Will Donald Trump’s Reform of Obamacare Include a Mandate? – IOTW Report

Will Donald Trump’s Reform of Obamacare Include a Mandate?

It sounds like whatever Trump’s plan is to reform Obamacare, it’s going to be mandatory to buy it. I don’t think he’s talked about this to any degree, but eagle-eared Tsunami caught it and alerted me to it.



81 Comments on Will Donald Trump’s Reform of Obamacare Include a Mandate?

  1. Any idea how much uninsured assholes cost us showing up at an ER. That’s tacked right onto your premium. I’ve lost track with the Obamacare train wreck, but if memory serves me correct in the old days it was about 20% of the entire premium. Not sayen it’s right or wrong just sayen why maybe he’s saying this.

  2. If you can mandate health insurance, what else can you mandate?

    Trump, like many honest and well meaning folks make judgments based on emotions rather than well thought out principles.

    We need a principled person in charge of the great country, not an emotional one.

  3. Trump: A Government mandate to force citizens to participate in Obamacare?
    Trump doesn’t believe in a free market system that allows individuals to determine what is best for them?

    Sounds like Obama style medical socialism.

    Is Trump “evolving” to his democratic roots again?

  4. What bothers me about Trump is when he says Ins. companies are getting rich off Obamacare, I thought they were struggling. Take United Health Ins. they had a loss last year. So Im confused by his words half the time.

  5. @ Brad,

    My healthcare premium went from $125 per month to $875 per MONTH.

    Thanks to the ObamaCare mandate, I can’t afford insurance and now I’m TAXED/FINED because I can’t afford the insurance of MY choice.

    Nobody should be penalized for NOT having something they don’t want.

    That’s called LIBERTY.

  6. Also as I remember Illegal aliens where a yuge part of that 20% back in the 80’s and 90’s. Imagine how bad it is now. Except your no longer paying it in a premium, your paying it in a tax and a premium. I need to hear more but he might be right on the money. Especially if he builds a big ass wall.

  7. Tsunami, two things. Your first point, more reason to vote for Trump.

    Your second point, let’s say you show up at the ER after shooting yourself in the fimoral artery due to improper saftey precautions on that Sig P226 you have no carry permit for. Oops no insurance. What then? You know what then, every one else is paying for it. It’s not like they’ll throw your ass in the garbage can. Same old thing, my premium goes up. And actually so does yours if you ever decide to get insurance. I think he might have a good point.

  8. LOL…it’s great to watch your Trumpkins defend a new “uh-oh” moment almost daily……

    Can you dispense with the TRUMPKIN label?
    We’re obviously discussing the issues, not
    walking in lockstep. So, cut it out. -bfh

  9. C. Steven.
    He does.

    I understand that it is impossible to get costs down without taking deadbeats out of the marketplace.

    And it’s tough to take deadbeats out of the marketplace without compelling them to buy.

    Mandate is a dirty word for the right.
    But, what the hell do you do?

    C. Steven, what’s the answer?

    Means testing? Progressive insurance (not the company, but the system.) ((That’s not a conservative idea.))

    It’s tough, but when you’re running for president you have to have this ironed out.

    By the way, what’s Cruz’s bold plan?

    We have some people saying this is a deal breaker for them.
    Who do they run to?
    Cruz? What’s his plan?

  10. Just remember, included in that mandate that he “likes” is a mandatory $1 contribution to the abortionists.

    Caesar must have his pinch of tribute, right?

    That stuff might not mess with any of your heads, but it does mine.

  11. Brad, you’re missing the point.

    Mandates aren’t LIBERTY.

    If Trump is really worth his weight as a proclaimed “tremendous” powerhouse, he should be able to CREATE A FREE MARKET ATMOSPHERE that will make insurance inexpensive enough WITHOUT the imposition of a mandate.

    Otherwise he’s just another tyrannical hack politician, in my opinion.

  12. Tsunami,
    what do you do about people who do not buy and get into automobile accidents and are sent to the hospital?
    Do you run a health insurance check before administering life saving procedures?

    This has been the problem from day one.
    It’s why hospitals charge so much.
    So, instead of just cutting off the conversation and saying Trump is dead to you, what do you do?

    What is Cruz going to do?

    And, also. maybe C.Steven can help me on this.

    What does competition across state lines do?
    Why would an Alabama health insurance company take on me when I live in New York and go to New York hospitals that charge more than Alabama?

    I never understood this concept.

  13. Tsunami. Liberty is not me paying for you. Where’s my liberty. We managed a payroll of 50 for about 10 years (pre Obamacare). Come time to re up everyone we were allowed to get quotes from in Cali’s names all started with Blue. Blue Shield, Blue This, Blue That. Fuckers used the same stationary. Trump has said many times, open the quotes up nationally. Is the free market enough for you. Mr. Stevens, tell me I’m wrong. Been there, done that. Trumps right again.

  14. I’ve already voted in the primary. And I’ll vote for either Trump or Cruz in the general, whichever one looks like they can win – I don’t give a shit which one as long as it’s not another communist.

    And if neither Trump nor Cruz are ahead at that time, I’m writing in LaVoy Finicum’s name and will probably never vote again.

    We need this win, for the survival of America. No joke about that, dead serious. Two chances: Trump and Cruz.

  15. This is a difficult issue. When I was hospitalized a year and a half ago I had shiny new insurance I bought from C Steven because my 28 year old policy was cancelled by Obamacare. I had no insurance card with me, could not prove I had insurance and still got treated. I was in ICU for 5 days before I remembered where my new policy was, but no one at the hospital cared or knew whether I was insured or not. Why should they? The feds cover my bills if I don’t, so they can charge what they want. Our health care system is not a capitalist system. Should it be? Should I have died because I couldn’t pay for treatment? We used to have charity hospitals that took the uninsured…do they even exist anymore?

    What I do know, is that if we go to single payer, the drunk bum that staggered in front of Donald Trump’s limo and got run over as his limo flipped after hitting him tossing Trump in the street…they both get equal treatment. I think Trump should get dibs. Am an ass for seeing it that way?

  16. BFH, that’s not my concern.

    Health insurance isn’t a right, just like health care isn’t a right. Forcing people to be their brother’s keeper is socialism; not free market capitalism. Hindered free market crony capitalism is what drives the costs up.

    Insurance was never meant to cover every damn little thing under the sun – every sniffle or sneeze, or toothache. Insurance was meant for catastrophic scenarios.

    I admit I’m not the brightest guy in the world, but for cryin’ out loud insurance is overpriced for reasons that they needn’t be.

    Answer me this: Why has the cost of health insurance gone up so dramatically in the past 50 years when the same bad stuff happens as it did 50 years ago? why so much expense now? Why does it cost 5 grand to use $5.50 worth of electricity to run a CAT scan?

    I think your question might be better answered by Mr. Tucker.

  17. A couple things. Cali hospitals being more expensive is an assumption. They’re also more state of the art. Why would’nt an Alabama Insurance company want to offer services to it’s clientel that could only be performed at U.C. Davis or Berkleys Med centers. Especially if their rates are now amortized by customers nationwide

  18. It wouldn’t be ‘an Alabama insurance company’, it would be a national insurance company. Which would make coverage far simpler. The reality is that all those ‘Blue Cross’ insurers across the country are the same company – they are forced into an inefficient, single-state system by federal regulation. Eliminating that will save hundreds of billions without any other changes.

  19. As with everything else, private, profit-driven industry is far more efficient than over-regulated and/or government-run industry. It will be more cost-effective. Competition will drive prices down. People will go directly to a doctor and negotiate – even with 0bamacare hanging over them some doctors have gone to direct-payment systems with their patients in which both benefit financially because there is no giant overhead.

  20. “We have some people saying this is a deal breaker for them”.

    Believe me, the people that are saying this were not voting for him anyway. Probably not even in the general. Not matter. Trump wins. The silent majority is silent no more.

  21. BTW, the idiocy of not being able to sell insurance across state lines (because you didn’t grease the greasy palm of the slimy insurance commissioner) has gotten worse! You now have to provide a zip code to buy insurance! ACA at its finest!

    Oh, and if I understand it correctly, my zip code is down to two insurance companies. Not much choice.

    Also, BCBS-NC abandoned my county, my neighboring county and is saying they are leaving the state all together. Every Teacher in NC is insured by BCBS. So, I can say with all honesty, Obamacare cancelled NC teachers insurance.

    Remind me again why the federal government is involved in healthcare and health care insurance?

  22. Brad,

    Why would I want to survive a massive head wound in the first place?

    The bottom line: Mandates AREN’T liberty.

    Mandates ARE control.

    If someone MANDATES that you CAN’T produce firearms is that liberty?

    We talk about being a conservatives and that we love liberty, but I’m beginning to think many of us in America don’t really understand how scary and empowering TRUE liberty really is.

    They are all killing us with their fucking one world government incrementalism – healthcare is the latest angle.

    Seriously, think about how our thinking is being distracted and manipulated on a minute by minute basis.

    Read these definitions and THINK of where we are: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/liberty?s=t

  23. Brad,

    “Believe me, the people that are saying this were not voting for him anyway. Probably not even in the general.”

    That’s not true and you know it. You know exactly where I stand.

    I resent your insinuation.

  24. I see, Liberty for the welfare state and illegals, as long as guys like me are paying for it. That’s fucked up pal. But I hope you’re digging all you non conformist Liberty. I’m not.

  25. What are you even talking about. Where have I ever said that I believe in liberty for the welfare state?

    You chose to start a business – doing so means that you accept the responsibilities and hardships that go with it. It’s not my fucking fault that you have to make payroll or pay for the parasites through your cost of doing business.

    It is the choice of the public as to whether or not we partake in the purchase of your goods, though.

    Would you be happier if liberty meant that the public be mandated into purchasing your firearms, and if they didn’t they’d have to pay a fine/tax?

  26. So just curious, but those saying we need the mandate in order to ensure that care is given to everyone by insuring everyone can pay, does this also mean then that you can now tell others what activities they are allowed to participate in? I mean if you intend to require others to take care of the deadbeat who has no insurance shouldn’t you also be allowed to control what he is allowed to do with his body since it might increase costs for the rest of us.

    All of the points being debated were debated endlessly when Obamacare was passed. What has changed to make socialized medicine better suddenly? Either you have freedom and liberty and all the dirty aspects of allowing people to make their own choices or you have control by government.

    The simplest way to handle this is the way it all started. First remove all restrictions, no mandate and no limitation about where and from whom you can buy insurance. Second, you remove all restrictions concerning what kind of insurance can be bought and sold to allow individuals to cater their insurance to their specific needs. Third, remove the very restrictions that have been put in place over the years that have made it very difficult to operate non-profit charity hospitals. Fourth, privatize Medicare and Medicaid because the price fixing done by those two government entities warps the market. That’s a start and it won’t be easy or smooth, but it gets us closer to a solution than where we are now. I am sure there are those who will have issues with any or all of these, but the idea here is to put the power back in the hands of the individual over their own life.

    People also have to accept that it may not always be pretty when someone who choose not to get any insurance ends up flat broke and destitute. They may end up with debt that they pay on for the rest of their life, but that was their choice. And you can create a control over some without putting it over all, so unless you want to have government controlling your life you can have it doing so only to the bum who can’t pay.

    As for Trump, ROFLMAO !! It will be fun to see how this gets spun tomorrow.

  27. I love autocorrect when it doesn’t leave alone what is typed.

    The sentence is supposed to read;

    And you can’t create a control over some without putting it over all, so unless you want to have government controlling your life you can’t have it doing so only to the bum who can’t pay.

  28. “If someone MANDATES that you CAN’T produce firearms is that liberty?”

    Your making my point. Right now the government is mandating that I CAN’T be left alone to live my life as I see fit.

    Is that liberty?

  29. No I’m not making your point.bIf ai don’t manufacture bad ass weapons you don’t pay anything. If you go to the hospital with a malignant hang nail with out insurance I ultimately pay part of that uninsured visit

  30. Brad,

    Tsunami, what do you call it when subscribers to health care are subsidizing the uninsured? I call it a form of welfare. You think I’m wrong?

    No, I agree with you 100%. It’s tyrannical BS.

    I also don’t think it’s my problem. In a properly functioning society this wouldn’t be a problem, but big, over-regulating government MAKES it our problem. I avoid it as best as I can.

    Unfortunately, all I can do is choose not to participate in government healthcare. So relax, you’re not paying for me in any way.

    If I do get sick, I can fall back on the notion of all the taxes I paid into the system to help me get well. It’s not like I’m a parasite. I’ve paid about four hundred thousand dollars plus into this fucked up, about-to-go-broke shit during my working life of 37 years.

    I won’t feel a bit guilty if I need something from the state in an emergency.

    I think I’ve already paid my premiums with my prime.

  31. No, I agree with you 100%. It’s tyrannical BS.

    Yes and now we reach common ground. So what I understand ,Trumps health care position is open competition across state line. Free market competition. Every one participates. Eliminate Obamacare. Eleminate paying for illegal aliens. (Back in the 80’s this dollar figure was obscene)
    Tsunami, you deserve affordable health care. So do I.

    Trump understands these issues better than anybody running. Why? Because he actually provides health care for his employees. Nobody else running has. Something to think about.

  32. But Trumps point is if every “American” participates the cheaper it will be. Consider this, what if you were covering a family of 5 with young children. Let’s see how cheap a free market capitalist can make it. Fuck the attorneys. They haven’t been doing very good.

  33. Sometimes, I think Trump hears a trigger word like “mandate” “Bush” or whatever…and just goes off on a stream of consciousness salesman riff about it. He’ll figure it out when he’s POTUS.

    Tomorrow is a new day.

  34. No one is going to touch Obamacrap. Politicians say one thing on the
    Campaign trail and another once elected.
    Trump will be fine once in office and reality smacks him in the face.

  35. This a duh I told you moment! Trump is no conservative! He has no conservative values! Don’t be a fool and vote for this man when a year afterwards you will be saying to yourself what in the hell was I thinking.

  36. Woody
    February 19, 2016 at 1:29 am

    I love autocorrect when it doesn’t leave alone what is typed.

    Quit bitchin’ and turn the damn feature off.

    Texting/typing is so much better without it. Try it.

  37. And there we have it;

    “Trump understands these issues better than anybody running.”

    The “Nobody knows or does something better than Trump” moment !!!

    Just curious, but who or what makes you pay for that bum off the street? Oh yeah, it’s government. The same entity that now wants to take over your healthcare. And again government turns something that originally started out as voluntary charity by the People into a requirement and then uses that requirement as a crowbar to reach into the rest of your life. Maybe it’s time to say STOP.

    And this whole notion of “Trump will figure this out later when in office” is blind faith that you hope he figures it out. A complete and total bet on your future based on nothing. All that can be said is what those who support him can place on him based on their own hopes and dreams. It seems like Hope 2.0

    And the fun continues……

  38. The worst thing that ever happened to health insurance is government involvement. It was Medicare’s DRGs (Diagnostic Related Groups) that caused hospital fees to skyrocket. Another major cost is people on Medicaid who use the emergency room for what should be office calls.

    Governments mandating anything makes the cost go up. When Illinois implemented mandatory auto insurance, one of the “selling points” was that it would lower costs because everyone would be paying. The costs went up and up and up.

    Government needs to stay out of it.

  39. “Deal breaker for me. Period.” – tsunami

    That’s not possible, as you were never – or at least not for the longest time haven’t been – a Trump supporter.

    And I thought only lazy, sleazy, manipulative Leftists used the Concern Troll technique. I guess that goes for some Cruz supporters now, too.

  40. In my book, the BEST thing about Trump is that it not only

    signals the death of P.C./Leftist talk, but also

    highlights the vacuity of libertarianism: crying “freedom!” or “liberty!” is NOT a policy or a plan for reality…but perhaps only an ideal process at best.

  41. Here’s an interesting question;

    Let’s say Trump is elected, begins building the wall and sending illegals home. But his other policies and actions are absolutely terrible, borderline almost as bad as Obama. The wall is not yet complete and we reach the next election. Do Trump supporters still back him simply to see the wall completed or do they move to another candidate?

    The question originates from the observation that for most Trump supporters it is only about the wall and enforcing our borders, while ignoring everything else for the most part. Just curious how far they are willing to go for their one issue.

  42. SUMMARIZED: “OMG!! Trump is not perfect! In fact, he’s almost a Demon Sheep!! Even though I spend 99% of my time attacking Trump, I want you to believe that spreading doubt and fear is REASON ENOUGH to support Cruz! (…just don’t ask about jis amnesty or TPP positions, please)” – Woody

    Fixed it for ya.

  43. Hey Czar,

    If you can’t answer the question maybe you should reconsider your own positions rather than try to assign some to me.

    Seems funny how fast you were to impugn a simple question instead of standing up for your candidate. Almost like you know the answer, but fear facing it.

    Emotion Trumps Intellect !!!

    (Czar, you are a case-study that proves this point every time you post supporting Trump. Thanks for providing further data.)

  44. Well that is your prerogative.

    But it is a curiosity to see just how far supporters are willing to go for one issue when so much of Trumps are plans are nebulous at best. Right above in this very thread supporters are willing to declare with no basis of evidence that Trump knows more about health insurance than anyone else and so just “trust” that he can handle it better than anyone else. This raises the question how much of this support is based on faith versus actual substance.

    So you can categorize the question as being loaded-with-biases-and-presumptions, but it was intended to gauge how far supporters are willing to go and how much of this support is faith based versus actual track record or history on which to build a case for Trump being the best choice.

  45. You seem stuck on the INCORRECT notion that Trump supporters are “single issue” voters. I don’t know where that notion came from (though it WAS the “first” issue that brought him notoriety in, what was it, June?).

    I get you’re concerned on “specifics” and the lack thereof. No prob! I’m right there with you.

    I have the same concerns (on various issues) about Cruz’s “track record” (includng both some of his VOTES as well as evasive lawyerly/politico non-answers).

    Check this out; it lays out my concerns well (in a really funny way!):

    Generally speaking, such concerns don’t bother me: I keep it in perspective with, “it’s a matter of how much faith/trust you are willing to give this guy over that guy.”

  46. Czar,
    Tsunami and I have many offline conversations. He’s a true conservative who’s not committed to any one candidate yet. And he does bring up positive things about Trump as well as others. But I’m certain he will be in line with me voting for the last man standing no matter who it is

  47. “Right above in this very thread supporters are willing to declare with no basis of evidence that Trump knows more about health insurance than anyone else and so just “trust” that he can handle it better”

    So I guess “trust” is involved with any of the rest of the candidates. Is that correct? Just Trump? You prejudice is showing.

    Everyone else running is a cookie cutter copy of the idiots that got us in this mess in the first place. One wonders why your willing to settle for the status quo and not try and right the ship.

  48. The Trifecta of Trump Supporters…..

    Faith is what we have to fall back on when there is not precedent for the actions of an individual. Trump lacks such a track record and what history he has is diametrically opposed to where he claims to be now.

    The only faith I have to have with Cruz has to do with immigration visas because of his past actions. Much of the rest is out there for anyone to find. And his positions have been consistent. And please give up the falsehood that is trumpeted by Rubio and Trump concerning immigration as that has been debunked over and over.

    So why does it matter when Trump proposed building a wall because if that mattered than Cruz did that back in 2011 and 2012.

    As for why I am under the “notion” that Trump supporters are “single issue”, it might have something to do with the number of times both here and at other sites that is all you get from a Trump supporter when Trump screws up as he did here. The usual response is; “I don’t care about {insert red flag action of statement here} as long as he builds that Wall. Trump 2016”.

    The data given by supporters themselves proves the single issue characteristic, so believe what you want the empirical evidence says otherwise. And this was the reason for the question I proposed since it seems no matter what he says as long as he keeps saying he will build a wall and deport the illegals.

  49. Woody,
    Trump runs a 6 Billion dollar company. He reached this level of success by executing well laid out plans and surrounding himself with a task oriented team. Have you checked what this guy owns and what he’s built?
    And now what’s Teddy done again? Give me a break.

  50. If you other guys posted something like this, only with Cruz, you’d be yelling ‘Hit Piece’, that’s unfair!

    Was his response the end of the interview? I don’t have cable, I ain’t rich enuf for $100/mo of shopping channels.

  51. Somebody better get Trump’s mind right about that damnable Healthcare mandate. It’s the anchor of Obamacare. BTW, he is doubling down on this “dying in the street” meme.
    Trump mentioned this in the New Hampshire debate and I knew he meant it then and I commented how wrong he was about it. Rush said on today’s show Trump is going against the majority of his conservative supporters. Supposedly, to get more liberal voters.
    I finally figured out who Trump is politically. He’s a progressive. A stanch patriot but still a “I know what’s best for you” social engineering progressive. The only thing going for him is he tend to listen and wants to know, maybe even act on the priorities of the people of the United States.

  52. Hey Bad_Brad,

    With that supposed $6 Billion Dollar Company, does that include the 4 Chapter 11 Bankruptcies and all the debt he skated on.

    Yeah, that’s something. Funny how all his wheeling and dealing like the Republican establishment has done with the Democrats is ignored. I wonder why….

    Hey Burner,

    As for this being a hit piece if it were about Cruz, I would have done the same thing I did here; go watch the video entirely for his complete answer.

    Here is the link;

    Funny how he wants to claim it isn’t single payer, but that we MUST take care of the people at the bottom. It may not be full blown single payer, but it is another step closer. The idea that people at the bottom can ONLY be taken care of if government is involved is further socialized medicine because now it is a direct transaction with the government outright taking money from some to pay for others versus building the cost into care for those others. While that former affects everyone immediately the latter only affected those requiring care prior to Obamacare’s implementation.

  53. Donald J. Trump
    @realDonaldTrump 52 minutes

    I was referring to a backstop for pre-existing conditions. I will eliminate the law, in its entirety, & replace it w/ something much better.
    Share + Info

  54. So Trump says;

    “I was referring to a backstop for pre-existing conditions. I will eliminate the law, in its entirety, & replace it w/ something much better.”

    He forgot to mention the mandate, the socialized programs to take care of the lower levels so people aren’t dying in the street, and the fact that we will all be paying for it through government.

    Whether it is about “pre-existing conditions” or healthcare in general his answer seems to be the same.

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