What Would a Bernie Sanders Presidency Look Like? – IOTW Report

What Would a Bernie Sanders Presidency Look Like?

By Meerkat and his sister

-We will actually bend and pick up pennies

-Bronchitis will be considered fatal and therefore uncovered

-The first Tuesday in November will be celebrated as “Dependence Day”, enemies of the state will simply call it “D-Day”

-Vegan out, cannibalism in

-Rocky VII will be the story of a ping-pong tournament in China

-“The View” will be moved to Sunday mornings on NBC

-Medicare will pay for your pot, Medicaid will pay for both Viagra & the hooker

– 4+ cylinder cars will be outlawed, but government employees will drive Hummers

-Saudi Arabia will place sanctions on the US

-Seven-Eleven will be renamed to Seven-Seven Thirty

You are invited to add to their list.

37 Comments on What Would a Bernie Sanders Presidency Look Like?

  1. Vending machines will be required to sell carrots and celery.

    Grocery stores will be required to give preferred parking and head of the line privileges to EBT card holders.

    Elementary school students will red kerchiefs and sing “imagine” every morning, facing a photograph of Chairman Sanders.

    Women will be taxed for shaving their armpits and leg hair. Unless they claim to be “Trans.”

    Earth Day will be renamed “Lenin Day.” to honor the founding father whose birthday it is on,

    Mexico will erect a border fence with mines and razor wire to prevent themselves from being overrun with Americans fleeing the Socialist Paradise.

  2. Newborns inspected by Dr. Mengele who ascertains their “quality of life” and subsequent “fitness” to live. Priority given to “racial harmony” within the barracks.

    Asians, mexicans, negroes, honkies, filipinos, sioux, indians, pakistanis, and chinks must attain “equity” in numbers and serve their moslem masters with diligence and joy.

  3. Kids will be handed an unemployable check instead of a diploma when they graduate from indoctrination school.

    New National Anthem will be some rap shit about killing whitey and raping bitches. Though, when you call the white house, the official on-hold music will be some faggot tune.

    Combs and brushes will be outlawed.

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