Chelsea Clinton Says She Left Her Church at Age 6 Over Abortion – IOTW Report

Chelsea Clinton Says She Left Her Church at Age 6 Over Abortion

chelsea clinton surprised

“I was raised in a Methodist church and I left the Baptist church before my dad did because I didn’t know why they were talking to me about abortion when I was 6 in Sunday School. That’s a true story.”


SNIP: That’s a sweet story. Tell us another one, Chels.

h/t Groucho Marxist.

43 Comments on Chelsea Clinton Says She Left Her Church at Age 6 Over Abortion

  1. Sorry, but a 6 year old in a Baptist church in Arkansas would not be talked to about abortion.

    I know this as my mom was raised in a Baptist church in Arkansas. And all of her relatives.

    And all of her relatives blasted Clinton when he was governor.
    They hated Hillary then. He didn’t win re-election after his first term.

    Hillary got a makeover and he won the election next cycle.

  2. I don’t know why they were talking to her about abortion either, as that implies the opportunity to have sex, which for her was nearly an immaculate conception. She’s a double-bagger for sure.

  3. Waking up to that face would go a long way towards convincing one that having to escape out the third floor window is a just and fitting punishment for having wound up there in the first place.

  4. Chelsea Clinton is following in the footsteps of her corrupt lying parents by insulting Christians and blaming them for not being progressive and in favor of murdering children in the womb.
    How conveniently elitist of a Clinton to not practice what they preach – all this discussion about abortion when she’s keeping both her children. What a self-centered dunce.

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