Contest: What’d She Do? – IOTW Report

Contest: What’d She Do?

HT/ FDR in Hell

We’re going to take another crack at giving away a “Keith memorial whistle.”

The game, like last time, is to be the first one to name what crime this woman actually committed, and also name the fake crime that MJA contributed to our list.

I will be providing 7 other fake crimes. No prize for naming those.

What’d she do?

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  1. Drove around with her dead child in her car for ten years.
  2. Gave ominous psychic reading to a woman and convinced her that her only hope was to have sex with her,
  3. Set up a “Fight Club” gambling ring with girls boxing as young as 12 years-old.
  4. Convinced a customer she was a cashier with a broken register, took his cash and wrote out a receipt by hand for a $600 TV.
  5. Collected money to help replace her son’s vandalized grave site. She had no son, and she did the vandalizing before taking picture of her handiwork to post on GoFundMe.
  6. Had students working her boyfriend’s car wash every week as part of a “vocational training extra credit program”- which she completely made up.
  7. Made an extra key while taking a camper out for a test drive, using it later on as a place to turn tricks in.
  8. Pushed a co-worker down a flight of stairs because she didn’t invite her to another co-worker’s bridal shower.
  9. Held a client in the shampoo sink, trying to drown her, because client didn’t “want that shampoo that’s making your hair fall out.”


36 Comments on Contest: What’d She Do?

  1. I checked back all day, thinking there would be an update with the correct answer, and I gotta admit it was difficult to decide which – if any – of the choices were made up. It’s a loony tunes culture these days, so I looked it up. Would never have guessed the correct answer was the (allegedly; HA) real crime. Damn.

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