I believe the disgusting firecrotch, Melissa Click, when she says she thought student journalist had a gun – IOTW Report

I believe the disgusting firecrotch, Melissa Click, when she says she thought student journalist had a gun

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Misclick says she only violated a student’s civil rights because she feared he had a gun.

Okay. I believe her. So what did she do in response?  —>

She calls out randomly to a sea of students inviting them to come rough up the guy she thought had a gun.

Okay, now add a reckless endangerment charge, in addition to her firing.

17 Comments on I believe the disgusting firecrotch, Melissa Click, when she says she thought student journalist had a gun

  1. I am stunned by such execrable stupidity.
    Wait, no I’m not. It is an American College campus, after all.
    Quite possibly the most stupid and craven person I have ever heard of.
    If I were in the group of people she asked for some muscle (some hundred people she asked to rough up a stranger whom she ‘thought’ might have a gun) I would sue.
    Many would be the suits I would bring.
    I would sue Mizzou, her, her parents, the Teachers union, the alumni association, the tenure board (if she had it) I would sue everybody my three foot tall lawyer with an eyepatch could think of.
    I would sue with the ferocity of a badger with a road flare up its ass.
    I would own that University, all the buildings, the grass, and all the sunshine that ever falls upon it.

  2. Loco and Joe just wrote the two comments I have about this. Fur, do you make up this stuff, ’cause I’ve never heard most of terms before? So terribly apt.

    the Left is insane. Our kids are being taught by the insane.

  3. Okay, our kids are being taught by the insane but as luck would have it, once Bernie takes over, the education will be free,
    Free, just like our healthcare is free. Or free, as in every vacation and perk our pansy assed prez and his fat bitch of a mooch wife can get.

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