What If You Had a Revolution and Nobody Came? – IOTW Report

What If You Had a Revolution and Nobody Came?

Feel the BERN! He’s mounting a revolution!!

Uhh, democrat turnout is down, hugely down.

Republican turnout is up, hugely up.

Who’s hosting this revolution?


8 Comments on What If You Had a Revolution and Nobody Came?

  1. Eventually, even Robespierre saw the business end of the guillotine, and Lenin, Stalin and Mao ended up on the scrap heap of history. Be careful, Bernie – your “revolution” is nothing more than a return to systems already proven to be failures, and your biggest threat will not be from people who opposed you, but from supporters who will be, not surprisingly, disappointed.

  2. I’d like to know how many Democrats are interested in Trump as the FU vote against their own establishment.

    I suspect that Trump is bring a number of D’s over, and will hold them if Hillary is the eventual nominee. There may be a chance for a HUGE land slide if we end up with Trump v Clinton.

  3. I think it’s a mistake to underestimate the allure of “free shit.” Between 40 and 65% of Americans are on the dole of some sort or another – from WIC to ObolaPhones to Ag subsidies to “debt relief.”

    And even white people no longer feel shame at accepting money which was forcibly taken from others – though, of course, it’s never put like that.

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