That’s Entertainment!!! – IOTW Report

That’s Entertainment!!!

Obama laughs about having to make judge appointments.


Hey, we have to run a special election because Ted Kennedy died from that brain tumor!! AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHaaaaaaaaaaassholes.

See video—->

ht/ Bad Brad

21 Comments on That’s Entertainment!!!

  1. That video would end an honest man’s career.

    “getting as much done as you can for the people you represent” == he represents the caliphate and that is who he is working hard for. He has never done anything in favor of America. Fucking bastard. How disrespectful and hateful does that piece of shit have to get before somebody says “that’s enough” and does something about it?

  2. Yeah, I would like to see President Biden chuckling about making that SCOTUS nomination that Obama never got around to before Air Force One got shot down over Cuba. That would be amusing.

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