Canada: Liberals lied, brought in 20,000 FAKE “Syrian refugees” – IOTW Report

Canada: Liberals lied, brought in 20,000 FAKE “Syrian refugees”

RebelMedia: All those “Syrian refugees” coming to Canada? They’re coming from apartment buildings in cities, where they’ve been living peacefully for years.

The Liberals made a campaign promise to take 50,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2015.

Of course, the idea that Canada could properly select and vet refugees from “terrorist central” was never going to work.

Instead of admitting that after they were elected, the Liberals doubled down.

But certain things just didn’t fit. Like when we asked for a copy of the questionnaire refugees were filling out. We were told no such questionnaire existed.

Then yesterday, Martin Bolduc, the Vice-President of the Programs Branch at the Canadian Border Services Agency CBSA, answered questions that no Liberal has answered so far.

It was a bombshell:

2 Comments on Canada: Liberals lied, brought in 20,000 FAKE “Syrian refugees”

  1. That refugee thing? Squirrels. Empty promise soundbites to make useful liberal voting idiots feel good. But they can feel good about their very own Canadian Obama with Nice Hair. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, it’s back to business as usual for the crony socialists and the predatory government unions in league with the Liberano kleptocracy – corruption, incompetence, cover-ups, and soaking up more of the sweat of private sector serfs’ labour. Just wait until the Trudeau Tax carbon theft kicks in, you f*cking liberal morons.

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