Dan Joseph on #NeverTrump – IOTW Report

Dan Joseph on #NeverTrump

Via Menderman –

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Dan says if you support Trump you’re dumb.

52 Comments on Dan Joseph on #NeverTrump

  1. Ironically if this guy was around when Reagan was running he would be saying the same thing about Reagan that he is about trump now. Reagan was viewed almost identically as Trump is now before he was elected. It’s true. Google it.

  2. The establishment and the “PURE CONSERVATIVES” willing to fulfill their prophecy, that Trump will lose to Hillary. Just like they went after Tea Party candidates that primaried and beat their people. Then they refused to back the Tea Party/Republican candidate and helped the Dems win.

  3. I stand with Dan. In my humble opinion, He is doing this at great risk to both his career and his personal reputation. He is not doing this to be popular.

    I share his belief that electing Trump will be more damaging to the country than electing hiliary.

    I will never vote for either.

  4. From.the comments:

    “The question is do we even want Trump supporters in the Republican party any longer. I say fcuk no, go away. They are just to dumb to assosciate with.”

  5. I was an adult when Nixon was president.
    Yes, the LEFT was saying things like that about Reagan, but Republicans were solidly behind the guy.
    Reagan was well known, as was how he governed. he was the governor of my state, CA.
    Revising history to make your guy look good needs to go back to the Democrat party where it belongs and stay there.
    The ONLY comparison that can be made between Trump and Reagan is that they both ran as Republicans after having previously being Democrats.
    However, Reagan didn’t change his viewpoints or philosophy when he changed parties. He knew what was right for most of his life.

  6. JohnS

    You are so wrong dude. Reagan got his start in California following Goldwater who was viewed as an extremist. By both sides. You can’t just write shit down and think the magically what you’ve written is a fact. Do some more research. I was an adult then too. Remember it well.

  7. JohnS.

    Republican Senator Chuck Percy of Illinois in 1975 to the New York Times: “A Reagan nomination and the crushing defeat likely to follow could signal the beginning of the end of our party as an effective force in American life.”

    Republican Representative Pete McCloskey of California in 1976: “A Reagan win would be a disaster for the GOP.”

    Republican Representative James Cleveland of New Hampshire predicted another Goldwater debacle if Reagan is the GOP nominee.

    In 1976, Reagan was publicly told by two Republican governors to get out of the race against Ford: Virginia Governor Mills Godwin and North Carolina Governor James Holshouser. On the eve of the North Carolina primary, the Ford White House prepared a telegram signed by a DOZEN Republican governors, telling Reagan to get out of the race.

    Appearing on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360,” Jeffrey Lord, an associate political director in the Reagan White House, said moderate Republicans said many of the same things about Reagan that they are now saying about Trump.

    “I’ve gone back and looked. These were precisely the kind of things that were said about Ronald Reagan,” Lord said before citing examples. “This is old news and moderates in the Republican Party have been saying this for decades and they said it all about Ronald Reagan and, you know, we know what happened.”

  8. American Spectator-

    They didn’t like him.

    To be more precise, they thought him an extremist, un-electable, an ultra-right wing nut, dumb, ignorant and, more to the point, not one of their crowd.

    One out of six was absolutely correct.

    Ronald Reagan was not one of their crowd. Ever.

    The “crowd”” was The Establishment. The Establishment as it appeared in all of its various incarnations during Ronald Reagan’s political life. First it was the California Republican Party Establishment. Then the Liberal Establishment. Followed by the national Republican Party Establishment. Next up was The Eastern Establishment. Last but not least was the Washington Establishment.

    And in each and every case save one (1976), Reagan — and more to the point today — the people who came to be known as “conservatives” or “Reaganites” beat those Establishments like a drum.

  9. BB; I don’t know where you were back then, but I suspect you were not yet a gleam in your fathers eye.
    Short version of just the highlights.
    Reagan fought communists at the screen writers guild, then went on a cross country speaking tour, then to CA.
    Essentially, a complete encyclopedia could be written about what you DON’T know about Reagan.
    On the other hand, you use Google, so you have an obvious disability.

  10. JohnS

    Please read the post directly above your last one. You live in an alternate universe my friend. What FUR copied is accurate. I’m 59. And living in SoCal as a kid my parents were YUGE Barry Goldwater fans. The use to go and listen to his speeches and a young Hollywood actor was alway there opening the show for Goldwater. Trump and Reagan are not viewed that much differently, pre election.

  11. Trump is not Reagan. Reagan had principles. He stuck to them , and could articulate them in a brilliant and coherent manner. Trump is flip flopper. One day he sounds “Greatly” conservative, the next day he is “Very Strongly” liberal.

  12. FUR, When Reagan ran for Governor of Cali he was viewed as a dangerous outsider by the State Republican Party. He was never excepted by the GOP until his last term as President.

  13. BFH; BB; You are hearing what you want to hear.
    Yes a fair percentage of the Republican establishment didn’t like Reagan. However, pick a Republican candidate, all the way back to Lincoln, and I can produce Republican pols and talking heads that didn’t like the guy. Remember, Romney and McCain got even more bad reviews than Trump is.
    The difference is that Reagan didn’t need open primaries as Republicans were solidly behind the guy. We were not near rebellion over the guy as we were with McCain, Romney, and now Trump.
    Don’t pee on my head and tell me it is raining.
    Reagan was a principled, self depreciating gentleman whose principles were never “open to negotiation”.
    Yes, he was human, he made mistakes, the amnesty was a huge one, but comparing him to Trump is a miss by a mile.

  14. Yes, the GOPe of the 70’s hated Reagan, we all know that. Now, the TEA party conservatives hate Trump. Is there sill a TEA Party?

    What is your point?

    Let’s elect Trump to piss off the GOP?

    Electing Hiliary does that too.

  15. Some of you are still missing the point that being Reagan never changed his views to change parties. Trump on the other hand has done exactly this, changing his views to wedge himself into the GOP. Consider this, we all get miffed about the abortion issue as the GOP just won’t fight for it and damn it neither will Trump.

    Yeah, I know, he’s the great business leader that’s stepped all over anyone in his way to get where he is today and I have little doubt he will do exactly this regarding the Constitution…step all over it.

  16. UPDATE: The passage below is not a quote from Menderman. Yes, I know it doesn’t have quotes around it, and 99% of you understood that this is a device used by people when debating where you state their position back to them in the form of a reduction of their positions, but I’ve put the disclaimer in nonetheless so that the person can move beyond it and not obsess over it.

    Hey Left-Wing!!!

    You know all that stuff we said about Hillary for 8 years, that she belonged in jail, etc.
    WE WERE ONLY KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!

    – Menderman

  17. ahhhh, Chuck Percy, US Senator from Illinois, I remember him well.

    I was a Percy District Campaign coordinator in the then 22nd Congressional District in 1983-84. Very nice man, wonderful wife, excellent staff, thoughtful Liberal/Moderate Republican.

    Pissed off republicans stayed home on election day in ’84 and we got Liberal Socialist Sen. Paul Simon from 1984 to 1997. Then Liberal Socialist Senator Dick Durbin, Harry Reid’s right hand hack. Durbin will be there until 2020. Even a squishy republican is better than the opposition’s choice.

    So no, I’ll get out and vote for the GOP nominee….Hillary’s ascension to the Presidency would be far worse than either Simon or Durbin becoming US Senators.

    If you fail to support the nominee (Trump, Cruz or even Rubio) you have failed the United States and all the people who made this Nation Great.

    So on this one, Newt is right. The nominee will get my vote and Dan has become part of the problem.

  18. i am cali native. my dad was chairman of goldwater campaign in san diego. reagan visited our home during campaign.

    in 67, reagan signed into law the therapeutic abortion act as governor.

    i forgave and voted for him. what i can’t forgive him is siring ron jr.

  19. I would rather roll the dice with Trump or Cruz than live with a Hillary or Bernie any day. That being said how much will it matter when everything hits the fan would be the big Q?
    Would trump use the weapons of government agencies to take out his enemies as we’ve seen with Obama and probably a Hillary?
    If a president of United States can’t be trusted with his pen and his phone, they should take his Pen away then the phone.

  20. Dan Joseph,

    I am going to be releasing videos that illustrate how electing Trump will be bad for conservatism, even if not supporting him results in a Hillary win.”

    Keep deluding yourself that being part of NEVERTRUMP is simply not voting for him.

    Whatever you say.

  21. No, what is sad is that you’ve been on iOTW for 7 years and you don’t recognize satire.

    >>>>>>>>Hey Left-Wing!!!

    You know all that stuff we said about Hillary for 8 years, that she belonged in jail, etc.
    WE WERE ONLY KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!

    – Menderman>>>>>>>>>

    This is known as taking your stance and bundling together and showing it to you like a mirror.

    Interesting that you decide to attack the “sty;e” of my points rather than address the points.

    You’re up for a job against another candidate.

    I parade outside with a sign that says NEVERMENDERMAN.
    But don’t worry. I’m not voting for the other dude.

  22. Man I Watched Trumps press conference and he was damn presidential and congratulated Ted Cruz on his win in Texas. He called for unity. Ted Cruz is on now, and he’s a DICK. I hear one more pregnant religious pause I’m gonna shit. Fuck that guy.

  23. Brad, how long until Trump says something really stupid again?

    I am all for him taking the high road and acting presidential.
    How long will this last?

    Trump needs to quit being so thinned skin.
    He is going to get absolutely hammered by the MSM and Hillary for the next eight months.
    He needs to lock it down and control his emotions.
    They will bait him like his republican opponents have the past week.

    All this talk of litigation from Trump every time he gets his feathers ruffled and yet you chaps complain about lawyers.

  24. @BFH – yes, the establishment GOP did not like Reagan. They do not like Trump. That is where the similarity ends. If you are trying to imply that Trump is just like Reagan then I am very disappointed in you. Reagan was gentleman – a man of principle. Even the most mouth-frothing Trump cheerleaders cannot say that about Trump. Well, they could say it but it wouldn’t be true. I am going from “yeah, I’ll vote for the asshole” to “not sure any more – his supporters are raving lunatics.”

  25. Loco, I think he might have just switched gears tonight. If you haven’t seen his press conference check it out. Mean while Cruz and Rubio gave press conferences and they both look like GOP establishment hit men. If not now, very shortly Trump will go from the defensive to the offensi and that’s when his tone will change. You owe it to yourself to find Trumps press conference.

  26. I think the system is so thoroughly trashed, that Cruz or Trump is a moot point. But these dipshits who would help hand the Whitehouse to Cankles McDouchenozzle, just because they don’t like the eventual Republican nominee? They’re like petulant, little diaper fillers. (not filling little diapers) (that would be silly). No one can make a rational argument, that a Clinton administration is preferable to ANY other option. Potential Supreme Court appointments, and the Veto pen are good enough reasons to want anyone but Her Thighness.

  27. I like Trump and Cruz, but I also like Sanders–he gives me that Uncle Bernie feeling and makes me reminisce about the Sixties and Seventies. He’s got that persona; that’s why so man young people like him. Plus the free college.

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