly endorse as a prime read, especially during this election cycle).

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