Don’t Take Allen’s Advice in the Mace Aisle – IOTW Report

Don’t Take Allen’s Advice in the Mace Aisle

10 Comments on Don’t Take Allen’s Advice in the Mace Aisle

  1. I meet strangers almost every time I go to the store because I can’t reach the top two shelves. Tall people always seem happy to help a little old lady.

    Here’s a fun thing to do in the grocery store line. You have half a cart load, the 10 items or less line is really long because it’s lunch time. A guy gets behind you with a sub and a drink. Tell him you’ll give him cuts for a dollar, everybody gets a laugh – then you just wave him past you.

  2. Zonga, I keep an eye out for people like you. It’s the way my momma raised me. If you need something reached, I’ll get it. If they put the button to summon the butcher to the counter too high to reach from your wheelchair (not that YOU have one) I’ll holler for you.

    BUT, if I’m behind you in line and you’re paying with a check, please fill out everything but the amount before you hit the checkout.


  3. Lowel, Lowel, Lowel,

    (shakes head) thought I was the only one who noticed the morons checking out at the store seeming surprised the cashier expected money.

    It’s late in the day, everybody is tired and just wants to get through the line and go home. Not only checks, but those dim whits digging around in the large purse for the wallet, the kids whining, after everything has been checked out and bagged. Then the debit card doesn’t work and she starts digging around in the big sloppy purse and can’t scrape up $16 and wants to pick out something to put back. Finally, I just tell the woman to move on, and pick up her tab, then people down the line throw in a dollar or two.

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