Cruz With a Great Idea: Offers To Debate Trump One-on-One – IOTW Report

Cruz With a Great Idea: Offers To Debate Trump One-on-One

Ted Cruz called Trump a scaredy cat on the Mark Levin Show, which may, or may not, be a mischaracterization of what is going on.

After this tweet  Megyn Kelly tweet Stirewaltwhy would he do the Fox debate?

According to The Conservative Treehouse there is actually a concerted effort on the part of Murdoch’s Fox to try their best to sabotage Trump. He doesn’t need it.

Having said this, if Trump doesn’t take up Cruz on his offer, the avoidance could be seen as weakness, or a way to simply run out the clock as the leader in the polls.

I think the American public deserves a chance to see Trump in a one-on-one, cleared of the clutter of the also-rans on the stage.

If Trump wins the primary he’ll eventually be doing one on ones in the general election. Let people see how he does with Cruz, a person whose debating skills are said to be unparalleled.

87 Comments on Cruz With a Great Idea: Offers To Debate Trump One-on-One

  1. I’m not going to weigh in on the chicken and egg aspect of who started this catfight between Trump and Murdoch, but Trump playing the victim on the issue got old right after his public attacks on fox and fox staff.
    So now he has taken his brinksmanship to the point where the election is not the topic, he is, as he tries to create a competing show that will get higher ratings than the debate.
    Basically, Trump is not only stepping out, but he is purposefully creating a distraction to try to prevent his opponents from being heard.

  2. The career politicians are deballed psychopaths who don’t give two shits about you or your family.

    Give me the guy who has created companies and employs thousands of people. Give me the guy who isn’t beholden to the jackals in the media and on the hill.

    Cruz is a slick debater. Who cares? I want the guy who has built and created Things in his life.

  3. Kelly was obnoxious the first time through, and she seems to be playing for the other team no matter what. What do you expect from a (relatively) recent law-school grad in Amerikka in 2016?

    As Levin said, though, the debates aren’t held for the networks, or moderators. They’re held for the American people, so voters can see what they’ll be getting.

  4. I can’t blame trump for not attending the debate.

    according to sun zu you should pick your battle ground carefully and not fight on the enemies ground.

    as far as debating skills go, cruz might be good at an intellectual debate but presidential debates are not intellectual.

    trump will bring up all of hillary’s blunders and criminality during the debate while cruz won’t and let her skate. cruz isn’t ruthless enough to debate cankles and come across as winning even if he is winning, that is not how the useful idiots will perceive it.

  5. George Soros did all that too, didn’t he?
    Trump is a one-trick-pony…immigration. That he’s gone as far as he has simply proves how important this issue is to so many people, and rightfully so. However, everything else he has ever uttered from a public policy perspective has him square in the progressives camp.
    He is not what conservatives want. He’s exploiting one emotional issue, combined with the fecklessness of the Stupid Party, and will be a spectacular failure for us.
    Seriously, look at the person he has speaking for him….racist pos that hates America. Get a grip on reality.

  6. I am glad he stepped out. These “debates” mostly have been charades (Fox Business did good I think). Megan’s question out of the box last time was ridiculous. We have impending “doom” pressing on this country and I really don’t care if Trump has called other people names. And Trump is not my first choice.

  7. These “debates” are being held so the media can get sound bites In order to ridicule Trump. And how many of these “debates” do we need anyway? Trump has been travelling around and doing Townhalls and speeches all over the country. What have the rest of them been doing except criticizing Trump?

    TRUMP 2016!

  8. Trump has nothing to gain by walking into their trap. Rupert Murdoch is an open borders advocate and a big gang of 8 supporter. Rubio is usually around 4% in the polls but for some reason he is always on the debate stage? And he is always showing up on their shows to give his “expert” opinions. FOX will do their best to destroy Trump and Cruz and lift Rubio because that is what Murdoch wants.
    Trump is playing Chess. He’s going after Reagan Democrats by showing them that Limbaugh, Levin, and Fox don’t control him. He is running as a third party insurgency candidate within the GOP primary. He is already formulating his general election strategy. He wants votes from Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. If he can do that, he will enter the office with a mandate. With a mandate, he has the upper hand in all dealings with congress.

  9. It would have been a great idea if Cruz was able to read the writing on the wall days ago and offered this debate. Now he “lowers himself” to name calling on the “in the Cruz camp” Levin show all he does is show himself to be a second string player who lets Trump call the shots.

  10. Why should he subject himself to this barrage of bullshit from FOX? He makes them millions and they dump on him? Please. This is exactly what he has promised us he will do for our country, that is get the best deal. How is this a good deal for him? Do you really think he needs more face time on TV? That is afraid to debate when he’s won every fucking one of these parades? Why should we think he’ll deliver on his promises to get the best deal when he allows himself to be manhandled?

    Did you see that “press release” FOX issued? It was snarky to the nth degree and these are the people you think he needs?

    You don’t get it pal, not by a mile.

    He is also exposing the open borders cabal that Murdoch is heading. The same policies that Obama/Jarrett want. So it’s a twofer.

  11. Not a lot of courage… Hay will be made. Such is Politics.

    That being said, if you listen to the entire interview, Trump really does credit to himself here. He’s calm, cool, affable, and completely in control. Really nailed it, This guy I wouldn’t have so many reservations and trust issues about.

    The twitter landmine thing gets old. This interview about working with people who pretty much gave all of us the finger for 4 years, stuck their fingers in their ears, and shouted neener neener neener, then telling me Cruz is the bad guy here isn’t just old, it’s bonkers.

    What debate isn’t a potential trap ? Aren’t all of them ? We need these in person debates, because Real Life hardly mirrors the Internet. When you’re standing in front of the person instead of over each others keyboards, it’s a whole different ballgame, and we all know it.

    Turn it on them, Be the Man. Or don’t. The way we get our news these days has changed so much, that maybe this is the future of electioneering. I certainly hope not. I hope to see them One on One.

    Time will tell.

  12. Trump doesnt need a mirror. But some people could use translators….

    Michele Bachmann just dropped out of prez race— when she didn’t do the Newsmax debate it showed great disloyalty and people rejected her.

    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 4, 2012

    We have yet to see if his skipping the debate with cause people to reject him. But there is nothing in this scenario that can be considered disloyal to his supporters, in fact the exact opposite is the case.

  13. The line I find amusing from Dan K, and I heard it from others, is that Trump is a one-issue pony, and he’s exploiting that “one emotional issue.”


    Closed borders is the only issue this election cycle.
    You cannot name me one other issue that means jack shit when weighed against an open-border America. Not one.

    What are these other progressive issues that Trump holds that will sink America?

    Everything hinges on border control. EVERYTHING.

    This is what the Trump people know that others don’t seem to get.

    Some people say that Trump won’t be able to deliver.
    Well then, nothing else matters, does it?
    This will not be America anymore, the right will never win another election anymore, so screw it.
    I’m out.
    I’m moving to Ireland to play golf in the fog until I’m dead.

  14. If you’ve been watching Trump operate at all and you’re sensing “fear”, I suggest to you that what you’re really experiencing is what the psychiatrists refer to as “projection”.

    Trump is a “pussy”?

    What fucking planet are you on, man? Planet Projection?

  15. Let me help you out, brother. There’s a new Sheriff in town. He doesn’t play by the old media handbook.

    The “My esteemed colleagues”, the “we need to do what the Democrats want or the voters will hate us shitheads days are NUMBERED. The American public is like the sad marionette who has become aware of his strings and his handler, and we’re ready to break free of their strings and become what we once were…


    Once you see “The Matrix” it can never be unseen.

    Perhaps you just haven’t got the guts to break free yet. Come, join us. And stop being a milk-cow for the Establishment.

  16. I don’t really care if Trump is in the debate or not, but quit whining about Megyn Kelly being mean to you. He acts like she asked him if he still beats his wife. I loved Trump’s takedown of Neil Young, Bill Clinton et al, but this just seems petty and pointless.

  17. “I think the American public deserves a chance to see Trump in a one-on-one, cleared of the clutter of the also-rans on the stage.”

    I agree with this statement. The rubber is now meeting the road with Trump. He’s caught between a rock and a hard place now. He should have shut his pie hole and get on the stage. He can beat Megyn down on stage and refuse to answer her baiting questions. This is what he does best. By not showing up, I think he’s shown his hand that he really can’t get along with anyone but Pelosi and Reid.

    I’m changing my mind real fast on voting for Trump.

  18. He should debate Cruz.
    It would be nice to have Rubio too, but Ted & Don are the front runners. It would be nice to have some red meat, instead of “it will be great” or “huge deals”. I’d like Trump to flesh out some details & debate Cruz on the differences between them.
    . . . Then we would know . . .
    & maybe most of this bullsh*t pettiness would stop.
    . . . . . Maybe . . . . .

  19. Funny how people think debates are no big deal when at the same time use what is mind numbingly said during democrat debates as a means to pound the left.

    Can’t have it both ways.

    Trump looks weak and babyish here. Leftists get away with this kind of stuff. He’s pandering to them. Certainly not a strong conservative candidate. And If he can’t handle “bimbo” Megan now, how’s he going to barricade himself against the Candy Crawley’s of the world once they unleash on him?

  20. “Meanwhile, if he gets tough with Megyn Kelly the anti-Trump camp will act like progressives and say he’s misogynist.

    Oh really? You all of a sudden care what anyone else thinks about Trump?


    It’s not the trumpfans or the cruzfans you have to worry about, it’s the fence sitters. The undecided. Sorry to burst your bubble, but this looks bad for trump.

    There’s a difference between acting tough by being obnoxious, and being tough by showing up and saying something about her line of questioning having nothing to do with____.

    Quit coddling that guy. He threw a fit, just like Rand Paul did. And I liked both of them.

    PS. I thought the site was not endorsing anyone until the winner is picked? You and mr. pinko sure like to defend trump at any cost. Lolz.

    Am I fired now? 😀

  21. Yes, that was the disclosure yesterday that changed the playing field. Trump must have gotten wind of it and when it was confirmed he made other plans. The obvious Fox bias and basis for the snarky tweet by miss kitty “This race will look totally different, I promise, on Friday than it does today.”
    No self respecting true reporter would ever utter something like that. Murdock and Kelly have turned fox news into the National Enquirer. I hope besides the viewers turning it off those that bought expensive commercial time sue the pants off FOX for the bait and switch.

  22. TO DanK

    1) wants to build a wall, stop illegal immigration, and begin deportation,
    2) wants to stop Common Core federalization of education,
    3) doesn’t support the Trans Pacific Trade Deal, and,
    4) wants to repeal ObamaCare and replace with market/consumer approach.

    Quite a bit MORE than just #1….

  23. “The race will look different on Friday than it does today”

    Fur…You think that’s a veiled threat? Of course it’s going to look different!
    Every time there’s a debate, or someone opens their yap, the race looks different!

    The best way to handle this is to get into the debate and tell them what you think, like a grown damn man.

    I can’t do this anymore.

  24. Trump refusing to the Fox debate may be one of his most critical errors. Let me be clear, I don’t like or trust Donald Trump but I like the upheaval in the status quo he’s caused this year. I don’t think you’ll see any more “it’s my turn to run” candidates after this election and he’s turned the media on it’s head since before he officially announced he was running.

    In any event because of all the controversy over the relationship he has with Megayn Kelly he would have been assured neutral moderating and a sympathetic audience looking for any sort of unfairness real or perceived by that same moderation team. Now he looks just like he’s not getting his way and taking his toys home. That can only cost him votes in the primary from his base who thought he was fearless when it came to taking on the media will now wonder why their man ditched major debate.

  25. Respectfully, Navigator, I think you’re missing the point here.

    If the issue at hand is only the debate, yes, perhaps he could look childish and petulant to some.

    I contend that Trump has much larger fish to fry here than Megyn Kelly.

    Like taking down the entire Media/Establishment Class Complex.

    Fox News is a shill organization that performs the same function for the CoC/Open Borders/One World Order cabal that MSNBC and CNN perform for the DNC/Soros Complex/Open Borders cabal on the Left.

    The Don knows this. He is drawing them out into the daylight from behind their curtains, exposing them, leaving them naked and defenseless in front of their heretofore compliant viewers.

    Like I infer above, The Donald become the Red Pill for the Red Blooded American stuck in a Matrix that they didn’t percieve before. But we see their Matrix now, and it needs to be brought down as it’s sucking our precious life blood and liberty. We see know that they are killing us.

    How about another movie reference? Donald has awakened a whole nation of slumbering William Wallaces who are finally, rightly, asking themselves what they are willing to do for their freedom.

  26. Fur, I would say there IS another issue as important…though it can reasonably be seen as the obverse side of the Immigration issue.

    MY “disclaimer:”
    What are my heartburn/dealbreaker issues?
    TRUMP Eminent Domain
    CRUZ Trans Pacific Trade Deal (TPP)

    Okay: for me, the TPP in many ways destroys America’s sovereignty…it’s MUCH MORE than just a “tariff agreement” a la NAFTA. International bodies would have jurisdiction over us. That is as bad – and integrally related to – the consequences of unchecked/illegal immigration.

    Hence, for me: *TRUMP 2016*

  27. Good question. The rest have been on heavy schedules of fundraising with small groups of people with fat wallets. Anyone can Bing a candidate to see which groups and which influencers are on their FEC campaign finance lists.

  28. Although it’s admittedly a smart gambit of Cruz, Trump has nothing to gain by a one-on-one with Cruz, and Trump has 100% of the power of decision (as when !Jeb! made the same request).

    The siren call from the Cruz side is “do it or you’re a coward!” which, in and of itself is pretty desperate.

    I suspect once Iowa (Feb 1) and NH (Feb 9) are over, the dynamics will overtake any kabuki like this.

  29. Chief, you didn’t answer my question. Are we to believe that debates are going to get easier as we approach November? If he can’t handle this now, I mean come on! Fox is giving him a stage and mic to espouse everything that, even you, are debating right now. He won’t capitalize on this opportunity?

  30. If that’s all it takes to persuade you, you were likely never very certain to begin with.

    The “bravado” calls of the Cruz camp are merely that, because THEY HAVE NOTHING, and are on the verge of LOSING IT ALL.

    ASK YOURSELF THIS: In what States, aside from Iowa and Arkansas (maybe Texas?), does Cruz have the remotest chance to win?

  31. Yo, Navvy, I asked a question.
    As you mentioned in you first post here ever, you need to lurk more and troll less.

    Don’t know what bee’s in your bonnet but, ever since you’ve shown up here, your very first response to me was saying *I* spend too much time here, coupled with weak obscenities. Real STALKER material, you are! Or…you imagine. In reality, you’re boring. Try fucking off, it might do you good.

    So, AGAIN: you STILL for FIORINA?!

  32. The ‘debates’ should be spelled ‘debaits’. It has been shameful that most of the moderators have specialized in encouraging the candidates to pig pile each other.

    It’s disgraceful, that all but a few Republican candidates have stepped in the cesspool that the MSM have thrown in their paths. All we voters are left with is a very ugly view of business as usual.

    That Trump sits out should not be any more outrageous, than when Paul chose to do so. The one thing that bothers me most is the childish manner in which FOX has chosen to respond. It further illustrates, in my thinking, that this is just another display of the loss of impartiality of the press, even the ‘conservative’ press.

    I will vote for any Republican over continuation of the liberal destruction. I have loved what I have called the ‘trump-snow-plow’, clearing a path through the liberal media. However, Trump’s disdain for Kelly reminds me too much of how Obama reacts to Netanyahu.

    I would really like an adult president for a change.

  33. Pfffft, putting words in Trumps mouth. He said unfair, not mean. It’s not even mean to be unfair, it just shows bias, which is the complaint. Proven by the silly FOX text that was the final straw for Trump.

  34. Trump has consistently stated for the record that if Fox plays fair with him, he will play fair with them.

    If you were the candidate to appear on a cable outlet’s debate show, and the station’s manager allowed this before your appearance, what would you think?

    “We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president,” Fox News said in the statement, adding this gem: “A nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings.”

    There are a lot of erudite, convoluted ways to respond to this, but the simple answer is, No! They were not fair.

    I know I’m not the only one who won’t be watching the “debate”.

  35. Dude, you didn’t read my response. This is about Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch, and about the way that the media has lost “Conservatives” election after election after election.

    It’s not about Megyn Kelly.

    It’s about creating a new paradigm.

    But if you really think Trump is a pussy, or can’t handle himself, or is even remotely afraid, you aren’t paying attention.

    Do me, and yourself, a favor and watch this presser from yesterday.

    Then ask yourself…

    When was the last time a Republican pulled anything even remotely like this off?

    The answer? Not since Reagan. If even then.

    He does this shit in his sleep.

  36. ….”It’s not the trumpfans or the cruzfans you have to worry about, it’s the fence sitters. The undecided. Sorry to burst your bubble, but this looks bad for trump”….

    You sure don’t sound like a fence sitter. Which one of them appointed you as their rep? 😉

  37. MJA — First and foremost, I love you. I love what you do here at IOTWr, your humor, your spark, your talent. So, please don’t take this personally. It isn’t intended to be so.

    It’s no secret that Fox/Megan Kelly (particularly, but not solely) has had it in for Trump from the beginning. We know why. And it just happens that he has made them a lot of money along the way.

    That Tweet of hers was not an innocent statement of fact, as you’ve interpreted it. It is part of the long-term strategy, another piece of which kicked into play a few days ago leading up to the debate. We’ve all been watching it unfold. Megan Kelly and others at Fox aren’t given random questions to ask and it was no mystery why Megan went on attack mode right out of the gate with her “You’re a misogynist, Mr. Trump” crap in the first debate.

    Cruz supporters aren’t paying attention to the things Trump supporters are. And that’s too bad, because Cruz is considered a rogue outsider to the same establishment gatekeepers, like Fox. If he should win the IA caucus, you can bet he will be subject to the same treatment. It will be hard for him to cry foul now that he is in the establishment camp, playing on their team. He obviously hasn’t thought this through.

  38. I hadn’t seen that so yes, because Trump is such a huge ratings draw, he would lower the amount of eyeballs on the debate.

    The remaining candidates at the debate would still have more time then if Trump wasn’t there.

    Not quite a wash.

  39. Back up and read Abigail Adams’ post. You will see the unprofessional crap that FOX put out. After that, no self respecting candidate would do the debate.


    I haven’t had time to verify yet, but the RNC rules bar a candidate from participating in other RNC venues if said candidate debates in non sanctioned debates.

    Which means: Cruz and Trump can’t debate on Levin’s show under RNC rules. It’s a set-up.

  40. IF anyone watches the debate and it becomes a snooze-fest of repeated answers, you’ll all be saying Donald Trump was right (again) to sit it out.
    The polls will have Trump winning the debate without him there.
    And we’ll all be talking about… Trump.
    He’s playing the media and the anti-Trump people like a well played Stradivarius.
    All Trump, all the time up until the election.
    Everyone is overlooking the fact the familiarity factor. America has known Trump for decades. Trump is as American as apple pie and Chevrolet. (just thought that up – copyright Mr. Pinko)

  41. True. The Trump bots will hit the on-line polls whether they watch it or not & whether or not Trump is there. Very similar to what’s been done it the past by the 0bamabots & Ron Paul bots…

  42. @Chief nailed it above.

    And this from MOTUS:
    “The Trump haters will be relishing what they consider Trump’s latest childish tantrum butt (sic) they just don’t get it. The Donald just demonstrated how you make America great again: you simply don’t take crap from anybody.
    So pay attention Putin, Xi Jinping, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei…”

  43. Thanks Norm,

    Appreciate it. You’re one of the cool heads here.

    I think Trump is causing a MASSIVE amount of cognitive dissonance on this blog, and pretty much everywhere else, for that matter. There’s so much going on that doesn’t compute when you’re looking at it through the filter of the past.

    What many don’t yet understand is that the political and electoral past is exactly that.

    It’s Past.

    I also believe that once people start seeing how broad and wide the actual playing board Trump is operating on here, the higher his so-called “ceiling” will climb. Like many, I’ve had endless “a-ha” moments watching his gambit, and I expect there will be many more.

    But if you believe, as I do, that the system needs a massive overhaul, that the Establishment needs to be exposed, completely, as the frauds and thieves and charlatans they are, preferably WITHOUT a civil war, then it’s Trump 2016, or nothing.

  44. Wrong. Think for a second about it. If Trump loses, particularly the nomination, you are going to see droves of “it’s my turn” candidates ….. & every one of them pointing to Trump’s loss as the reason they will be sucking up, like a Hoover vacuum, to the Establishment/RNC.

  45. “… and he’s turned the media on it’s head …”

    Yeah, but it’s going to take something more drastic to keep them turned.

    They’re Weebles. Have you ever put a Weeble on it’s head?

    If it comes to a Civil War – they need to be at the top of the list for elimination. That kind of drastic.

  46. Thanks, chief.
    “…the system needs a massive overhaul…”
    You said it, brother!
    Including the LSM, who have forgotten that their job is supposed to be to REPORT the news, not manipulate it.
    And on-air “personalities” like Megyn Kelly should go work on “reality” TV, or maybe as talent show judges.


    I’m a conservative on most issues but a liberal on health. It is an unacceptable but accurate fact that the number of uninsured Americans has risen to 42 million. Working out detailed plans will take time. But the goal should be clear: Our people are our greatest asset. We must take care of our own. We must have universal healthcare.
    Our objective [should be] to make reforms for the moment and, longer term, to find an equivalent of the single-payer plan that is affordable, well-administered, and provides freedom of choice. Possible? The good news is, yes. There is already a system in place-the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program-that can act as a guide for all healthcare reform. It operates through a centralized agency that offers considerable range of choice. While this is a government program, it is also very much market-based. It allows 620 private insurance companies to compete for this market. Once a year participants can choose from plans which vary in benefits and costs.
    Source: The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.206-208 & 218 , Jul 2, 2000

    but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun.
    Source: The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.102 , Jul 2, 2000

    The myopia of Trumpeters, who chant “Immigration” as a mantra, is being exploited. I agree there is probably no single issue that’s more important to our future, but it ain’t the only issue.
    And, referring to his change on abortion, which came about due to “personal stories”, will he change his view on immigration when he witnesses the “‘personal stories” of all the illegals he tries to boot?

    So similar as to be without true distinction, but Cruz is not bombastic about it.
    Which is how emotions are exploited.

  48. What do you do if your scouts or you see/hear of an ambush?

    1. Do you ignore your warnings and walk blindly into it?

    2. Do you arm your self properly and then walk into the ambush and risk everything?

    3. Do you do an end around and bypass them, and attack them at your advantage? This a brilliant maneuver, this is common sense if you have balls the size of volkswagons, and want to win.

    Since when has this debate format been about the elimination of a candidate? Thats what this is all about. Eliminating Trump.

  49. If they did that it would further have the Trump name dominate the debate, without him even being there. if that’s all that is brought up during the debate it will make the rest of the candidates quibble and prove that the Fox debates were never intended to enlighten the US Voters about the candidates’ platforms, just for ratings and filling the Fox coffers.
    Fox pushed the envelope too far and got owned. their ratings will be a fraction of what their were in the previous 6 debates.

  50. i think the circumstances of those candidates were drastically different . .. Bachman didnt have a snowballs chance of winning, nor whoever the other person was. This “debate” is an ambush to take out the leader, not in impartial discussion of policies.

    What do you do if you see/hear of an ambush?

    1. Do you ignore your warnings and walk blindly into it?

    2. Do you arm your self properly and then walk into the ambush and risk everything?

    3. Do you do an end around and bypass them, and attack them at your advantage? This a brilliant maneuver, this is common sense if you have balls that can be seen from space, and want to win.

    Seems like common sense to me.

  51. Rules shmoolz. If Donald can back out of a debate, he can certainly participate in a Cruz only debate. It’s called the first amendment. Or in Donald’s case with backing out, the fifth amendment.

  52. Exactly my point. She’s just a “bimbo” news anchor, not a big brain like Trump. And according to him, Cruz is both foreign and a leader. He won’t debate him either.

    Thanks for playing.

    Now, come on Donald, let’s see you make a deal for the debate. I’d enjoy seeing your supporters eat crow.

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