Free Beacon Imagines The First Hillary versus Trump Debate – IOTW Report

Free Beacon Imagines The First Hillary versus Trump Debate

Free Beacon

I mean, honestly, imagine the first one-on-one debate between he and Hillary Clinton. Think about the scene for a moment: two podiums, two contenders, an otherwise empty stage. She’ll say something mildly disparaging—criticize his bankruptcies, or something—and Donald Trump will, on live TV, reply with something along the lines of, “At least my husband didn’t fly around with pedophiles on Air F*ck One. He’s a bad person, a very nasty—you know, I may have gotten divorced, but at least I wasn’t aboard the Lolita Express!”

ht/ PT

20 Comments on Free Beacon Imagines The First Hillary versus Trump Debate

  1. Hey, they could both wear there Sore-Ass scars as badges of honer

    if facts matter anymore :
    By: Jen Kuznicki | February 28, 2016

    “” However, in 2011, when considering a White House bid, Trump attended a Tea Party rally and told people to, “Leave George Soros alone, he has enough problems,” giving the distinct impression that Trump might just owe the global manipulator money. “”

  2. Some question suggestions, for the debate:

    Where did all the Libyan anti-aircraft missiles go?

    Who funds and arms ISIS? Why?

    Who overthrew the elected government of Ukraine, so the Saudis could take the EU natural gas market away from Russia? And in exchange for what?

    Who has a charitable foundation, with subsidiaries conveniently located in foreign countries with lax disclosure laws, which nay have been used to accept bribes from foreign governments in exchange for classified information, transferred via an unsecured private e-mail server?

  3. Everything is a lie. Believe nothing.
    If it’s coming out of the media (any media) or a pundit – it’s a LIE.

    South Carolina:
    HRC – 271,514 out of 367,491 votes cast.
    DJT – 239,851 out of 737,924 votes cast.

    D – 2 Candidates
    R – 6 Candidates

    The Demonrats and socialists are showing about as much enthusiasm for the Demonrat/socialist ticket as normal people do about an upcoming root canal.

    Even HRC’s and BS’s supporters know that they (HRC, BS, and themselves) are filthy, Hate-America, socialist thieves and liars, hellbent on destroying this Once-Great country.

  4. Woody,

    Well that’s that. You’ve convinced me that I’m not going to support Trump at all, because when Trump says he’s going to build a wall to keep illegals out that appeals to white supremacists.
    When he says he will stop muslim refugee settlements in America that appeals to white supremacists.

    I’ve got news for you –
    There are aspects of the conservative platform that APPEALS TO WHITE SUPREMACISTS!!!

    Let’s not pretend it doesn’t.

    When European countries protest the policies of their government that have inundated them with Muslim refugees, the leftist pundits call the protestors white supremacists.

    Many of the protesters are, not all. But the cause is not a white supremacist cause.

    What Shapiro is doing is despicable, not Trump.
    He’s trying to paint Trump as a guy who’s courting David Duke when he’s not.
    What exactly is Trump’s policy that is attracting white supremacists that is different than Cruz?

    Answer that.

  5. lol. Trump got the question of David Duke’s endorsement at his Chris Christie presser the other day. I didn’t catch which “news” org was asking. Trump responded: “No, I didn’t know David Duke endorsed me. I denounce him, okay, ya happy now?” Then he made his ‘pfffft’ face and gave the reporter the wave off. Media pundits, I hope, have reason now to be afraid of asking stupid questions. They’re only asking these scandalous questions in order to get their sh*tty narrative out there on the air waves.

  6. I would be for Trump big time if I could believe him but he is all over the map on everything except that immigration. It is the duty of potus to enforce immigration. Thing is Cruzevsays he would Dr o that too. And he is believable on every thing else.

  7. jpm — How can you say that Cruz is believable on everything else? He approved ads that said Trump was in favor of abortion, amnesty, gun control and against freedom of speech. All of it, lies. More importantly, Cruz made it possible for the passage of TPP/TPA then voted against a gutless bill he knew would have no effect so he could say he voted against it. He lied about his loans from GS and he hired Jeff Roe, infamous muckraker, to lead his oppo campaign. These things are not opinion, they are verifiable. There is much more to support this assertion.

  8. I for one simply cannot for the Trump-Clinton faceoff.

    My prediction: Trump will wipe the floor of the stage with her pantiliners, and make her eat them.

    Moe, whatchoo say we park our asses on some McLean Avenue barstools the night of the debate? I haven’t a teevee in my house.

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