On this day in 1964 – IOTW Report

On this day in 1964

Mere months after Kennedy’s assassination, the Beatles arrived in New York.


15 Comments on On this day in 1964

  1. My Mom saw them in ’66. Tickets were $6. She said you couldn’t hear John, Paul, George, and Ringo because all the girls were screaming. Including her, obviously. SO LUCKY she was!

  2. The day my life began to have meaning!
    Bing is running a picture of the Beatles at the airport in 1964 but not February 1964. They first arrived during a freezing week.
    The shot Bing has is from later in the year when it was warmer. Hacks! Why don’t they consult me on this stuff?
    (I’m just ticked off ’cause AxMen wasn’t on tonight at 9 like it was supposed to be.)

  3. OMG I know who someone is.

    I have never flown on a plane….so….why do they have bags
    with an airline logo. Did you have to use their bags to fly?

  4. I was 11 years old at the time & don’t particularly remember this specific day…but I do remember a day or two later when my dad, a motorcycle cop in the DC suburbs gave me 2 tickets to a show in the DC Coliseum to see a 4-piece combo do a concert. The Coliseum at that time was a boxing arena & I didn’t really understand why someone would be holding a concert there…. besides it was a school night & it was snowing that day. (School wasn’t cancelled; it was just snow, not a 1″ catastrophe that it has now become)
    anyway, my Mom dresses me in slacks, sports coat & tie, drove us downtown to a ridiculously square stage (the boxing ring) with a circular set-up for the drum kit, with 8,000 screaming girls & I was hooked from the moment they took the stage & started their first song (‘Roll Over Beethoven’, if memory serves)…such energy, such exuberance, such fun in the moment, such enjoyment!
    the next day at school I displayed the ticket stub & I became a god!
    …then after the school year was up we moved to an area that was into Motown & couldn’t care less about ‘The Beatles’ … my year of discovering the term ‘hubris’

  5. Between them, Dr. Spock, Peter,Paul,and Mary, Joan Baez, H.Rap Brown, Stoakey Carmichael, Timothy Leary and Jane Fonda, to mention just what comes to mind, they fucked up at least two generations of Americans. And it has gotten worse.

  6. Didn’t think much of the Beatles when they first got here because they were past the days of traditional rock ‘n’ roll that I knew. Heard them a lot when I was in the Army and started to warm up a bit to them. By the time they broke up I had really begun to appreciate their music for what it was. I’ve always been a little slow to accept popular music fads until they have proven themselves, I suppose.

    Now what’s all this stuff about some new chick named Madonna?


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