Is Bernie Sanders a Fascist? – IOTW Report

Is Bernie Sanders a Fascist?

18 Comments on Is Bernie Sanders a Fascist?

  1. Of course he is. There are a few hypothetical differences, but in reality, socialism=communism=fascism=slavery. You could argue that southern slavery in the US was more humane than socialism. At least they tried to keep slaves alive. Under fascism and communism, millions are intentionally murdered, starved, and/or raped.

  2. I always thought that extreme “left wing” politics, like liberalism/socialism led to Communism.

    And then extreme right wing politics led to Fascism. Both are dictatorships, but different flavors.

    Russia was communist, Hitler was fascist. Both dictatorships, but from different directions.

    I’ve often said that as an engineer I would prefer Fascism to Communism, as I would likely do better in a Hitlerish type of environment. I’d find some niche in the military complex.

  3. This entire “Fascist”, Nazi”, “Communist”, “Left”, “Right”, “Theocracy (Islam)” argument is a misdirection.
    Think of it instead as a scale from:
    “Authoritarian” “Anarchy”.
    Every one of those labels in the first sentence fit on the “Authoritarian” side of the scale. Just different flavors.
    WHat we want and need is the middle balance of a “Representative Republic”.

  4. I agree with B. Woodman. The “Left” and “Right” terminology is a boondoggle. The only thing I might add is that maybe he use the term “Totalitarian” instead of “Authoritarian”

  5. They call it “democratic socialism” to sound more palatable. Frank Marshall Davis said if you can take away 25, or 50% of someone’s income, then there’s no logical reason you can’t take 100%. But at some point, you need force to take people’s shit away. And the people who love to appoint themselves as redistributers of other people’s shit have a horrible track record.

  6. “Fascism” is the Italian version of socialism.

    So, NO, probably not.

    Sanders is an old-style Marxist – a foolish dreamer of Utopianism who will resort to extreme violence after being disabused of his foolish Utopian dreams.

    The simple fact is that the Constitution is NOT a suicide pact, and none of us are obliged to jettison our beliefs, our security, our fortunes, and our self-respect to satisfy Sanders’ lust for power.

    Or to satisfy his imbecilic followers’ lusts for the fruits of our labor.

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