Lionel on Conspiracy Theorists – IOTW Report

Lionel on Conspiracy Theorists

Lionel, a guy I haven’t heard in decades (he was a local guy in NYC that got his start by calling into other radio shows), talks about what being called a conspiracy theorist is designed to do – shut you up.

hat tip / kPark

9 Comments on Lionel on Conspiracy Theorists

  1. That was so interesting.

    It’s a crime how our educational system has beat the curiosity and logic from our youth. Remember when “question everything” was paramount to living in a free society? We have pretty much lost it with everyone needing to only hear their side and never contemplate a different reality than the one they believe in their heads.

    I don’t feel so bad about becoming a conspiracy theorist (or conspiracy analyst) anymore.

  2. This guy knocked it out of the park, as far as I’m concerned. We want to create an environment so hostile to evil people in power that they fear our wrath if they decide to follow their dirty instincts.

    As a child, I couldn’t fathom how my father could question what was written in the paper. My public school education indoctrinated me to believe in our institutions, including a free and fair press. My transformation into one who doubts everything I see in the media has taken decades, but it is complete. Even before I watch a movie, I like to know who the actors and director are, and what their political leanings are, so I can better understand the message they’re pushing. (I know, they’re almost all leftists.) I watch a lot fewer movies than I used to.

    A couple of big names on the conservative side of Twitter, Steven Crowder and Chuck Nellis, have made statements discouraging anyone from questioning the circumstances of Scalia’s death. Crowder compared it to questioning Breitbart’s death. I won’t be shamed into falling in line with the official stories, on either.

  3. Once it is understood the future the top are trying to create and put that in context with what (some) of us know to be true (metaphysically speaking), the contrast becomes increasingly obvious.
    It goes back to History of Origins.

  4. Lionel! I used to listen to him on NYC radio as well and always enjoyed him. I like “Conspiracy Analyst”. I am a self admitted Conspiracy Theorist and never felt the shame. It’s all around us, right out in the open, in large part. People who can’t see it are “Conspiracy Deniers”. Feel the sting, morons!

  5. Sometimes old people just die.
    On the other hand there is something to be said about conspiracy theories and those who pooh-pooh them. McCarthy was right, yet the Left used ridicule to make him look like a clown. Now look where we are. Two of ’em are actually running for President!

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