Here’s a Mirror For Anyone On the Right That Says They Won’t Vote For Trump If He’s the Nominee – IOTW Report

Here’s a Mirror For Anyone On the Right That Says They Won’t Vote For Trump If He’s the Nominee

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43 Comments on Here’s a Mirror For Anyone On the Right That Says They Won’t Vote For Trump If He’s the Nominee

  1. As some Trump supporters say they don’t care if Trump is a Socialist as long as he promises a wall on the border, it is rumored that Bernie is considering adding building a wall to his platform /S
    I doubt many republicans would vote for Hill or Bern.
    I do believe, however, that unless something substantial happens, a large number of Republicans are going to end up sitting out the election.

  2. funny that those that scream to the rooftops over Trump’s antics (been working so far….) are the same that see their candidates blatantly lie about other candidates to pander for votes & don’t bat an eyelash

    ..others here have already stated they’d vote for the demonRATs if Trump were the nominee …. temper tantrums because your boy is losing is never a good thing
    as Mark Levin so eloquently put it, “I’d vote for an orange juice can before I’d vote for Hillary” (though it seems that he has already gone over the cliff w/ the rest of the Cruzers)

  3. It looks more and more that my choices in the Fall will be:

    A) Trump
    B) Hillary
    C) Independent (Bloomie?)
    D) Stay Home

    I have never stayed home. It is understood that many did last time.
    I know Romney gets a lot of grief but has been right about a lot of things.
    Funny if you look back people brought up the 47% comment and the “dog on the roof” bullshit.

  4. 49 percent of voters will be pissed after the election.

    Having a hissy fit because your candidate is a zero shows majors sign of immaturity.

    But the press eats this shit up.

  5. Trump or the Regressive or sit it out?

    And there are supposed conservatives that would opt for the REgressive or sitting it out?

    Fucking just go kill yourself.

    If I could bring myself to eating a triple decker Bob Dole, McCain & Romeny shit sammich called the Rubio Special, you better get off your GD asses and vote Trump if he’s the guy.

  6. Good grief. She’s the one having a friggin’ temper tantrum. That she thinks Clinton or Sanders are more presidential shows what a numbskull she is. I’ll vote for whoever over either of those two. Sheesh, this just gets more and more ludicrous every day.

  7. Every one of the R candidates will betray us at some point. Some betrayals will be minor, some devastating. No one will ever be exactly the person we want them to be.

    You also know that any D candidate will betray us. They will do so gleefully as they are intent on destroying the country they hate for their gain.

  8. “As some Trump supporters say they don’t care if Trump is a Socialist”

    WTF. Do you have any idea how much money this guy has made by being a Capitalist? You are the only one I’ve ever heard use the words Socialist and Trump in the same sentence.
    You sure your not a Bernie supporter?

  9. Bad Brad, think JohnS is saying Trump is a Socialist. I think he meant people are saying even if he’s a Socialist, as long as he promises a wall, they’re good with him.

    As for this interviewee, she’s part of the GOPe. Soon we’ll probably learn she had a starring role in some Dem rally or something.

  10. These days I feel like I’m living in a world of Wah-Hon Williams clones! I think he may still be prefacing everything he says on FNC with his signature “Tea Partiers spit on a black congressman!” thing. It didn’t matter that he was telling a big, fat, whopping lie three, four, five times a day on national tee vee.

    So hard to say the following without swearing. What in thee hell is going on? I don’t know what else to say except that if you are convinced that Donald Trump is basically a liar, cheat and and a welcher, there’s no way in heaven or on earth you’ve listened to anything he’s said except for what has been clipped or said about him by pundits and anti-Trump bloggers.

    Make absolutely no mistake about it, Trump and Americans who want what he wants will bring it on home in November. Write in your other candidate, vote for the Left (their numbers are down by 30% over ’08, anyway). You won’t be consoled, you won’t change your minds, you won’t be convinced. Go suck your thumbs.

    Vote Trump or get stuck with Rubio. Get stuck with Rubio, cry on inaugural day when Killery holds up her right hand.

  11. Brad, I didn’t say Trump is a Socialist, nor was it my intent to imply he was.
    That said, his wealth and success to not make him a Capitalist anymore the Soros’ wealth and success does.
    Keep in mind though, Trump has lived his life as a model Progressive until very recently.
    Yes, Trump PROMISES to do things, but he has zero track record of accomplishing Conservative goals. As a matter of fact most of his political accomplishments have been directly opposed to Conservative ideals.
    A vote for Trump is based on faith alone.

  12. How many times do I have to say it, Progressives are progressives first, last and always.

    The Bushs are PROGRESSIVES (Utopian Stateists). This woman wants GOVERNMENT EXPANSION AND INTRUSION. She just thinks that the Progressive Republicans are better suited that Democrats (who are all Progressives) tear down what is left of America and FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE America into her view of Utopia. There really isn’t much more to say about the subject.

  13. hey bad brad –

    Bring it out, dust it off-

    Any conservative who insists on writing in a candidate, or voting for a 3rd party candidate, or not voting at all because “their guy” didn’t get nominated, or because they don’t like the guy who did, is certifiably insane. That is because you are doing the same stupid thing over and over again expecting different results.

    Any republican is better than any democrat. They can nominate Romney again, or Mitch McConnel, or John Boehner. I do not care one bit WHO is nominated.

    This is war.

    The leftists pick an electable candidate. Any breathing democrat who they think can steal enough votes to get elected will get the nomination.

    They will then talk that person up. They will not EVER say one single solitary thing bad about that nominee. They will say that nominees poop does not stink.

    They will then proceed to VOTE for that nominee at LEAST once and also drag everyone they can to the polls to vote for the nominee.

    Why? Because they actually understand that this is a war.

    The stupid conservatives are the ones who DONT understand that fact.

    If you are in a war and don’t understand that you ARE in a war you are going to LOSE every time.

    Vote for who you want to in the primary. DONATE to your favorite guy. PRAY that a good candidate gets nominated.

    BUT – once the primaries are over and there is a LEFTIST candidate and a NON-LEFTIST candidate –

    You only have two choices, and you had BETTER vote for the non-leftist.

    Otherwise you are a sucker, a fool, and a drooling moron.

    The drooling morons who DID NOT go and vote for Romney just because he had a few things about him they didn’t like handed this country over to 0bama for 4 more years.

    I HOPE those same people are not that stupid again.


    People need to realize this isn’t about principles.

    The primaries are what the principles are for.

    If people WRITE IN sam the dog catcher for president or vote for the excellent constitution party candidate or the Green party candidate because they want to toke it up on Friday night, that might be right based on principles but it’s a mistake politically.

    Your principles might make you want to stay at home and not vote because your grandma would spin in her grave if she found out you voted for someone who doesn’t believe in the same exact God that she did. That might be justifiable based on principles, but it’s a mistake politically.

    You can rest easy on your principles as you wait in the bread line because your principles got another liberal elected.

    If Hillary or some other lock-step leftist gets elected in 2016 I GUARANTEE YOU 100% they will piss all over what’s left of this country by then and flush the floaters down the toilet.

  14. Brad- I have a “friend” or “acquaintance” (whatever) who is all in for Carson, he sends out the group emails forwarding the Carson campaign emails and all that.

    I did a “reply-all” to him and all the CCs the other day and pasted in the above. (I changed “piss” to “urinate” just to avoid offending the old people)

    I haven’t heard back, but I hope I made my point.

  15. While I would vote for Trump if it came down to him or a Socialist Democrat (Hillary or Bernie, what’s the difference other than presentation), I do find it amusing how folks supporting Trump have no problem yelling at others and demanding they support Trump in the falls or else you are an {insert expletive here}.

    I wonder how many of them would be screaming that Trump run third party if he weren’t currently in the lead? Methinks it a bit early to begin bringing out your demands before we get at least a few more primaries done.

    But hey, he’s in the lead, demand away. If he doesn’t eventually win and he decides to run third party I await to see how many of you support the winner versus Trump as a write-in. It could be amusing.

    Just remember, It’s always easier to demand of others what you don’t have to consider for yourself.

  16. Woody, The only guy I would have advocated Trump run third party against just left the race. Any third party run by any candidate (except Bernie) would be suicidal for conservatives. Third party is no longer an option.

  17. Oh, the shoe is on the other hand now?

    I said on this forum numerous months ago, If I have to suck it up and chose between Yeb and Hillary. I’m either staying home or voting for Hillary.

    My rationale? Fcuk the establishment.

    This lady’s rationale? She’s in fcuking love with the establishment. That goofy looking half-prog is the whole fcuking problem from my point of view!

    She needs to lay off televised media. Having everything presented to you is no way to go through life. But then she’d probably have nothing better to do while inhaling a bag of chips and a half gallon of ice cream.

  18. @woody ~ seriously?
    first off, I haven’t seen too many here ‘yelling’ & ‘demanding’ anything of others. bob anon may have ruffled some feathers, but he wasn’t ‘demanding’ . most folks are saying that you need to support the eventual republican nominee, & not stay home on Election Day. Sitting home & pouting is only going the help the demonRAT/socialist/marxist candidate… & I’m glad you said you will support Trump, if he is the eventual nominee.
    & as far as a third-party candidate … I think anyone trying that at this late stage in the game is going to have a real hard time getting on all (any?) 50 state (& territories) ballots … & any write-in campaign would be total waste of time & effort

  19. Bob Anon is absolutely right. Third party, write-in, or staying at home….you may as well vote Democrat. Principles are important – extremely important – but so is strategy and using your brain. Anyone who doesn’t vote for the Republican nominee – whoever that may be – because of principles, is misguided at best, and a dirty rotten idiot in my humble estimation. I am so tired of this bickering. So and so likes Trump and so and so likes Cruz…each has their merits and downsides, but for the love of God…cannot we agree that the Left is what needs to be torn down – not each other’s candidates?

  20. If you sit out, the 3 or 4 Supreme Court nominations likey to open in the nextt POTUS term will be on your back. You must really love you children and/or grandchildren. This election is not about you. Get over losing you ego boost safe-space and open you teary eyes. The last man standing, whoever it is, is better than either or anyne on the other side

  21. I spoke to my husband about leaving the country!

    And the husband said: Listen you fucking ding-bat, I make $120,000 a year in a job I love. We have a beautiful home, three wonderful children, and two fucking late model cars. You want to leave? By all means leave, and don’t let the door hit you in the ass.
    You fucking moron! Now make me a sandwich and STFU!

  22. I agree that sitting out is wrong.
    That is why Trump and his supporters need to stop attacking Republican voters that are not siding with Trump at this moment.
    Almost everyone accepts that their candidate may not win, and stays with the party anyway.
    These attacks on the voters are building a lot of resentment, open your eyes and you will see it. It comes up often here and on every other site that still allows non Trump supporters a voice. Many sites practice ethnic cleansing when it comes to Trump detractors.
    I find this very reminiscent of the personality cult that drove Soetoro to his current position as our president. That was not a good thing for the country.
    Trump may very well be a good man for the job. His tactics, though, are usually matched to the kind of men we don’t want. He is a demagogue rather than a man of reason. It is rare that his type turn out to be what those who put him in power believe him to be.
    Also, a fair number of Republicans believe he really is still a Democrat.
    He can’t win with 35% of the Republican vote. Either he figures out a way to stop the damage being done and get his followers in line or, as happened with Romney, many Republicans will end up staying home feeling like all was lost.

  23. I’ve had discussions with my 86 year old mother about Trump. She’s a big Rubio supporter and initially said if Trump was the nominee she was sitting out the election.

    Finally convinced her that a “non vote” is a vote for the D candidate. As much as she hates the idea, she has now said she will for whomever the R candidate is, even if it’s Trump.

    Heck, if you can indict a ham sandwich, why can’t you vote for one?

  24. BFH,

    This would be more convincing if Trump had not publicly expressed support for basically every lefty policy under the sun. Do you really think he’ll be different from any other presidential candidate who suddenly finds conservatism when they need our votes?

    I have no faith in Trump. Frankly he seems like the type of thug who will turn into a Franco or Peron. I don’t dislike Trump because he’s not “my guy”. I don’t like him because he doesn’t stand for anything and he obviously doesn’t believe in anything except his own advancement. He’s as likely to push forward liberal policies as he is to follow thru with promises for a Wall.

  25. “he obviously doesn’t believe in anything except his own advancement.” I certainly don’t believe that. He is an American, true and true, who want’s to make America, America again. I don’t care how gruff he is or how he treats Meagan Kelly or Rosie O’Donnell; I don’t care how he treats John McCain or the Pope; I don’t care if he’s profane and has plumbers crack, and is a “blabbermouth.” If he’s nominated, he has my vote

  26. When Trump blamed GWB for 9/11 and said he lied about WMDs,
    I called him an asshole right here on IOTW. But that’s fine with me.
    We’ve been dealing permanent assholes for the last seven years, how should a few stupid remarks matter when we are being invaded by illegals, infested with socialists, losing our military, and falling deeper into debt?

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