What does a $5,000 a Night Hooker Look Like? – IOTW Report

What does a $5,000 a Night Hooker Look Like?

DM- Svetlana Travis boarded a flight for her native Russia Sunday night, following the alleged incident in a $1,000-a-night suite at the Plaza Hotel on Saturday. Travis called 911 and told cops that Eliot Spitzer had gotten physically abusive with her after she said she planned to return to Moscow.

However the disgraced politician’s lawyer, Adam Kaufmann, has denied the incident and claims Travis sent Spitzer an email saying she was sorry, insisting she was scared that she may have been sent to a mental hospital. She is also believed to be a former high-end prostitute who charged up to $5,000 a night.

Pictures after the jump


$5,000, eh?

More left-wing government waste.

More story HERE


29 Comments on What does a $5,000 a Night Hooker Look Like?

  1. Elliot “The War on Women” Spitzer is a poor consumer. For $5000 he could by a really nice guitar or mandolin and enjoy a lifetime of intellectual challenges through the medium of music… the bonus is that if you become at least somewhat accomplished, you could look just like Spitzer and still get more Tang than an astronaut…
    Besides, what is wrong with these women? Don’t they know that the swallow is the bird of love, not a Spitzer?

  2. A friend worked in Reno as a tax attorney in the 90’s, between gigs at the Capital when Republicans were in power. He told us of one particular Ukrainian call girl who had earned well over $100k and was trying to avoid paying taxes on it. Her suggested argument was that she had earned it in Clark County (Las Vegas), where prostitution is illegal, so she wouldn’t owe taxes. Such brilliance! His last conversation with her was a call when she was at the airport, asking him if she would have to pay taxes if she went back to Ukraine with the money. And he never heard from her again.

  3. Just take a look into the rabbit trail about the sex slave business. $5k per night escorts are no big deal, the real elites have access to “escorts” that are on a whole different level.

  4. To Stop2think:

    I’ve never seen the harmonica trick before. But when I was young and in the Air force, I had a Juarez whore tell me that “she could smoke a cigar with her pussy and make it look like Fidel Castro” . At the time I was grossed out but now I almost wish I had paid he the $10 to see that.

  5. There is a scene in a 70s blackploitation movie that a hooker tells her pimp she wants to become a $1,000 hooker.

    She gets pimp slapped a few times to her surprise. Then he sets her straight.


    $5,000 says more about Spitzy being a dumbass than anything else.

  6. Can’t see ever paying for it. Ever. Been offered a lot and it always creeps me out.

    On the other hand, I was paid $15 to give a hickey to a girl that had a crush on me. So, I guess I’m a one-time whore?

    Three women pooled $5 each. My fiance, the shift mgr and the asst shift mgr. They dared me. I said I’d do it for $5 from each. The girl had no idea. Talking her into it was part of the challenge. Challenge accepted!

    Her neck was surprisingly soft. It was a sweet connection we had after that.

    A life I’ll never see again! lol

  7. Spitzer has better taste in women than Weiner. Just compare the two wives. Which one would you care to have as a wife? And Spitzer’s wife isn’t headed for endless hearings and a possible indictment. Millions in legal fees ( goody ) and a real pervert waiting for you when you get out of prison ( we can hope ). Spitzer is almost as ugly as Weiner, but he has the money to buy more attractive women. Both of them deserve the fate their peckers’s brains brought them, but I don’t know how Spitzer’s wife could stand by her worthless husband as long as she did. As they command you at Denny’s: ENJOY!

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