“Black Hillary” reappears – IOTW Report

“Black Hillary” reappears

‘Ma Lips Ah Sealed!’ Hillary Uses Black Accent In Chat With Sharpton.

sharpton clinton 2

DailyCaller: Hillary Clinton appeared to mimic Rev. Al Sharpton’s accent on Tuesday while standing right next to the civil rights activist.

“My lips are sealed,” Clinton said in an affected accent after an event at the Harlem headquarters of Sharpton’s National Action Network.

The comment came after Politico reporter Annie Karni asked Sharpton if he plans to endorse Clinton.


16 Comments on “Black Hillary” reappears

  1. Gawd, these people are so into stereotypes…. can anyone be more racist?

    …Hillary Clinton, starring in her Academy Award winning role as ‘Aunt Jemima’

    …or was it ‘Mammy’?

  2. Being from the South, and a Democrat, it has been imprinted on her that the help is a bit slow in the brain department and needs to be spoken to in a way their feeble minds can understand.
    The use of diction and grammar just causes confusion and resentment.

  3. Hillary is a racist, plain and simple. With that BS fake accent she couldn’t even get a job at the Uncle Remus museum reciting Brer Rabbit stories.

    I’m beginning to wonder if she is possessed by demons especially with that dog barking business. Any one seen green slime coming out her mouth lately or her head spinning?

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