A Bill Clinton Organized Super Pac? – IOTW Report

A Bill Clinton Organized Super Pac?



Here’s a taste of the level of intelligence amongst this modest voting bloc-

DM- Entice Love, a 26-year-old mother of two from Sacramento, who works at the ranch told The Guardian: ‘I’m for Hillary because she’s cracking down on domestic violence.’

Entice Love, a 26-year-old mother of two from Sacramento, who works at the ranch says she is backing Hillary because she is trying to crack down on domestic violence

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19 Comments on A Bill Clinton Organized Super Pac?

  1. “Ummm, you know, like, I mean, you know, umm, like, Hillary is, you know, like, a woman? And umm, you know, like, umm, like, I’m a woman, you know? So, you know, like, I like cat videos? So, you know, like, that’s why I’m voting for, you know, like, Hillary?”

    Beeyotch, your first mistake was STAYING in an abusive relationship and then not prosecuting the hateful SOB who was beating you. Your second mistake was applying no logic whatsoever in developing your argument as to why you voted for ODumbass.

    Oh, and remember to keep up with those STD exams, mmmkay?

    This shit makes the news, and tomorrow those poor folks who got hacked up in Columbus will be forgetten. Keee-ripes.

  2. Unless we can figure out how to implement some sort of qualification requirement for voting we are probably doomed to having a government that gives away all kinds of free shit. And the more free shit you promise to give away the more likely that you will be elected.

  3. ‘I’ve been in a relationship for a long time where I’d been throwndown stairs, black eyes, fractured ribs …

    And she will again irrespective of who is President, irrespective of advice given her by others, irrespective of how damn many times it has happened before – because this is how she gets her rocks off. They are all in for a “thrill fuck” and will seek out the worst elements in society in order to get their rocks off

    I just accept it for what it is, I don’t try to understand it not do I particularly care what motivates it. It just is what it is.

  4. We all saw Hillary’s cat like reflexes catch a shoe thrown at her midair and deflected it right back to the person who threw it. If there’s danger, superhero Hillary will be there to stop it, no matter if it’s 3am or if it involves a flight of stairs. If you get tired of sleeping alone because no man is attracted to your inherent bitterness, just call Hillary to tuck you in and sing a lullaby. This is the reality we face, folks. Hillary can be everywhere and anywhere, always for the good. Now if the rest of us would just wake up already!

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