Purdue Employee Resigns After Saying He’d Enjoy Raping – But He’s the One Demanding An Apology – IOTW Report

Purdue Employee Resigns After Saying He’d Enjoy Raping – But He’s the One Demanding An Apology

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Punchable Face Resigns From Purdue Position After Saying He Would Like To Rape Wife, Daughter and Grandmother. We spotlighted this douche HERE.

Ever the obnoxious and self-righteous lefttard, he’s playing the victim and is demanding an apology from everyone else.

My favorite passage of all the rants that led to his unemployment is this one—

“You folks are vile, racist idiots, who richly deserve all the opprobrium that will be heaped on you as a result of this unbelievably thoughtless, stupid escapade.”



ht/ FarmWife

22 Comments on Purdue Employee Resigns After Saying He’d Enjoy Raping – But He’s the One Demanding An Apology

  1. Just another cacademic clone, a hive-mind collectivist. He talks/writes in cliches: he can’t simply say something is deserved, it must be richly deserved; and “criticism” won’t do, we’ve got to have opprobrium…heaped on us…not simply racists, but vile, racist idiots.

    If he ever had an original thought, he’d gleefully trade it for a tub of unseasoned tofu and a used butt plug.

  2. Looks like a tape worm to me. Pass the Profender.

    He needs to be probated for the minimum 72 hour mental health observation.
    His job was accompanist in the music department. Now there’s a skill set in high demand. I doubt he has what it takes to ask ‘would you like some fries with that?’

  3. Synicle
    February 16, 2016 at 1:10 pm

    OK, he’s your apology “I’m sorry you got the end of your father’s dick for a head instead of a human one”

    He was destined to become a fuck wad.

    See? It’s not his fault. He was born this way.

  4. So … Purdue has Free Speech?

    He (it?) could have written about vile, disgusting niggers?
    Or the reprobate behavior of faggots (or homosexuals)?
    Or how he (it?) may want to rape and abuse HRC and BS?

    And Purdue would have defended him (it?) to the death or at least as long as they did?

    Yeah … check’s in the mail … I won’t ___ in your mouth.

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