Rand Paul Suspends Campaign – IOTW Report

Rand Paul Suspends Campaign

Breaking right now: Rand Paul has dropped out.
rand paul fingers

18 Comments on Rand Paul Suspends Campaign

  1. He’ll be lucky to hold onto his gig in Kentucky at this point. He should have bailed when Walker did. At some point you owe the people who gave you your current position the dedication you promised when you ran in the first place. With that in mind…

    Paging GOVERNOR Christie! It ain’t like NJ is “fixed” yet!

  2. Why do they say “suspending”? @!%%$& politi-speak. You should say something relevant. Rand is an eye Doc, right?
    “Due to the astigmatism of my campaign, I’m not going to dilate any further”.

  3. The Libertarian in me is thinking, he was my last hope. The Republican in me, believes we are in trouble as a Nation. The responsible Fiscal conservative in me knows there is no easy way out. Ouch America!!!

  4. What would such a pick bring the candidate who chose him? He chose to run w/ the Establishment on much in the last two years, and left some libertarian principles thereby…
    He is not even third-tier runner.

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