A Secret Service Agent’s One Regret – IOTW Report

A Secret Service Agent’s One Regret

“She is an embarrassment to our country and I’ll never forgive myself for allowing her to stain my soul. I wish I had never met her.”

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.

– George Orwell

18 Comments on A Secret Service Agent’s One Regret

  1. I’d like to think I’m proficient with words but my disdain for that bitch leaves me uttering obscenities that would make a drunken sailor blush.

    My apologies to sailors everywhere.

  2. I met a former Secret Service agent about ten years ago. Worked at a gun school in IL at the time along with a bunch of other highly qualified individuals. Great bunch of guys, great stories to tell. All very human and not afraid to admit it, and courage to spare.

    This guy said that the Hildebeast was the most frightening person he had ever met in all his years of being an LEO and SS detail. A true psychopath. More dangerous than any unqualified trainee in a crowded room with their finger on the trigger of a high capacity firearm. Frothing at the mouth mad-dog unpredictable.

    I wonder what he has to say now.

  3. “It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.”

    HRC is a symptom of our diseased society.

    It is foolish to hate her, who would NEVER have risen to prominence, had it not been for us, who propelled her and her pathologic husband into the political stratosphere.

  4. The Dumbplumber posted a comment to the original story and adds to it here:

    Bongino would have to be a complete idiot and cave dweller to have NOT known of Hillary’s past before coming to her detail, so don’t get me started down that road. She had a long and sordid history long before she became a senator.

    I have long believed that SS agents used to be paid to protect their charges. I now believe they are paid to overlook their felonies and not to shoot them.

    Bongino is trying to bandage over his Oath of Office violations. His first obligation is to the Constitution and the people of this nation. End of today’s lesson.

  5. I am constantly amazed that my brilliant sister ‘LOVES THAT WOMAN’.

    My sister has few college credits, so having been brain washed isn’t a factor. She is very successful, hard working, analytical, generous, kind, and raised within 2 years of me, by the same parents, with the same values.

    My sister idolizes both Clintons. I just don’t get it! As you probably surmised, I’ve always thought her to have superior intellect, and experience, and success, and ambition, compared to me. What am I not seeing?

    She often says to me, ‘Surely you don’t believe that’, when squashing my conservative views or daring to criticize a liberal, especially a damn Clinton or Obama. Freaking amazing.

    All I can think of is ‘cult’ follower.

  6. I forgot, to say, both of us are in our 70s, so we are within memory of a lot of history. We have lived in Germany, and many states, and experienced many cultures, are well read and seek information from many sources, resisting one side of any story. We were taught critical thinking by our brilliant father, and learned to see both sides of a question before making analytical, logical and critical decisions.


  7. Corona,
    Yes, “us,” as in: “the American People.”

    And even those of “us” who did not directly support the criminal conspiracy, allowed it to continue.

    That we have not hanged all the filth in DC is nothing short of a modern miracle.

    Or the “sheepleization” of America.

  8. Sam,

    Sometimes it’s a simple (and as scary) as people just want to believe whatever they find most comforting to believe — whatever it is and for whatever reason0. If that’s the case, there’s no explaining it because there’s no actual rationale for it, and it will remain a mystery to you even though she’s kin.

    My brother is the same way.

  9. The fact of the matter is that this Bitch has gotten away with a LOT more than people are aware of simply because she is:
    A) Female
    B) A member of the DemocRat protected class

    Any White male Republican would have been locked up years ago for for doing 10% of what this screeching Basilisk has done!

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