Bombshell WaPo Scoop: Rubio Once Got Busted For Drinking Beer In A Park – IOTW Report

Bombshell WaPo Scoop: Rubio Once Got Busted For Drinking Beer In A Park

uh oh shocker

DailyCaller: Hillary Clinton endangering national security because she’s a corrupt, paranoid, lawless control freak? Well, y’know, these things happen. Marco Rubio drinking beer in a park when he was in college? Daaaaaaaaamn.

10 Comments on Bombshell WaPo Scoop: Rubio Once Got Busted For Drinking Beer In A Park

  1. Four Americans murdered in Benghazi by the implicit and explicit orders of Obola and Clinton, at least one border agent murdered by the imbecility and lawlessness of Obola and Holders BATFE, Iran developing nukes with the assistance of Obola and Clinton

    – but Rubio once drank beer in a park!?!?


    Well, that’s it … I sure as Hell ain’t gonna vote for him!

  2. What kind of a low-life drinks beer in a park? That’s where the finest single malt scotch is to be drank. Talk about a total lack of respect, he doesn’t have my vote.

  3. I just read the bomb shell article by Manuel(Woodstein)Franzia and Scott (Bernwood) Higham. Wow!
    Rubio, age 18, was in a crime-plagued park after hours (9.30pm)
    He was drinking beer.
    He played football in High School but was benched for missing a tackle.
    He had a 2.1 grade average in HS.
    The WaPo should have had these two assholes check out obola
    back in 2007, or were they still in high school?

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