Caterpillar Looks Like Trump’s Hair – IOTW Report

Caterpillar Looks Like Trump’s Hair

It’s an actual caterpillar


And its sting will brand your arm like you’ve been stomped by Trump’s Ferragamo’s.


13 Comments on Caterpillar Looks Like Trump’s Hair

  1. Those are no laughing matter. We have puss caterpillars (although everybody calls them “asps” – wonder why?) here, so I’m very familiar with them. They live on oak trees, and if you ever accidentally lay the soft underside of your forearm down on one, you won’t be making any jokes involving the word “puss”, or any derivation thereof.


  2. I just came up with a sci-fi plot. It’s like Robert Heinlein’s “The Puppet Masters” only in this case the parasite doesn’t hide it just disguises itself as a head of hair and sits on top of the person’s head in plain sight. And they have a plot to take over the White House. (And for the record that’s not intended as any kind of dig against Donald Trump).

  3. Holy cow! I was just thinking of these on Friday.

    I don’t know why, but we called them Asps back in the 60s, in Dallas.

    I did a general pest job on a lake cabin on Friday. I found Brown Recluse spiders and Scorpions in the glue traps. Sadly, I found more beneficial critters than bad ones.

    The Brown Recluse is serious, it’s the worst spider I know of in Texas and I needed to talk to the customer about it. With that on my mind, I was leaving down the dirt road and my mind was on the the nastiest critters I’ve dealt with my whole life.

    These damn caterpillars were the terror of my childhood. Go down a slide in the shady backyard and have a part of your body screaming at you by the time you reach the bottom.

    Already being stung several times, I was pretty vigilant by the time I was 6. I came home from school one day and found dozens of them all over my front porch. Walls, doors, cement – everywhere. I felt like I was in a Hitchcock movie. Scary. Kept me out of the house for a bit.

    The fascinating thing about them is that they are beautiful. The ones on that porch were almost all differently patterned. Some were vanilla with brown tips. Some were rippled with brown and vanilla, plus many other variations. It was kind of mesmerizing knowing the excruciating pain they cause while gazing at their individuality and beauty.

  4. Something else that occurred to me about these particular critters, I can’t remember the last time I saw one. They were everywhere back then and everyone knew about them. I’m glad they’re not so prevalent around here any more. None of my kids or grand kids have ever experienced one.

    Can we credit Globull WarmChangerino with that?

    Nobody ever talks about the benefits of a warmer Earth. It can’t be all bad all the time. Math doesn’t let that happen. .

  5. @ Vietvet posted before I read. I know you know them too well.

    As a child, the name Asp didn’t make sense to me either since I knew an Asp was a snake. But I got that they both hurt like a M. F. so it worked for me.

  6. “But you will only do it once.”

    ha ha ha ha ha !

    That would be a no-shit truth. I have never had the urge to touch ANY caterpillar because of them.

    Same as I would have no prob throwing away any shoes left out all night after a scorpion that snuggled up in my shoe stung me.

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