Michael Moore Says America is Ready For a Socialist President – IOTW Report

Michael Moore Says America is Ready For a Socialist President

The giant dumbbell goes on to define socialism as a system where everyone gets a seat at the democracy table, not just the rich.

That’s socialism?? Is he nuckin futz or at the precipice of a sugar coma?

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9 Comments on Michael Moore Says America is Ready For a Socialist President

  1. Who listens to that idiot loser? Anyone?

    Ignore it and it might go away. If not, bug spray might work on it, like many other annoying, useless pests. Just don’t step on it; you don’t want toxic bug juice on your shoes.

  2. Gee Wally, did he make this statement of head-banging, fish-slapping, vacuous inanity from his posh mansion in the gated community that is completely free of Black people (except for the ones that work there of course)?

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