Too Many Falls Over the Ottoman? – IOTW Report

Too Many Falls Over the Ottoman?

Dick Van Dyke has an urgent message for us all. He says Bernie Sanders is saying the “emperor has no clothes” while we say “he has clothes.”

What in Alan Brady is this guy talking about? How does this fable fit into our current political climate?

He also says Sanders is an alarm bell.

Is the alarm bell the one that signals that you can vote yourself cash?

On one hand Bernie Sanders says he wants to get money out of the political process, and on the other he says once he’s elected he will control ALL THE MONEY.

At the end of this video, Dick says Bernie Sanders’ voice “is the last one we might ever hear.”

Why? The country is going to collapse unless Bernie Sanders, a guy who was a bum until he was 40, gets to control the means of production in America? The country is going to collapse unless every stoner gets to go to college in order to stave off adulthood for as long as possible?


15 Comments on Too Many Falls Over the Ottoman?

  1. Hollywood is backing Sanders because …. , wait. How is Hollywood going to make any money if Sanders is elected?

    Dick must have electrocuted himself and fried his last brain cells when wrapped that string of lights around his Kwanzaa tree. ?

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