Juvenile Display – IOTW Report

Juvenile Display

Freedom From Religion was allowed by the State Preservation Board of Texas to put up a display this last Christmas season in the state capitol building.


 Governor Greg Abbott had it removed and declared that the board had exceeded its authority when it “approve displays that purposefully mock the sincere religious beliefs of others.”

 Freedom From Religion decided not to turn the other cheek.


They are suing the governor now on constitutional grounds.



The solution to a free speech dispute is usually more free speech not less.


10 Comments on Juvenile Display

  1. I couldn’t figure out what was “offensive” about the picture, nobody is naked or bleeding or anything, so I clicked to the Blaze link & read that Abbot is offended because it resembles a Christian Nativity scene & I guess the Bill of Rights is supposed to be Baby Jesus. I’m not offended. Hell, I didn’t even recognize that it’s supposed to be blasphemous or whatever until I went all the way over to another website! I can’t muster the energy to take offense at something that I couldn’t even figure out on my own is supposedly offensive. Having said that, I also want to add that Dr. Tar is right.

  2. I think the governor’s office should have had interns take up station next to the display and explain that while Freedom from Religion has the 1st amendment right to be rude jackasses and mock religion, the governor would like to point out that the group is nothing more than a ban of anti-Christian bigots who enjoy the attention from being massive Jackasses at every opportunity.

    That’s more free speech to add further context to the situation and give the citizens of Texas the right to decide for themselves who is being offensive.

  3. Freedom From Religion has never taken on Pisslam. Think they might be more than a little cowardly? Dr. Tar summed it up as a band of anti-Christian bigots.

    That display didn’t offend me either.

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