Sanders Will Be a Problem For the Dems – IOTW Report

Sanders Will Be a Problem For the Dems

The democrats have always thought that the “radical TEA party” was a tool they could bludgeon the moderate republicans with. (How a republican could be kneecapped by being painted as a small government, low-tax, greater liberty, defender of the constitution is for another discussion.)

Now the dems are in a position of possibly having to explain to their constituents that they are all socialists now.

Good luck!

Rollcall has the story

10 Comments on Sanders Will Be a Problem For the Dems

  1. I wondered hiw Wiki would deal with this. There it is, third sentence in:

    “A Democrat as of 2015,[2] Sanders had been the longest-serving independent in U.S. congressional history.”

  2. so they weren’t counting on a stinky wild eyed frumpy communist nutty professor type would be so popular with the Youts of America?

    The collegiate brain-washing machine was just too darn effective, they shifted themselves away from a USA that Hillary could get elected in.

  3. I was thinking the same thing when a cousin of mine, a Sanders fan, was bragging that 43% of democrats identify themselves as socialists and Sanders is an admitted socialist. But that means that 57% of democrats do not consider themselves socialists. They’re going to have to decide what they want to be if Sanders gets the nod. I’m guessing half of the remaining will vote GOP or for some third party candidate if Sanders gets it.

  4. “The GOP is betting that the ideological fight at the top of the Democratic ticket will filter down the ballot, exposing incumbents and establishment-favored candidates to thorny questions about their support — or lack thereof — of the self-described socialist and his polarizing agenda. The idea: Either candidates disavow support for the Vermont senator and alienate supposed progressive allies, or they embrace Sanders and suffer the consequences in November when Republicans tie them to politically problematic issues such as single-payer health care.

    That sure would be nice,
    but it requires people with a brain and balls.

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