Authentic Islam on Display in the Public Square – IOTW Report

Authentic Islam on Display in the Public Square

14 year-old boy beheaded for not attending prayers at mosque


One would think that this story couldn’t get worse. But it does.

The evil devilcock suckers forced the boy’s parents to watch.

The Mirror has the STORY.

Keep in mind that research shows that 14 out of 100 ordinary Muslims, polled in 11 countries, emphatically support ISIS.


18 Comments on Authentic Islam on Display in the Public Square

  1. Allah/Satan’s brave warriors at work. They are lower than a steaming pile of swine feces and they smell worse. I can’t hardly look at a weak kneed liberal who would defend these wretched barbarians and invite them into our country. If they push their invasion here we must resist with alacrity and force. I do not intend to engage in dialog with these pigs unless it is a ballistics discussion had while they are writhing on the floor sans knee caps and genitals. Barrels up, safeties off.

  2. “Keep in mind that research shows that 14 out of 100 ordinary Muslims, polled in 11 countries, emphatically support ISIS.”

    Can we gather them up send them to this Pislamic utopia and then bomb the living shit out of them until DEAD?

  3. Keep in mind that research shows that 14 out of 100 ordinary Muslims, polled in 11 countries, emphatically support ISIS while 85 out of 100 “moderately” support ISIS. Anyway you slice it, 99% of the muzloids give the rest of ’em a bad name!

  4. @BFH, it seems as though you’re shocked by this shit.
    It’s not shocking…it’s what they are. Barbarians.
    And, for the record, I don’t give one sweet fuck if it’s a kid or a grandmother, it’s one LESS of them.

    It’s just a shame that the LSM doesn’t report this, because the mind-controlled unwashed masses have no idea.

  5. My old man used the expression: “I’m gonna beat you to within an inch of your life”. Now that I think about it, that’s like receiving a penalty of “Half the distance to the goal” as opposed to getting spiked in the end zone!!

  6. This is the kind of control the “Progressives” and “Liberals” and “Leftists” want over YOU!

    They seethe with jealousy and rage. Listen to Sanders and Clinton and Obola (if you can stand it).

    Western Civilization is not reacting to these abominations FOR A FUCKING REASON!
    It is NOT temerity.
    It is NOT bad advice.
    It is NOT ignorance.
    It is NOT Political Correctness.

    America (too late for Europe) needs to WAKE THE FUCK UP!

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