Watch Ted Cruz Speak To a Farmer Worried About His Ethanol Subsidies – IOTW Report

Watch Ted Cruz Speak To a Farmer Worried About His Ethanol Subsidies

Ted Cruz explains his position on Ethanol and woos a “dumb old farmer.”

ht/ mel

28 Comments on Watch Ted Cruz Speak To a Farmer Worried About His Ethanol Subsidies

  1. It almost sounds like Cruz is endorsing a move toward E25. I don’t like the sound of that. Hell, I go out of my way buy ethanol free gas. You have to look, but it is out there.

  2. As long as it’s voluntary I’ve got no issue with it.

    Besides, knock the federal subsidizes out from under ethanol, wind, and solar and they all fold up like circus tents in a week.

  3. So true. Used to be you had to go to some rust-bucket brokedown place way across town to get decent gas. NOW, we’re lucky all the Wawa’s around here offer Ethanol-Free…at a REASONABLE price! Saving a bunch on the old “fuel treatment” stuff.

  4. I watch these videos and keep waiting for the politician lines. Those phrases and verbal techniques that you normally hear when a politician gets bored and doesn’t want to take the time to talk to someone who isn’t important to them.

    A good place in this video where it could have happened is when the Farmer asks how much Cruz would save in the budget by removing all those subsidies. instead of just putting him off and saying he could visit his website or it wasn’t important and then transition into some rehearsed soundbite, Cruz actually thinks about it, then comments that in his budget he knows they have savings of $500 million, but that he doesn’t know how much of that amount is from the subsidies. How he keeps it all straight after so many days of campaigning is pretty impressive.

    The idea of turning it all over to the free market and letting demand dictate supply is a good idea and one that I bet won’t lead to more ethanol in gas, but less. Using ethanol has a place in the market, but I doubt it is in the mass market and more likely a niche market. Same for solar and wind.

    It would be a nice change to have someone who is removing government from the marketplace versus adding more of it.

  5. @joe6pak, he’s endorsing a move toward what the markets want. If >E10 sells somewhere better than E0, it will be available to the customers. If E0 sells better than >E10 in a market then it should be more widely available. Regulation states blends need to exist for the most part, that is why E0 is so hard to find right now. The E10 you are forced to put in your tank now should be on an even playing field with all other energy sources, including E0, and >E10.

  6. Eternal, I do understand that. In fact I qualified my statement with “almost sounds like”. I like Cruz, I want him to do well. But I think he is dangling a carrot in front of these guys by saying that if the market wants E25 or E30 he would be in favor of it. Except for farmers and bureaucrats I haven’t heard even one person that endorses blending ethanol and gasoline.

  7. Multiply the dumb farmer by a thousand and you get some idea of how many clueless people a Presidential candidate has to deal with during a campaign. I don’t know how politicians can maintain self-control sometimes, much less remain calm and polite. You almost have to have the patience of a saint. I doubt I could do it myself.

  8. I’m sick of these whining farmers getting subsidies. Our congressman is a big rice farmer here and he’s a Repuglican. I emailed him and told him I was sorry I ever voted for him, and I asked him how those subsidies were working out for him. Everyone here has discovered he’s a Rhino.

  9. TO VietVet

    Welcome to politics/the Legislative Branch of government!

    It DOES wear on you, and you wouldn’t like how it “vents” itself (rather than the “impatience” that you mention like normal people can express):

    That’s why I feel lucky to have a NON politician as an option.
    Chance of a lifetime!

    The politicos *I* dealt with for years made ZOMBIES look like GIRL SCOUTS (and not the present-day lesbian kind, either…) by comparison.

  10. One item of note that is missing here as with any discussion whether of Cruz, Trump or whoever is the fact that the President doesn’t “write” the budget.

    The President can merely “propose” a budget.

    Unless there is a congress clearly in the majority of thought the same as the President, then it’s all just a talking point.

    The main problem with the congress today is they have given their constitutional duty over to the current President and allowed the disaster to continue full force.

    Amazingly, the only time I see that happening (a congress supporting the president) is when a President (whether “left” or “right”) is proposing something that is not in accordance with the constitution.

    Examples: Bush and the forming of the DHS and everything along with it. Obama with pretty much everything he has ever done as president.

    If it were so easy to cure the ills of the country just by electing one office it would have been done already. What we need is all 545 people in charge of the Federal Government to abide by the constitution. One or two guys talking about it isn’t going to make it happen.

    “2-1/2 Percenter” (referring to his brain-usage capacity) shocks us with what Trump has said!

    He wants to win Iowa votes!


    HEY “2-1/2 Percenter”…do you run a site called “Got News”?

  12. That’s EXACTLY the point I (am trying to) make when I say the candidates are “making statements” (sounding like promises) TO – shock! SHOCK! – get votes.

    The Executive Branch is NOT the Legislative Branch. They set a tone and CAN “influence” (a little…alot…depending on the person) Congress.

  13. @ Vietvet you think farmers are dumb? I dont know what your occupation is or was but you dont have a clue how smart a farmer is. Can you program a combine, tractors to run on their own, could you figure out percentages of chemicals to mix with what your soils and crops need? Can you configure ratios on sprayer applications? Can you work with bankers and do your own ammortorization schedules? Can you talk with landowners and write your own contracts with them? Can you stay up 40 hours straight trying to get a field done before the next rainfall or when sows are having trouble when farrowing? You know when people think the way you do a horrible thought goes thru my mind that if some point in time you go hungry I’ll have a smile on my face.

  14. Ted Cruz is a big liar. He tells that Iowa farmer that “when I’m president I’ll phase out the RFS (Renewable Fuel Standard program) in 5 years.” He doesn’t have to phase it out. Cause that program ends in 5 years Anyways!! Plus Cruz didn’t know what Poet was. Its the largest ethanol refinery.

  15. @ Farm Wife and damn proud of it

    Maybe Vietvet meant that farmer specifically and another 1,000 people as dumb as him.

    I read it as the dumb farmer in the video not farmers in general. Maybe if he’d used the word “that” instead of “the” so it was clearer: “that dumb farmer” is specific, “the dumb farmer” can be taken as either applied generally or specifically. Not clear and you took it the worst way. I can understand that.

    I took the “multiply by a thousand” reference as applied to all possible voters out there that are like him – farmers or not. Commonality being the dumb part.

    Read it like he’s speaking about that specific farmer and another 1,000 people like him, then he doesn’t sound so down on farmers in general. Just the dumb part.

    Maybe I’m wrong, but I’m doubting he meant any insult to the farming way of life.

  16. The farmers are not getting a subsidy for ethanol. Ethanol makers are getting the subsidy. Its just another marketing place for farmers, that is all. I swear I think every one nuts.

  17. Today on Neil Cavuto – fwiw, Jack Welch gave kudos to Cruz for having the courage to go to Iowa and oppose ethanol subsidies. Going on to say that Cruz’s willingness to do this and stand up to the leadership in the Senate is the type of courage needed to bring about the needed changes in Washington DC.

  18. Spot on, Dadof4. First off, I used the term “dumb farmer” because (if you watched the video) that’s what the guy called HIMSELF (I left out the “old”)! Secondly, FarmWifeADPOI, I would like to know how you could possibly construe calling ONE farmer “dumb” as calling ALL farmers dumb! I mean, if I referred to a “dumb politician”, would you think I was insulting ALL politicians?

    I think your sensitivity level regarding all things agricultural is set WAY too high if an innocent comment like that is enough to set you off on a tirade like this one. Seriously.

  19. Better watch what you say about that guy. FarmWifeAndDamnedLoudAboutIt (or whatever the handle was) is going to be all over you like white on rice. He or she has a hair trigger when it comes to comments about him, I’ve discovered.


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