One month ago Trump certain Rubio eligible, today not so much – IOTW Report

One month ago Trump certain Rubio eligible, today not so much


LegalInsurrection: I called it – as soon as Rubio rose to second place, Trump would cast doubt.

About a month ago, when Donald Trump was claiming that Ted Cruz probably was not eligible to be president, Trump was questioned by Jake Tapper about whether Marco Rubio was eligible.

Trump exhibited some legal understanding of the issue, citing an op-ed written by Harvard Professor Laurence Tribe. Trump’s conclusion was that he had no doubts Rubio was eligible:


19 Comments on One month ago Trump certain Rubio eligible, today not so much

  1. As far as I’m concerned, Rubio is not eligible. Not necessarily because of his ethnicity, but because he is a traitor.

    Also, if Cruz were to get the nomination, the dems would make sure that he was not “eligible” and seek to win by default.

    TRUMP 2016!

  2. Agreed.

    Trump is an attack dog.
    The only reason Rubio came in 2nd in SC is because Carson is still in the race, and Dems are voting in Republican primaries for Rubio…AKA, Operation Chaos.

  3. Trump on Carson:

    ‘Great guy, wonderful human, brilliant Doctor!’

    Trump on Carson when he takes the lead:

    ‘Pathological, just like a child molester, incurable and a liar’

    Trump on Cruz:

    ‘I like Ted, great man wonderful Conservative, eligible for President’

    Trump on Cruz when he takes the lead:

    ‘He’s Canadian, a liar and cant be a Christian because he lies.’

    hmmmm…anybody see a pattern forming?

  4. Chameleon Trump, will turn and change, as the winds, of his need to win, blow him along the path to his goals.

    We like the path his whirlwind tactics open for people who have been suppressed and oppressed under overgrown, ever expanding government.

    But the debris he leaves in his wake, might blind us to the destruction it wreaks.

    Wear goggles to keep your vision clear and use ear covers to fine tune his message. Look and listen for concrete vision, as he helps break the chains of disappointing politics.

    I am still grateful for his giving us hope that, maybe we can still save America. But, I am very afraid of another ‘Hope and Change’ egocentric, solipsistic leader that shoves his agenda down our throats, despite law and order as, delineated by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

    -I’m tired of life lived waiting for the next shoe to drop.
    -I’m tired of MSM stampeding America with a sense of panic and constant ‘alerts’, while hiding the truth.
    -I’m tired of lying, sneaky, money grabbing, career politicians who have forgotten that WE hired them.

    It might be refreshing to have a president that respects the Constitution and The Bill of Rights; in other words, my rights!

  5. The road to the Presidency is a dog and pony show. Trump is playing the game to win. He is a winner.

    The hoo polloi love him because he is genuine. Exc for Carson, the other candidates are LAWYERS and career politicians.

    The better Presidents were not career politicians. How many shit sandwiches must you eat before you finally decide to pick a different item from the menu ?!

    Look to Geo Washington for a stellar example. He was a military man, a farmer, a miller, a brewer, an inventor. After he was President he wanted to go back to HIS life.

    Can you imagine Trump staying in politics ?

    But many bleat about the importance of TERM LIMITS. With Trump they are essentially guaranteed.

  6. Trump is simply being a politician. A politician can say whatever they want with complete immunity. Trump is lobbing friction points at opponents credibility not because there’s any truth, but because someone somewhere will believe what he says.

    Zero and the other demokunts do it constantly. They’ve done it so much that lefturds believe all rethuglicans are waging a war on women.

  7. Sam — Read Art of the Deal. It’s in there. Trump tells you everything about his ‘art’. To the uninitiated, it seems like a dervish, chaotic at times, unpredictable, certainly.


    Other of his books that give insight:

    Trump: The Art of the Comeback, 1997

    The America We Deserve, 2000

    (check out the “look inside” feature at the Amazon link. Published in 2000, Trump’s observations about politics and the direction America was taking in that time is prescient. It gives good insight to his thinking about leadership in gov’t.) Hope this is helpful to you.

  8. >hmmmm…anybody see a pattern forming?>>>

    I saw Cruz glad-handing and backslapping Trump in public while behind closed doors laughing it up with his gang about how he was just playing Trump.
    Then Cruz followed up by producing ads that are complete fabrications about Trump. (Eminent domain.)

  9. No offence intended BFH, however, the use of the “but look at what Cruz did” defense is really rather weak.
    Whenever little Sally got in trouble she always pointed at her brother and brought up something he did.

  10. Speaking of patterns. I watched as Cruz stops seemed more and more like I was watching a revival.
    Enter Beck and I expect to see Cruz walk on stage with snakes.

    I think this developing pattern will end, however, now that Cruz saw that the Christian demographic in South Carolina wasn’t all that impressed with Cruz, the strict constitutionalist, “bringing the face of Jesus to America.”

    You’d expect the smartest man in the world to understand there is something off-putting about a 1A expert, running for president, with a monkey-boy sidekick at his hip talking about the rapture and the signs from the lord guiding this process -particularly a monkeyboy who made his bones warning of the coming caliphate.

    Which caliphate was he warning about?

    Now before anyone goes full bore on me, there is an anti-establishment clause.
    The strict constitutionalist Cruz is getting awfully close to beclowning himself when connected at the hip with the charlatan Christian Beck.

    He has only himself to blame.

    I do expect this pattern to end, however, because Cruz is smart.

  11. No offense taken John.
    I can see the error.

    I’m exactly like Sally.

    When Menderman points out that Trump said that Carson was a great man, and then said he wasn’t such a great man, in order to illustrate how Trump is not such a great man, the unwritten Sally-rule goes into effect.


    If only *I* was the one that first pointed out that Cruz at first said Trump was a great man and then not such a great man, Menderman would have been forbidden, under the unwritten Sally-rule, to point out that Trump did it, and you’d be telling Menderman how weak he was if he tried to say Trump did it.

    Man. It’s all about the timing!!!

  12. Quote from above;

    “Then Cruz followed up by producing ads that are complete fabrications about Trump. (Eminent domain.)”
    {end quote}

    Just curious BFH, but do you have a link by chance?

    I ask because while the sentence in the commercial saying;

    “Trump colluded with Atlantic City insiders…….to bulldoze the home of an elderly lady”

    While this sentence is misleading to anyone who does not know the background due to the pause in the middle, it is hardly a complete fabrication about Trump.

    Did he work with the Casino Board in Atlantic City to take her property? YES

    Was the plan to bulldoze her home and use it for parking? YES

    The only other sentences in the commercial are vague generalities declaring that Trump likes Eminent Domain and then showing a video clip of him saying he likes Eminent Domain.

    So I was just wondering if there were other commercials about eminent domain that I missed and that were complete fabrications.

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