Facebook to give free cheese to users for countering terrorist propaganda – IOTW Report

Facebook to give free cheese to users for countering terrorist propaganda

I’m highly suspicious.

Facebook recently teamed up with the bulky German woman, Angela Merkel, to take down or censor the accounts of people who disagree with the handling of Muslim “migrants” and pretty much any opinion regarding Muslims that seems a little naughty to them.

Have a good number of these Muslim “migrants” committed terrorist acts, various assaults, theft, breaking and entering, general mayhem, so on and so forth? Yep.

And has the rest of the world, including those that are on Facebook, been talking and trading articles about it? Uh huh.

Well shut your holes, people. It has already been decided that the bad stuff they do is none of your concern and you shouldn’t be such judgmental bastards.
That’s Facebook’s job.

But now all of a sudden Facebook wants to encourage and reward people to turn in terrorists and/or really annoy them online!
What’s the reward?
Free cheese!!! ads! FREE ADS? Cool!

I think something weird could be going on here. Facebook normally has a huge soft spot for all things Muslim related, illegal aliens, and SJW, so is Facebook actually clear on who they want to go after? They may manage to take down a few ISIS pages here and there with user help but considering Facebook’s past behavior, I wonder who else they’re trying to catch in this net?

Make a claim that you “found a terrorist” and when it’s just some Muslim guy you’re going to be branded an Islamophobe and lose your Facebook account, or worse.

Techworm[…]Facebook through its counter speech campaign,  it is attempting to discredit terrorist content with posts from its users.

The social network has supported several counter speech initiatives
in recent months, offering ad credits to some users and collaborating with the US State Department to develop messaging from college students. MORE


1 Comment on Facebook to give free cheese to users for countering terrorist propaganda

  1. Saturday morning brain food to enhance my Facebook posts

    Concept: Facebook and the Hays Code?

    artificial intelligence and huge data bases

    if “they” have facial recognition software… Why not
    a) guns
    b) upside down flags
    c) boobs and other special body parts

    a course keywords

    Most folks forget that before the introduction of the HAys Code, Hollywood was a pretty wild place, making transgressive films, and shocking audiences perhaps even more so than today.

    What are your thoughts and ideas?

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