DWS: Don’t run, Bloomie, Hillary’s got your agenda covered – IOTW Report

DWS: Don’t run, Bloomie, Hillary’s got your agenda covered

  (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)
(AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

CFP:For months, we’ve been hearing rumblings that Michael Bloomberg was considering a third party run in 2016.  So far, nothing’s materialized but, thanks to a “splintered” Democrat base, the rumors never really died down.


In fact, they’ve grown even louder on the heels of Hillary’s New Hampshire defeat.  The thinking on the left is that, if she can’t beat the socialist crypt-keeper, she has no chance against an energetic GOP.

That may or may not be true, but it’s causing the former New York City Mayor to rattle the third-party saber – and the DNC establishment doesn’t care for it one bit.  MORE



12 Comments on DWS: Don’t run, Bloomie, Hillary’s got your agenda covered

  1. RUN, BLOOMIE, RUN. Spend them billions, yours and your Libtard cronys. Stimulate the economy. Prove (even if it’s inadvertently, and you don’t believe in it) the “trickle down” economic theory.

  2. DWS says the Dems are “protecting people from people who would do them harm”.
    Tell ya what, drive your expensive car into ANY Dem run inner city in America at 3am. Stop and wait a few minutes and see if Debbie is lying or not.

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