Cecil’s Revenge – IOTW Report

Cecil’s Revenge

Since the publicity over the trophy killing of the majestic African lion Cecil, Zimbabwe has been suffering mass slaughter of wildlife in the nation’s preservers.


It’s because no one comes to hunt the lions anymore and the predator population has gotten out of control.


So Zimbabwe is having to “cull” lions itself to try to save what’s left.




They’re calling it “the Cecil effect.”


9 Comments on Cecil’s Revenge

  1. The anti-hunting people are really anti-animal people.
    As long as hunting is allowed we are as likely to see a hunted animal go extinct as we are to see corn or dairy cows go extinct.

  2. Liberal dreamers anthropomorphize their own idiotic attributes onto lethal predators while they are thousands of miles away and completely removed both physically and and in understanding from the situation.
    They demand others live with danger so they can ‘feel’ they have done something to ‘bring about positive change’
    They have no concept of predator, or any wildlife management nor any idea what it might be like to live where dangerous animals hunt for food.
    Killing a Lion through hunting gives the animal a LOT better death than through the usual several weeks long death by starvation or disease.

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