Hillary: Halt all fossil fuel extraction on federal lands – IOTW Report

Hillary: Halt all fossil fuel extraction on federal lands


If you enjoyed paying $1.59 a gallon for gas this past weekend, understand a few things.

Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times
Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

To the extent domestic production affects this, the oil industry is mostly gettings its resources on private lands. That’s because Obama, while he’s happy to take credit for the increased productivity and lower prices, is fighting new leases on federal lands wherever he can.

That’s how he can reassure his left-wing base he’s an enemy of the oil industry while also taking credit for the low prices.

But there is some oil being extracted on federal lands, and if that stopped all at once, it would definitely have a significant and negative impact on prices.


19 Comments on Hillary: Halt all fossil fuel extraction on federal lands

  1. As JustAl pointed out, aside from Washington D.C. and land for forts (or military purposes), the Feds have no business owning land. All that land should be turned over to the states and the states can decide what they want to do with it. This includes National parks.

  2. Of course this doesn’t include uranium extraction. As long as it is done by Russians after $34 million in “donations” to the Clinton Foundation.

    The Clinton’s are whores but their asking price is going up. Beats the hell outta the few millions it took to sell out the US economy and technology to the Chinese Communists. But then the Clintons were “dirt broke”.

  3. Her plan in a nutshell:

    1. Halt all fossil fuel extraction on federally managed public lands.

    2. Wait until the companies she just raped go out of business.

    3. Reopen public lands to fossil fuel extraction, quietly. With only leftist-owned companies being allowed access.

    4. Watch as the Clinton Foundation bank accounts swell with after-the-fact bribes.

  4. I don’t think that any closure of oil extraction on FedGov lands would have that much of an impact on gas prices right now, so long as OPEC continues to keep pumping more and more oil into the system, keeping the price per barrel artificially low (about $30/barrel, vice $100/barrel last year).
    Now, if OPEC (especially Saudi Arabia), eventually runs out of deep pockets, and decides to throttle back on production, THEN we’re in trouble.
    Because by then, all the little producers of domestic oil will have either shut their doors, or at least laid off their workers. And it takes time to reopen and ramp up oil production.

  5. Everything outta her fat, ugly, bullshitting, commie mouth is carefully thought out and orchestrated. In this case she’s laying the groundwork for the oil companies to contribute billions to her Foundation. A bidding war will start and all of a sudden we’re talking billions, not millions. Suddenly, the Clinton foundation is making phone calls all over Washington in favor of drilling for oil on Federal land. Shazaaayam. Bill and Hill stand to collect about 40 mil per phone call and it’ll only take them a day or so. Not bad work if you can get it.

  6. “Federally owned land.”
    “FEDERALLY owned land.”

    Are you fuckin shittin me? We … WE are sovereign!
    WE are the Federal Government!

    Have WE forgotten that?

    FUCK! It’s gone! Too Late!

    Dead … the Republic is DEAD!

  7. Bill Clinton placed a “national monument” on top of a low sulphur coal reserve in Utah, while President, so that the coal underneath could not be mined. Why is this any surprise?

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