NYT: “Serious Concerns with Refugee Terrorists in US” – IOTW Report

NYT: “Serious Concerns with Refugee Terrorists in US”

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The arrest of a California man on charges that he traveled to Syria to fight with terrorist groups, then lied about it to the Department of Homeland Security, offers new ammunition for both sides in the fierce debate over the refugee policy of the Obama administration.

PamelaGeller: The City Council, County Commissioners, School Board and churches are rebelling and protesting the Obama administration’s attempt to force the City of Hamilton, Montana to accept hundreds of Muslim invaders from “allegedly” Syria. But we know ISIS is printing those passports and they are sending who they want here.

Do you blame them?

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6 Comments on NYT: “Serious Concerns with Refugee Terrorists in US”

  1. So this John J Farmer, former senior counsel to the federal commission that investigated the 9/11 terrorist attacks and now a professor at Rutgers, thought everything regarding the screening of refugees was just peachy keen…despite much evidence to the contrary, including terrorists themselves claiming that they are infiltrating the refugees. It took these recent arrests in California and Texas for him to finally have “concerns.” What an effing genius.

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