ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh But I HAVE To Post It – IOTW Report

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh But I HAVE To Post It

I’m not going to not post this. That’s not what I’m about.

I’m not going to spike stuff sent to me from readers just because I’m open to a Trump presidency.

Having set this up, I have to say, this picture of Trump gives me the willies.


I can only hope it’s a photoshop!!!

Click read more—>


Donald With His Daughter.

And no matter how you slice it, this pic ain’t right.


87 Comments on ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh But I HAVE To Post It

  1. Who here would not have that exact same picture taken with Trump’s daughter?
    Okay fine, I’ll be serious for a moment.

    Portrait photography is funny.
    A lot of poses that look and feel downright goofy or weird in person, look great on film.
    Other that feel normal or typical look anything from creepy to horrid on film. You never really know until the pic comes back.
    Maybe this is just one of those poses that the photographer used that worked before, but didn’t work this time.

  2. “And no matter how you slice it, this pic ain’t right.” ??

    Were are Donald’s socks, Miami Vice styling? Dang, it seems all those pictures from the 90’s are weird today.

  3. I just love how all us Trump supporters got one day off from all the anti-Trump stuff. The best Trump-supporting stuff I’ve seen in weeks and weeks (and weeks) is just stuff that doesn’t attack him directly. Fur, you’re so obvious.

  4. Hahahaha! I’m tempted to post a link to this as a response to all of those Trump fans who comment that Ted Cruise is just “creepy” for some vague, indefinable reason, or gives them the heeby-jeebies. Here’s some tangible creepiness for you. I have an adult daughter who also models on a less famous scale, and I would never have posed like that with her. This kind of puts his previous comment about how he would date Ivanka if she weren’t his daughter into a little sharper focus.

  5. I’m not trying to sink Trump. As of this moment I’m going to vote for Trump.
    But when a reader sends in this picture, I have to post it.

    It’s definitely a conversation piece.

    If Obama had a picture like this with his daughter everyone would be piling on.
    This is what I hate about tribalism. It’s unhealthy.
    I don’t revere my representatives, and can admit when they make tacky choices, or appear in a picture that is,, uhh, weird.

    I find a guy that I think will best serve my interests and I send them to DC and hope for the best.
    I still have healthy cynicism.

    This site started because of NOKO-style Obama worship.

    The last thing I want to see happen is an attitude where people get annoyed that you dare say something about THEIR GUY.

    I reserve the right to make fun of all of the people in DC.

  6. If she is, say, 13 or 14 years old, which she appears to be, not a super weird thing, because it looks like a posed photo as in being directed by the photographer. She happens to be a tall, beautiful girl, and back when I was 14 I had reached my full height, or lack of, and pretty much had my shape filled in. Who knows why the photographers wanted that pose – what was the article about?

    Now, if there are any other gratuitous gotchas – lets have them. I frankly think his close relationship with all of his children, and their obvious respect and admiration for him is a positive. Horribly awkward pictures abound with people in certain social circles, and if one like this with his boys shows up we can all get uncomfortable about that too. 🙂

  7. Jeeze BigFur – there are TONS of photos of obama with his 17 year old girl acting like they are on a date. We have all seen them. Michelle is off over on the edge of the photo in a horrible outfit, lugging along the short plump child, while obama struts around holder the older girls hand like it’s his girlfriend, or where he walks with his arm draped over the same kids shoulder.

  8. So, no harm no foul.
    If there’s nothing weird about the picture there’s nothing weird about the picture.

    I think it’s kind of funny in that “Awkward Family Portrait” stuff we post from time to time.

    Do I think Trump has a strange relationship with his daughter?
    And I like Ivanka a lot.
    That clip of her telling people where to go to caucus is impressive.
    It’s just a short little informative video, and she is so poised, smart, confident, etc.

    Having said that, Trump has a strange picture with his daughter.

  9. I HAD to send it in! Honestly. How could I not? I don’t think it changes a thing and I would bet it is one of a series of Photos taken that do NOT depict the same Miley//Billy Ray creepiness. But you do get a little uncomfortable looking at it don’t ya.

  10. AA, if you posted specific reasons, I don’t remember reading them. All I rembember seeing are, “There’s just something creepy about him,” comments, which I attribute to his ugliness, pudginess, nerdiness, and nasal voice. He’s definitely not the coolest guy in school, but after 7 years of the coolest president in history, the country can’t take anymore.

  11. Petrus — are you or have you ever been a father with a beautiful teen-aged daughter? If so, then you know they will always be your baby no matter how big they get. If not, it’s hard to explain. Trump said the only people he doesn’t call “honey” are men — except sometimes he even calls his sons that. You can see the love lights shining in Ivanka’s eyes for her daddy even now. When I was in H.S. one of my girlfriends’ (a very pretty young woman) dad — a NY guy who conducted a big band and traveled in a fairly large circle of high society — had the same attitude toward his girls. It wasn’t creepy and didn’t set off alarm bells. If anything, he modeled for all of us how a real man should treat women. We were goddesses!

  12. And we haven’t run awkward pics of Obama?

    When I run pics of Trump dolls in a toilet, and pictures of Trump’s head dribbling out of a horse’s anus, then you’ll have a point.

    Until then, if a reader sends in a pic where Trump can be poked fun at, it’s going to be run.
    I support Trump, am voting for Trump, but I will still post stuff where fun can be made.
    If I met Donald Trump I would pull this pic out and say “what’s up with this?”

  13. It looks like one of those stagey Vanity Fair photos. You know… done for some observational Humor. (tongue in cheek) Probably around the time of the Marla Maples. Annie Leibovitz, photo credit?

  14. Abigail, I do have a daughter in college and she means the world to me. I am only referring to the picture itself. I do NOT believe anything is inappropriate between the two of them but I would be uncomfortable with a shoot like that. It’s akin to having her lying at my feet looking up adoringly while hugging my leg. Her age in the photo is part of the problem I think as well. Just my opinion of THIS photo!

  15. To GollyG:
    I made that comment earlier that Cruz has a creep factor going for him. I didn’t mean it to be so vague as you put it but there are times when someone does something that turns me off to them. Do I think they are a bad person? No, but a certain gesture or a look etc, bothers me.
    What bothered me with Cruz was that come to Jesus moment at the caucus. It bothered me when Santorum did that whole sweater vest thing and that Romney looks like Guy Smiley from Sesame Street. When I hear Palin’s voice it reminds me of two tomcats trying to hump each other.
    I think we all get annoyed with someone from time to time for some reason or other.
    Plus factor in I am Roman Catholic and Evangelicals annoy this shit out of me. 🙂

  16. BigFur: “If Obama had a picture like this with his daughter everyone would be piling on.”

    Which is why I left the comment about obama and his 17 year old. ‘Cause obama does that, and plenty of people have pointed it out, and think it’s very weird and creepy.

  17. Exactly!!! It was the shoes I was responding to.

    No, seriously, some are acting as if I set this post up with,
    “wait’ll you get a load of this picture, it will DESTROY TRUMP!”

    It’s, at best, an oddity from the Trump archives, and is perfectly, 100% authentically Trump.

    But I guess emotions are too high and the stakes are too high for this kind of post.
    People are very annoyed and angry and not at all easily amused, and are probably convincing themselves right now that I’m secretly a Jeb delegate.

    No more posts like this, I guess.

  18. I understand what you mean, completely, Super. I haven’t found a candidate yet who didn’t annoy me, somehow. Including Cruz. I think I was even annoyed with Reagan occasionally, but I can’t now remember why. Little did I know, back in my youth, just how good we had it.

  19. “We will have a reChristening the day Trump is inaugurated.
    (Or Cruz or Rubio.)”

    I dunno. The Sanders thing is depressing. I saw a tee shirt the other day some college aged kid was wearing and it said. “Vote Bernie, it’s easier than getting a job!”

    Free Shit!

  20. The video at the bottom of your link is just WTF? The interviewer is asking about things they have in common and she says real estate and golf. He probably should have gone with that.

  21. Yes, the liberal wing of Twitter was all over that, with lots of “creepy” talk. I wish I could say my daughter never acted up in public, but I can’t. It looked to me as though she hadn’t gotten her way about something, and she’s a spoiled little brat who gets away with disrespecting her father. Especially in public, where he can’t lay down the law, for fear of being at the top of every newscast.

  22. Somehow I find it fitting. Replace her with a boy, or a less attractive girl and take Trump’s money & popularity away on a green screen with fake props… then it gets creepy.

  23. ‘No more posts like this, I guess.’

    Aw come on BFH. I got a snicker out of the picture. It’s the parrots. Doesn’t it look like something is coming out of the top parrots mouth?. At first I thought it was fountain. For Don’s sake, mating parrots.

    What’s creepy is the photographer. This is a pro? Maybe. It’s a awkward pose and it looks like Donald didn’t know what to do with his right hand.
    Those parrots. Jeez the photographer was either an imbecile or deliberately posed the 2 there as his own joke.

    Humor is a difficult concept
    (Trekkies will recognize the line.)

  24. @ AA

    I have a super beautiful daughter, very much comparable to Ivanka, and trust me, I would never do this with her. In fact, I would have sent her home to get a bra before the first pic was taken!

    This is just plain creepy!

  25. beyond creepy, my daughters would not come anywhere near my dick, nor would I let them go anywhere near my dick.

    if I saw anyone I knew in this pose I’d turn in to the police for being a possible pedophile..

  26. Almost as creepy as bill clinton stating he’d date that 400 year old Peruvian human sacrifice victim. He thought she was perdy

    No telling what you’ll find if you drag a peso through an ancient temple site

  27. This photo was taken by a professional photographer that staged them that way. Ever had any family photos taken by a “Professional Photographer”? I have. They come up with some weird shit. It still might be shopped.

  28. creepy like when bill clinton stated that he’d date that 400 year old Peruvian human sacrifice victim. I think he said she was purdy!

    No telling what you’ll find when you drag a peso through an ancient temple site.

  29. That photo was taken at Mar-A-Lago, Trump’s Palm Beach estate formerly owned by the Vanderbilts. One way you can tell it’s Palm Beach is the (Fur) lack of socks. Nobody who’s anybody in Palm Beach wears socks. (Actually it looks like he’s wearing girls’ cheater socks because he’s a NY immigrant, not an old money Palm Beacher.)
    He rarely stays there because it is directly under the flight path of PBIA runway 090, 2.4 miles from the airport.

  30. You see what you want to see. A normal man in a photo with his admiring daughter. With a clean mind and a beautiful daughter, that’s what I see.. We have become morally corrupt which, of course is the intention of the satinists/ communists, whatever. Everything has a filthy meaning. Fooken sick!

  31. Oh, c’mon.
    Now you’re making me feel bad for having posted it.

    I, in no way, think that there’s an inappropriate relationship between him and his daughter.

    I just think the picture unfortunately crossed into Awkward-Land.
    But innocently.

    It’s fodder for ribbing.
    Nothing more.
    And no, it’s not meant to have people rethink their vote.
    That’s ridiculous.
    As I said, this is 100% Trump.
    We know this about the guy already, he has no editor.
    People may have kids that love them. Trump has kids that worship him!

  32. My take is that she’s too old for this pose.

    But Trump didn’t care because there’s nothing “weird” going on between him and his daughter.

    This picture is all about Trump having a daughter that has a more intense love for him than your daughter does for you.

    It’s Trump being Trump.
    And that’s not always going to be without controversy.

    Sorry for posting it.

  33. Trump looks uncomfortable with the pose. That’s a good sign.
    Still have to ask: why would anybody allow this picture to be published in a magazine? Were the other pictures from that shoot even creepier??

    I never allowed my daughters to wear skirts that short. But my rules only apply to my daughters.

    The hand on the neck is the creepiest part. Trump does not look like any kind of a pervert. Well, except for the shoes, maybe.

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