Mia Love Can Only Get This Bill Passed By Bundling It With Another One – IOTW Report

Mia Love Can Only Get This Bill Passed By Bundling It With Another One

Mia Love, Utah representative (r), has sponsored the “One Bill At a Time Act” (H.R. 4335.)

This bill seeks to end the practice of bundling bills together that get passed, opaquely, in the middle of the night.

It seeks to clearly label each bill, in plain language, one at a time.

She wants to end folding legislation into larger appropriations bills, forcing it to be passed on its own merits, not sneakily piggybacking into law with a more marquee issue.

Good luck Mia.

HT/ Sam S.

9 Comments on Mia Love Can Only Get This Bill Passed By Bundling It With Another One

  1. The engrained establishment GOP and Dems will fight this. First, they’ll have to read the bill, second understand it and thirdly defend their vote without a shiny bill that covers the gaming of piggybacking on more favorable legislation.

    It’s a move in the right direction…..that’s why the house and senate leadership will never let this pass.

  2. This would be a WONDERFUL development, one that I have long thought would be extremely beneficial to efforts against govt mission creep / bloat / and general bloody-mindedness.

    It would be SO good that its chances of passage/signing are roughly akin to space aliens landing in my back yard to deliver ribs and haggis while singing In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida in waltz time.

  3. OH my God, I was in Walmart today buying ribs, In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida was playing over the store sound system, I swear half the folks in Walmart looked like aliens…..and I expect there will be an order of Haggis, Tatties and Neeps in my backyard at anytime.

    Why I’ll bet Congress will start acting in the interest of the Nation, too.

    Is that weird or what. 🙂

  4. I’m with ya Dave. She along with practically all the new “conservatives” from GA (David Perdue, Jody Hice, Ben Graves, Doug Collins, and more) that won in 2014 have become establishment drones already. I really don’t know if they all lied to get elected or they get co-opted by the ruling class as soon as they get there. Maybe some of both.

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