Farrakhan Calls On Black People To Rebuild Detroit – IOTW Report

Farrakhan Calls On Black People To Rebuild Detroit

Well, they’re the ones who tore it down, maybe they remember where they left everything.

Farrakhan went on to say he doesn’t want any basketball courts donated to Detroit by any sports figures.

He says that only promotes a “basketball plantation.”


Farrakhan recalled how slave owners once put men up on an auction block where buyers could evaluate them.

“Well, that’s that what you do in sports. You run up and down the field, show them how swift you are, how clever you are,” he said. “And they’re sitting there, watching you, timing you: ‘That’s a good one. I’ll get him. I’m drafting him.’”

Yes, and once the slave owner assessed that they were swift and clever they would hand the slaves a multi-million dollar contract. It’s all in the history books.. on the mother ship.

ht/ FDR in Hell

26 Comments on Farrakhan Calls On Black People To Rebuild Detroit

  1. Any premise with the words black and build in it, just isn’t going to make much sense. The above story is a good example.

    And Farakkan isn’t helping by denigrating blacks who have worked hard and made their mark with sports.

  2. Heh, heh … negroes … gonna rebuild a city!

    That’s rich, Calypso Gene … that’s rich.

    In a million fuckin years they never built a single city in Africa, but their gonna build one in Michigan?

    Good luck with that!

    They can’t do shit without the Demonrats tellin em how …
    and that’s a fact.

  3. Hey Louie,

    Go on and get your black folk to rebuild DeToilet. Do it without Whitey’s help and without Whitey’s tax dollars.

    Maybe Beonche can do a benefit concert to help fund it. Ask Kanye for some cash….Oh yeah, he burned through millions on his “art” and some big bootie.

    We’ll get some popcorn and watch……..

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