“Hello Baby Boy, Hi Sweet Man” – IOTW Report

“Hello Baby Boy, Hi Sweet Man”

Mother holds premature son for the first time.

11 Comments on “Hello Baby Boy, Hi Sweet Man”

  1. My grandson was three months premature and spent three months in the NICU. It was hard to see him out of the womb and struggling to survive. He is almost five now, and he’s a tough, headstrong little guy, and I thank God for him every day.

  2. My son was born at 27 weeks and that video triggered a flood of tears even though it was 23 years ago next month!! We were very fortunate to live close to a hospital with a NICU so I could visit several times a day. We were also blessed because he had no problems associated with premature birth, even though he became sick in the hospital shortly after birth and it was touch and go for a while. His weight dropped to under a kilo. Whenever I visited him at the hospital, I brought books to read to him, starting with the Peter Rabbit series. I figured it was never too early to start reading to him. Lol!

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