Reality Catches Up With Bush – Nobody Wants Him – IOTW Report

Reality Catches Up With Bush – Nobody Wants Him

Bush starts to cry as he bows out. He says the people have spoken and he will listen… months too late.

We won a major battle. The GOP was not able to stuff a candidate down our throats.

Personally, I can breathe a little sigh of relief. We actually matter. That is good to know.

25 Comments on Reality Catches Up With Bush – Nobody Wants Him

  1. I don’t feel sorry for jeb he really thought he was going to cut a fat hog in the ass. Another reason he isn’t qualified to be president he doesn’t have the gift of discernment. He really thought tptb garnered more power than the voice of Americans.

  2. Bush bailed because of the GOP’s panic. He was told pull out. The GOPs guy is officially Rubio. And I’m listening to Cruz’s speech right now and that guys a pain in the ass.

  3. Bush was a resume candidate. Maybe in a different time we could afford someone like that, but not now. Way too much at stake, and we need a leader with some balls. For me, Trump or Cruz would be fine.

  4. Trump is my guy, but with Chrispie & Jeb! out, I can say with a smile that I’ll happily vote GOP in November even if the nominee happens to not be my first choice. Can Ted & Marcos people say the same?

  5. Cruz was my first choice, but he is just too nice a guy for this rough bunch of candidates.

    Rubio is in frantic mode, lying his socks off because he knows the people of Florida will not give him another 6 years in D.C., so it’s either the White House or bust.

    And then there’s Trump. Remember how we had Hope and Change in 2008? Well, we gonna make America great again…we are gonna build a wall, it will be a great wall…we are going to repeal and replace Obamacare with something better… why, hell if this ain’t Hope and Change for 2016!!! You’d think some people would catch on by now. I do believe when Trump is elected, most of his supporters will have buyer’s remorse. I just hope he is not another dumb ass mistake, America.

    Plus, I hope in my wildest dreams that he is not shilling for Hillary.

  6. Poor Yeb. A swig of guava juice from his sippy cup will make it all better. Besides, Rubio, his replacement is the establishment’s current tool – they will never give up. Yeb’s insistence on being a stuck up elitist guaranteed low polling numbers. Good riddance, Yebby!

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